Game-exit bug is hampering hardcore

You are totally false, I had the game day one. You are funny you know. You don’t know anything about me, I bought d2 in cd version version day one , when it was only 640*480 resolution. Try again, go on, tell me my age, my experience, go on kid. The truth is that you can’t stand when others don’t share your opinion, so you say it’s nonsense then you don’t know the game and other things you have no clue, because you just can’t admit ppl against your opinion. Pathetic. At this point I feel pity.

Same bs happened to me. Killed Pindleskin, left game (before the massive horde woke up), tried to make another game… “Unable to create because character is still in game”.

Trash. I’ll only play single player HC in the future, if I even do.

Chicken was Alt+F4 by same script engine as maphack and early bot. Back in 1.08/1.09 pretty much every hardcore player used chicken. Exit through menu is completely different. Unlike pseudo “lost connection” Alt+F4 exit using menu is explicit message to a server - I’m out.

You may feel “pity” but do the test by yourself : leaving the game either with the menu or with alt F4 is instant disconnection, either in Town/ Combat / Multiplayer / Solo.
You can even test it with friends. It’s instant leaving in D2R and in D2 original as expected.

What you fail to understand is that people experiencing being “already in-game” while trying to join a game were actually already laging before leaving their game.
They did not want to “cheat death”, they simply were lagging and tried to leave because the game was not responding. Leaving, esc or alt f4 does not keep you 40 sec+ in game, but LAG does. And it defeats the way d2 has been designed originally, and how the game has been working for 20 years.

Once again, all the current deaths of people who just left the game and “character already in-game”, actually were lagging (or cpu freeze) before they left the game. Most deaths would have been prevented with the regular 8 seconds which is not cheesy because way more dangerous to pull the plug than to instant leave a game, let alone using a potion. (avoids being killed slowly by 1 trash mob)

So the argument to say that pulling the plug are cheaters who want to avoid death is simply ridiculous. D2R disconnection delay should be brought back to 8 seconds with absolutely no negative impact.

So instead of trying to ridicule me, provide actual experiments of your own. Because you may not know how “veteran” I am either.

The other current problem of the forum is that there is no hardcore section, so the minority of hardcore players are answered by big chunk of the sc community who don’t necessarily have dug and encountered lagging and dying with its intricacies.
While being far from a d3 lover, they forums do have a hardcore section.

That’s a feature of hardcore. You don’t just get to dip instantly out of games even in softcore.

Don’t play that mode.

Sorry no Baalor. You don’t even consider reading. You are another reason and comment why the forum needs a hardcore section with people who know who they are talking about. Sad because I thought One general section for everyone was better initially.

You do realize that even softcore has this issue, right? I’ve joined games where my body is there, even a decade ago when I played D2. Even when I left a game alive. Its the way the game is made. Characters persist in the game, because they are not stored locally on your machine, they’re on the server. This is why joining a new game so quickly after leaving one leads to the fateful, “Failed to join game.”

That message was a direct result of your character trying to be present in two games on the server at once. This same design is why early in D2R’s launch we started seeing that message, “Player is in another game” or whatever it said. That was a bug, because the character would never leave that game, or more likely its status would never be updated.

So, now that you’ve realized your wrong - this is a design flaw with the game period. Which would require a major overhaul of how the game engine does connectivity. Likely not going to happen.

Baalor, of course we are well aware it’ is the case both in hc and sc. But if you knew D2 original and HC, you would know that it was not happening there. And by the way, the way d2 original handles it would fix the problem in D2R, SC included. 8 seconds disconnected :

Timeout message ingame and “your connexion has been interupted” screen after 8 seconds. And once you have connexion to lobby, you can reconnect.

Thank you for proving my point.

Sure. You’re wrong, but okay, its clear you either lack intelligence, or this issue strikes too close to your heart.

You understood nothing of what I said, I didn’t say pulling the plug, I said esc exit, which is totally different.
I didn’t try to mock you, but you made me laugh, with a mix of pity instantly saying ppl have no clue, never knew the game etc, when you are actually totally wrong as I play the game since d1. And I told you the esc + quit is used a lot whatever you want to admit or not. So, for me, if you can understand that, if you are not able to quit the game in town, the very least is to be sure there is absolutely nothing left on aggro range before esc a game out of town, if the server takes 10 sec it’s on for me, whatever you want or not, so, I don’t share your opinion. Get over it.

Almost just ripped lvl 93 paladin on new ladder. This still hasn’t been fixed? What is causing this?

Has this happened to you again man? Almost ripped a lvl 93 pala on new ladder because of this lol…

Word of advice, whenever possible, TP back to town before exiting on HC. It works fine 99.99 of times, but nothing is perfect, and it’s still an online experience, a dropped packet is all it takes for something like this.

It’s going to be fine 999/1000 times, but D2 is a game of thousands of runs. Hell even my ISP has issues .03% of the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Save & quit is a bad habit on HC in general. The time you save is great… but it’s going to eventually kill you lol. it’s not even really a bug, it’s just the nature of gaming on the internet.

I’m all for giving Blizzard crap, but let’s be real, as a whole their servers have less issues than “most” other major companies out there, and generally speaking they aren’t nearly as buggy. Bad design, shady marketing, community disconnects they have in spades, but they do make fairly stable products.

Actually why I started running net monitoring software. Pretty quickly found that “most” of my connection issues on D2 were on my ISPs end.

Ultimately if you want to play HC online you have to make certain concessions to efficiency, or accept the risks that come with pushing for greater efficiency.

Thankyou for making the economy great again!

The problem has less to do with exiting before being in town. The problem of lost packets can occur anywhere in combat and can bring death before even attempting to reach town.
Playing HC in original d2 have been working flawlessly for 20 years because client is disconnected by server after 8 seconds.
It is currently 40 seconds which is nonsense in a game where characters die within 5 seconds max, and we can tele/tp/exit instantly.

People who lost a character because of disconnection should ask to revert the 40 to 8 seconds. Make Hardcore mode a better place please. There is no logical explanation why this has been changed.

I mean tbh it’s why I’ve always considered Hardcore Online as a side mode. From all my experiences with it nearly every character death coming from some sort of networking issue. There is just never going to be a situation where it’s not going to happen. If it’s something you enjoy, all you can really do is keep gear muled, and ready to go again.

Personally I find MC more fun played like a Rogue-like.

Easy fix with the state of the game in HC. Stop playing HC.

Ehh it’s more of a fact that the game wasn’t really designed to have an endless endgame. They just sort of turned it into that with the XP changes that happened back in… what was it 1.10?

So eventually, the network issues become more of an issue the more you play. Overall though with the improvement to the internet in general over the years, it’s still better than it was back in the early 2000s.

Saying “it’s fate, don’t play this mode” is not the right way to look at it, while it can actually get fixed by rewriting a line of code.

I do absolutely think they server needs to eject characters faster though. Would be a good fix. Regardless though time til death can be very short in D2, even with optimal setups if it’s the right pack of mobs. So I’m not entirely sure there can be a time to eject fast enough to prevent all deaths that wouldn’t harm the overall experience by causing a lot of false disconnections. I’m pretty sure even at 8 seconds the OP would have eventually died with his play style to the wrong pack of mobs.

The issue comes when every single small network hiccup kicks you out of the game. That overall would be worse as it would happen constantly. And anything short of instant is still going to kill a lot of squishy builds.

It can be improved, but I think at best you could limit it, but not “fix” it. I’d say somewhere around 5 seconds of no return packets would be about right. Would lower the number of random HC deaths without making the game a DC fest.