Game crashes with too many effects on screen

Whenever I kill shenk the overseer and all the meteors spawns upon his death, the game crashes.

Whenever a lot of effects is happening in the throne room in 8 player game the game is crashing.

Whenever you meet an assassin with dual mosaic the game crashes…

I have a 3060 Ti graphics card and 11700k I7 processor.

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There are known issues with all of these situations, namely the fact that Blizzard has never fixed the way the particle effects calls are being made in the engine.

This presents as CGA colored triangles on Xbox, haven’t tested PS5 so idk if it presents that way on PS5, and on PC this presents as crashes and for more robust systems, lagging to the point where you see ~5-10 fps while the death animations are happening.

The workaround for this is setting lighting effects to low. No other fix has been created that I’m aware of.

Good luck, have fun

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hope they will fix it at some point though…

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I run a regular 3060 in 2k with Adaptiv V-Sync and since updating to the latest nVidia driver there are no more crashes anymore.

I am encountering much the same issue, specifically with Druid Zookeeper characters. When these characters have their full army active (e.g. 1 vine, a few Ravens, 5 Spirit Wolves, 3 Dire Wolves, a Grizzly Bear and an Oak Sage spirit, when they encounter a large pack of hostile monsters, first the screen starts to blink in and out (it goes dark and then recomposites itself, a half second later); then eventually the screen freezes altogether and the game crashes.

This is VERY annoying and it makes this type of character all but unplayable. Interestingly, however, I have NEVER encountered this screen bug when playing a Necromancer – even one with a much larger army than the Druid’s one. So IMO it has to have something to do with how the D2R game code is handling the Druid’s summons as opposed to the Necro’s.

EDIT : Have confirmed that this bug very rarely, if ever, occurs during gameplay in “open” areas (e.g. Blood Moor, Cold Plains, etc.) in daylight. It seems to occur (and is easily reproducible) in darkened areas or enclosed areas (e.g. Pit, Catacombs, Sewers and so on).

By the way, this is on a W10 computer with a nVidia GT 1030 card (2 Gb VRAM) and a Intel i5-4570 CPU (16 Gb RAM). So it is way over the supposed “minimum” specs for this game.

EDIT : Should have mentioned that all video options have been turned way down (to “Low” wherever possible) and VRAM usage, per the built-in tools in the D2R client, show that only about half the VRAM is committed at the time of a crash.

EDIT : Experimented with removing the A1 Mercenary’s “Edge” bow to isolate the issue, but unfortunately, it recurs whether or not her Thorns aura (via the “Edge” Runeword) is benefiting the Druid’s summons.

EDIT : EDIT : Upgraded to version of the nVidia video device driver (for Windows 10). Testing is still ongoing, but it does seem to be less vulnerable to this kind of crash.

Please fix this stupid, crippling bug ASAP – it makes the game a bad joke.

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err … that’s about 50% below the minimun required, you know? Get something newer / better.

Sorry my friend but unlike some others here I don’t have an unlimited budget for video cards.

BTW, the GT 1030 ($200 during the pandemic) runs PoE fine, albeit with “low” settings and reduced resolution. So I don’t understand why D2R can’t run without crashing.

Also I have an update. When using the latest (560.94) GeForce nVidia drivers, the problem is less frequent but it has NOT repeat NOT been finally fixed. You still see the “strobe” effect (e.g. the screen flashing on and off) but about 4 times in 5 the game does not crash – unfortunately it still does crash sometimes.

I also noted that this appears to have nothing to do with the amount of screen activity. For example my Druid ran into a 2-room area with over 20(!) of the “Banished” (e.g. Ghoul Lords) and “Afflicted” (the demon looking things) which fired endless barrages of fireballs and lightening balls at my poor dogs and bear – this was screen activity WAY over and above what in the past has caused the crashes – but the screen never even flickered.

Yet encounters with, say, a group of about 10 Carvers + 1 Carver Shaman set off the bug, the screen flickered and I got ejected to the D2R client screen.

I cannot explain this behavior. There is something about the interaction of Druid minions with some (not all) D2R monsters, especially in confined, low-lighting areas, that sets off this bug.


There is no need to “explain” things because this is not a discussion. Your card works for PoE because it - just barely(!) - meets the minimum GPU requirement. Then again PoE is already 10+ years old …

nVidia defines the GT 1030 as a business card not ment for gaming. It might work up to a point but it DOES NOT QUALIFY for D2R.

Game designers hand out system requirements for a reason. No studio will work on an issue that occures on a below spec system.

Semi-confirmed that the cause of the crash(es) may indeed be the animations caused by the Druid’s Poison Creeper vine.

I ran Eldrich with entire army participating, no problem. ran Shenk, there was a little stuttering, then just south of where he sits on Frozen Highlands I again encountered the screen freezing / lockup bug.

If you look carefully when there is a lot of screen clutter, you will notice that for a half-second, wherever the Poison Creeper vine is trying to create the animation where it “pops up from under the surface”, there is just a black blotch, which is then overwritten by the animation itself. This artifacting is very often followed by the stuttering and lockup bug.

So, suspecting that this might be the cause, I re-entered the same game session and this time composed the army WITHOUT the Poison Creeper vine.

Game was 100% stable through extended play thereafter.

I would like Blizzard to please check into this. It is ridiculous that a standard, low-level skill like this, is effectively unusable due to a screen handling bug.

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Please Google the following phrase…

“minimum specifications for Diablo 2 resurrected”

As anyone doing this can easily see, your dismissive claims of “it’s your weak video card, dude” are unwarranted.

The GT 1030 may not be a high-end video card but it is well within the “supported” range for this game, particularly if (as I have done) it is being played at low video quality settings and limited screen resolution. If I were using something like a GT 710 I could see your point.

Not all of us can afford to buy $1000+ high-end video cards, especially if (like me) you would have to upgrade the power supply and (likely) the motherboard needed to support the latest and greatest GPUs. BTW, I would have to buy TWO (2) such cards as I play side by side with someone else.

And remember we are talking about a ~$50 U.S. video game. It makes no sense to buy a new GPU costing hundreds of dollars just to play a low-end game like D2R (again, if we were talking about, say, Red Dead 2 or Cyberpunk, or even Diablo IV, you would have more of a point, but we’re talking about a low-end title here).

I don’t understand what you think you are accomplishing by entering posts such as the last one. What you are trying to do (and failing to do), is “blame the victim”. It would be a wise move on your part to stop.

Follow your own advice.
You’ll find that Blizzard set the minimum spec GPU for both D2R and D4 at a GTX 660.
That’s a 12 year old mid-range card with about twice the processing power of your 1030.
The 1030 might be able to run both games but that does not mean it’s supported.

True, at the core D2R is still D2/Lod which could be run on pretty much any GPU like the very first 3dfx VooDoo. However the graphics parts of D2R is no longer 25 years old and unless you want to play in Legacy mode - which defeats the purpuse of the remake - D2R DOES require some serious processing power. There is a reason why both D2R and D4 have the same GPU requirement.

Simply by accessing the following URLs

(1) Blizzard Support - Diablo II: Resurrected System Requirements

(2) Blizzard Support - Diablo® IV System Requirements

We can see that the recommended hardware configurations between these two games, while there are some similarities, are substantially different.

I am not disputing that this game (like most others) would likely run better (e.g. with a better frame rate) with a more modern and powerful GPU card. (Incidentally, I had to shop very hard during the pandemic just for the 2 1030s that I am now using in 2 different PCs. Most of the sales outlets wanted like $300-500 U.S. for one of these cards, as the supply was all being bought up by crypto-currency miners.)

What I am saying is, in the real world, not everybody has a 3090 with 24 Gb of VRAM (etc.). Telling people “just don’t play the game then” is (to put it mildly) an unhelpful thing to hear. It’s like hearing, “go out and win the lottery”. How about some HELPFUL advice as opposed to “just give up and stop playing”?

ALSO – I have more or less definitively proved that it indeed IS the Poison Creeper vine screen animation, that is the cause of these crashes.

Today I decided to run my Druid and played him for hours, but without summoning the Poison Creeper vine. Whereas with this summon active, the game consistently crashes with the previously-referenced screen lockup bug, when playing without the Poison Creeper, the game was rock-solid.

I have little doubt now. The issue has nothing to do with the type of video card being used (or, at best, this factor plays only a minor part in the problem). The bug is caused by some kind of coding or device display error in how D2R paints the Poison Creeper vine (maybe other Druid vines as well) animations on the screen.

Blizzard, PLEASE fix ASAP!

Both links state the minimum required GPU for D2R and D4 is a GTX 660. Like I said before. The recommended cards are a GTX 1060 for D2R and a GTX 970 for D4.

The GTX 1060 is 10% faster than a GTX 970, so D2R has in fact a higher recommended GPU then D4.
FYI: a GTX 1060 is at least 4 times faster than a GT 1030.

Regarding your “tests”: they only show that your system is not able to run the game properly. Feel free to search this forum for reports of players seeing crashes while running a Druid with Poison Creeper. You will find none. In fact while i write this i’ve got my Druid sitting in town with his Posion Creeper frolicking around without any issue, no crashes, nothing.

You want helpfull advice … ok:

  1. Run “Scan and Repair” from the D2R Battle.Net Launcher. Perhaps your problem is only a corrupted game file. This should fix it.

  2. Can’t get a good new card due to high prices ?
    a) Save your cash and wait until prices go down! Check several models too.
    b) If in dire need of a GPU check shops like ebay for used cards. You can get a used GTX 660 for 50 bucks or a used GTX 970 / GTX 1060 for less then 100 bucks.

Your responses are becoming repetitive and tiresome.

For example – “i’ve got my Druid sitting in town with his Posion Creeper frolicking around without any issue, no crashes, nothing”.

As I went to some lengths to note, the crash seems to occur ONLY when OUT of town, particularly in a dimly-lit area, when there is a graphics / sprite-intensive battle with monsters going on.

I too can summon the Poison Creeper vine in town and have the game stay up fine. It is only in the above-noted circumstances, that the bug occurs, and it ONLY occurs when the Poison Creeper animations are active.

I tested it again today. The Druid was played for several hours without the Poison Creeper vine active; when I used this skill, within about 15 minutes, down we went.

BTW – You say, “you will find no reports on these forums, of the Poison Creeper, crashing the game”. Do you know how to use Google, sir? Because if you did, you’d have seen…

I am not going to go down the rabbit hole of religious arguments comparing GPU throughput of different video cards with you. I have done my research on this subject and am aware of the differences between various GPUs – but as I have repeatedly mentioned, I AM NOT IN A POSITION TO SPEND HUNDREDS OF “NET NEW” DOLLARS, TO RUN A 2000-ERA GAME WITH SLIGHTLY IMPROVED GRAPHICS – PERIOD!

So I don’t need patronizing “advice” from you about “how to shop for a graphics card”.

What I DO need, is for Blizzard to fix the code in D2R, that is causing this annoying bug.

Blizzard – over to you. It’s a closed-source piece of software, so it’s yours to fix.

This issue is clearly marked to happen on PS4.

Now are we still talking PC or PS4 all of a sudden?
I don’t pay attention to PS4 issues since i don’t have one and thus can’t test stuff there.

If you had bothered to read the forum messages on this topic you would have discovered that the bug does indeed affect the PC (Window$) version of D2R.

Incidentally – I played D2R with another person side by side (Sorceress and Paladin) using these antiquated GT 1030s, for over 5 hours today. Game performed flawlessly at 1600 x 1020, although admittedly the frame rate in a few areas (e.g. River of Flame) was less than 30 fps.

The game does indeed run quite well on the GT 1030, albeit with reduced resolution and the abovementioned caveats.

Given the choice between accepting these limitations and shelling out (for example) 2 x $500 for a new “1337” GPU, I’ll be happy to play D2R at less than maximum capability.

Now if Blizzard could just fix the bloody Poison Creeper bug!

There are some reports about lag in this forum, some even stating an 75% drop in fps, but that’s it on PC. All crash reports are from console versions of the game (PS4 / Nintendo) and someone there even suspected the animation being too much for the console to handle. I never noticed lag or a crash using Poison Creeper on my Druids so i fail to see this problem. Therefore i’m not convinced it’s a problem with the PC game at all. Sorry.

I would not call that “runs quite well”. The last time i accepted something like this was before 2000 when the CPU had to do all the work because there were no GPU’s. Once you get used to smooth animations you simply refuse to go back.

Over the decades i came to the realization that a proper GPU - does it’s job well but is not top of the line -ranges between 250 and 300 bucks. This means in regards to nVidia: the card has a 60 in it’s name i.e. 260, 460, 660, 760, 1060 and so on. Basically I check their current card series (plus checking the series before that), buy the card with the 60 in it’s name and i’m good for 3 to 5 years. Rinse and repeat.

Economically speaking that’s the best option. My PC is a 15 year old still good performing 1.Gen i7 and I upgrade stuff only when needed. The RTX 3060 added in late 2022 is it’s 4th GPU now and will prolly be the last when i have to retire this PC in 2025/26 due to Windows 10 support ending (can’t run Windows 11).

Would i do this, if i had 2 PC’s to maintain?
Absolutly. And even if it just prevents nagging for User #2.

Have now played the Druid for several days.

The bug is beyond any reasonable doubt, caused entirely by the animation for the Poison Creeper (which I have had to stop using altogether, resulting in several wasted skill points) and NOT the video card.

At the risk of repeating myself… do you not understand why I have a small problem with paying $250-$300 (I live outside the U.S., BTW, so you can multiply those costs by around 1.5), for a game that is supposed to sell for around $50 U.S.? Especially because I have two PCs that I would have to do this for.

So, if we take (2 x $300 = $600 before tax and shipping), we get ($600 / $100) or in other words the cost of the GPU is SIX (6) times the cost of the game software.

To put it mildly this is an unreasonable expectation considering that D2R is advertised as a look-and-feel update to a very old game (e.g. D2 LoD), which had extremely low hardware requirements to play. If you were talking about Diablo IV, Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk or even GTA V, perhaps shelling out this kind of cash for a new(ish) GPU might make sense. It does not, for something like D2R.

I repeat : BLIZZARD PLEASE FIX THIS BUG. It makes Poison Creeper (and, likely, the other Druid vines), completely unusable.

Nope, that’s not how it work. You can’t prove anything unless you remove your card from the variables at play and to do that you need to re-test with a better / different card - which you do not have. Until then you keep spinning in circles.

Yes, D2R is a (graphically) polished upgrade to D2/LoD. No debate here. Of course such an upgrade comes with a cost or did you somehow think D2R would run on the same old system that ran D2/LoD?

I doubt you bought D2R for the core game because it’s “very old”, like you said. Since you keep bringing up money or rather the lack thereof: both classic D2 and LoD are still in the Blizzard shop for 10 bucks each. You could have spend 40 bucks for 2 D2/LoD copies, one for each PC and played with smooth graphics.

Are you seriously trying the argument that the game was cheap so the hardware has to be cheap too? For 10 bucks more you get D4. Surely the needed hardware can’t be that different, right?

I reject all your claims, most of which are flat-out wrong.

“Nope, that’s not how it works.” It’s YOU (not me) who is “spinning in circles”. Please don’t try to “educate” ME about this subject, my friend; I have been fiddling with PC hardware for (literally) decades. I build these computers in my spare time, largely for lower-income people who can’t afford a new PC from retail.

I actually DO have a number of other GPU cards around here, but most of them are (sort of) lower-spec than the nVidia 1030s (most of the other cards are 1 Gb VRAM as opposed to the 2 on the 1030s) and most of them are AMD – which would require these PCs to be out of commission for extended periods of time as I downloaded and re-installed the video drivers (and so on… anyone who has struggled with trying to transition Window$ from nVidia to AMD or vice-versa knows very well why not to try this, if one has any choice in the matter).

Why on EARTH would I subject myself to this kind of ordeal, just because one self-appointed “n00b hunter” on a computer games forum, tells me to do it? To put it mildly, sir… you are simply in no position to demand anything of this sort. I have many more important things to do with my available time, than to cater to the whims of some random guy on the D2R forums who insists that “I’m doing it all wrong”. You’re entitled to your opinions, of course; fine, I’ve heard them, but there’s no need to beat the dead horse any further.

I now have a perfectly- (within, of course, the known limitations of D2R) well functioning game, simply by declining to have my Druid summon the Poison Creeper minion. On (need it be said) the same GPU that you claimed “can’t run D2R”.

I don’t think there is any point in us continuing this sterile debate. We have both said our piece. Let’s just leave it at that…

…But I really wish that Blizzard would fix this bug.