For the people that don't get it

yep :stuck_out_tongue: hehe. yeah i completely agree, this would be a great addition.

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No Iā€™m not into spoon feeding. If youā€™re unaware of the reality around you thatā€™s your problem.

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If thatā€™s all youā€™ve got then I feel very comfortable. Yes you will have to check a box or not check a box.

Oh the horror! The game will be totally different!

You must have been throwing a fit over the color blind option addition.

sure are! the good old days are missed. but its still fun playing now a days, even with all the spoiled softies.

I never pick up any loot. The real treasure is all the friends I make along the way.


What I believe is that they made D2R to put to life the Old D2. I dont think Blizz have an intention to make further changes to it. What you see is how it is. FFA loot is what the old D2 has and the D2R carries it.

If you want loot changes, you would see that on Diablo 3 and you could also request it on Diablo 4. It wont happen on Diablo 2. Diablo 2 is over. D2R is to relive the old game. If that was the loot mechanics before, it would be exactly how it would go.


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Iā€™m really glad to see Roflcopterā€™s comments are removed. Thank you Blizzard!

This sounds like WoW classicā€¦

So you want people to be booted for going hostile? No way. PKā€™ing is too much fun.


Thatā€™s lame. My more realistic side thinks you are right but thatā€™s just so lame. To be honest if they are going to release d2r just for better graphics then I wish they would have not of released it at all because itā€™s really just a cash grab. If they donā€™t make improvements to this game I will take it personally. If this is literally just a skin box for 40 dollars a piece (this was my favorite game ever created) I will never buy another blizzard product ever again, unless the game they released had unanimous overwhelming approval. I literally just want p loot and a tiny bit of extra content, THATā€™S ALL lmfao.

All your wish for Diablo 2, wish it and express it hard for Diablo 4. Go to Diablo 4 forums.

Diablo 4 could be as great or better than Diablo 2 and better than Diablo 3.


was already answered

I mostly play with my friends or solo and rarely go on public games because the lobby system is so bad (is worst then I remembered, but maybe is working as it is, lol, canā€™t tell).

I still would like personal loot be implemented as an optional system, I think it is a fairer, even among friends, who wouldnā€™t wanted to keep that Ber rune? That said, I do see the points of wanted to keep the game as it is. Many points argued from both side are not backed by factual data, all just theories of what will happen.

Maybe introduce the personal loot option for private/password games only initially, if it is gaining traction and the population demands for it, then open up the option to public games. If not, just keep it as a private/password games only.

yes we are in agreement there.

in a different thread I had proposed the devs try a ā€œ2 week trial run as a optional settingā€ to test itā€™s popularity, because I felt confident it would ā€œcatch onā€ and would be worth having as a option for players

I mean to shut down d2jsp you just add instanced loot the purist only care because they have been collecting forum gold for years thatā€™s why they are against changes this game is nothin but a cash cow to them!

They need a glitch to pvp instead of asking for balance and more pvp builds! Because some of them collected pvp items for those classes so they can turn around and make another quick dollars off the suckers

They would ruin the whole economy by implementing ploot. And also the so heavily focused pure feeling diablo 2.

It would be nice If Blizzard can open test server with Ploot.

Yes it would be amazing not having to see ā€œO Fal N Shakoā€ oder ā€œO Pul N tal armorā€ games all day. To finally get rid of those kind of players would be amazing I have to agree.

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this optional system, would not affect the economy at all, because the exact same and amount of drops would happen. All the items are tradeable as well so there is no change to a playerā€™s ability to get something thru trade.

If you choose FFA (as you do right now) there would be no change at all because the entire game that you already play would still be there in itā€™s entirety. Simply check the box for FFA or for Resurrected.

Boooooooooooooooooo get off the stage