For the people that don't get it

To prove a point and to ONCE AND FOR ALL SHOW TO EVERYONE, that my idea for a loot distribution system will fix all current problems (loot wise in regards to scripts, controllers, lag, or any other reason be it physical or what have you), I will make this post as the SPOT TO TRY TO ARGUE SOMETHING BETTER.

Here it is in it’s finished form.

  • If you don’t want to play the new OPTIONAL setting, then DONT. Play EXCATLY THE SAME AS YOU ALREADY ARE.
  • The players that choose the new setting will be grouped with other players who choose the same setting. The loot that drops in those rooms will be randomly assigned to people THAT DAMAGED THE MOB. SO there is NO WAY TO JUST SIT AROUND AND GET FREE STUFF.
  • If a member goes hostile to try and grab loot for example they get auto booted from group.
  • If someone pulls a jerk move and kill a boss by themselves somehow while in the group the players can just make a new room and not group with said ninja looter.
  • If a boss drops 5 items like for example Baal, THE EXACT SAME DROPS THAT WOULD HAVE DROPPED IN FFA DROP. the only difference is the auto assignment of the loot based on whoever did damage.
  • With this system if there is 8 players SOME WILL GET NO LOOT, sense same amount of loots drop 3-5 usually
  • Once the loot has been picked up IT CAN THEN BE TRADED LIKE NORMAL.
  • That means in no way AT ALL IS THE CURRENT GAME/MARKET affected.
  • To choose if you want FFA like normal or resurrected you choose on THE SAME SCREEN YOU ALREADY USE TO MAKE OR JOIN A ROOM. It would literally be a box to check yes or no.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


Do you realize that there are characters who deal the majority of damage? For example a godly javazon / light sorc. All it takes is one single attack from them and the full baal wave dies immediately in an 8 players game. When a fully equipped javazon goes throne first, chances are you’ll not even see baal alive when you arrive there without teleport.

The amount of dealed damage is not a factor that should be considered for loot allocation at all. Other than that, I support any kind of approach that makes the loot allocation more fair and inclusive.


Not only do your points to fix all loot problems have tons of holes and other consequences in them you’re trying to literally divide the community into smaller subsections. Hardcore/Softcore Ladder/NL Classic/LOD are enough subsections.


as quabbe said , java zon light sorc and even simply static field is a thing. (which deal 50% in hell even if said player is level 1 … )
that would make melee character even less played than they currently are and good god they are rare currently since some class playing ranged can clear a whole room in a single spell before anyone else could reach any monsters.

any kind of damage factor on D2 would simply not work at all.

personally i’am not against a loot allocation system , as long as it doesn’t increase the total overall amount of loot said monsters/boss would drop in total. (meaning : no P1 loots for each players on the same boss)

i’am a solo mostly anyway, but just wanted to state how dps meter for loot would simply not work in any kind of way on D2.


Thank you for replying, that is a good point. I hadn’t specified so there could be some confusion, so long as it’s say 1% of damage dealt so like at least a swing or 1 cast of damage.

How does this differ from FFA loot? FFA could have leeches just decked out on defensive gear and sit around for the loot to drop.

I think the OP is just saying, if someone attacked, they are in the area and participated instead of just sitting in town, waiting for the killing to end and just pick up loot = leechers.

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yes it would be a “active loot system” you have to actively participate to get loot

I think a new system for loot allocation should not take “leechers” into consideration. In current FFA people get loot who shouldn’t get loot, and with another loot system they will most likely get loot aswell. If leechers are a problem, the idea should be to get rid of those leechers by protecting the game with a password, or to set a level restriction. Basically the same way we deal with leechers today. To be fair, I’m not even bothered by leechers in todays meta.

The focus should rather be on allocating the loot in a fair manner, so that not only players with magic controllers or pickit scripts get most of the loot. If those players chose not to contribute to the partyplay, thats another issue and another topic.


D2 is NOT ploot.
Enough discussions where all the ploot arguments got destroyed. Keeping opening new threads doesnt change anything.


FFA. This is stupid. Bye


except mine never has, if you feel it has link it.

It’s not directed at you. There has been several posts by pro FFA loot styles that ploot/allocated loot would benefit leechers. I guess the OP is just addressing that concern.

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Hard pass, keep loot as the same as it was in Classic LOD. At some point what you’re proposing becomes too complicated to implement and will work an unfairness either way.


Yes you don’t say anything new and i’m getting tired to repeat…
Your effort fails because it is an option for everyone.
In short: which items are kept varies from player to player. For example, many players do not pick up certain yellow and blue items in the first place. But they can be very valuable and even the best in the slot. These items are definitely saved less often. That means there will be far fewer items on the trading market, which has a negative impact on prices.
And here ploot also influences ffa-loot, because both sides are using the same trading market.
The idea that the loot is available for all players after 2 seconds makes no difference. If players wait 2 seconds after each monster kill, the whole flow of the game is greatly slowed down. I strongly doubt anyone would prefer that.

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Never said anything about 2 secs. In my proposed version it sits there, on the ground where everyone can see, until the assigned person has time to pick it up. Once they do pick it up they can trade it like normal.
As to yellows, again every drop is seen just like in regular FFA. If someone wants it they can trade, just like now

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And if the item doesn’t get picked up, then it can’t be traded as normal? Because it didn’t get pick up by anyone? Or what happens???

What ever, the fact that YOU prefer a system where I can see the loot of other players without having the chance to pick it up, due to im closer to the item or just react/click faster, because I’m not able to pick it up because it’s saved for a different guy is even more frustrating… I highly doubt anyone prefers this. Cry threads will be spammed by mad guys more than you lazy plooters do.
In public FFA games you might not pick up all items you want, but therefor you have a real chance!

And that your system like the guy dealt the most damage gets it, is a big fail was already posted in the 1st response.

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its not the guy who dealt the most damage. I said so long as they did at least a swing or 1 cast of damage

I think people forget, this game does not have greater rifts, this game does not have maps.
If the loot drops werent very very rare, you would be complaining 2nd week that you have fully geared lvl 92 chars and nothing to do.

This game was never designed as a race to the finish, its a grind. People that love to collect things and find the perfect drop love it this way.

Any change to that will ruin the integrity of the game. If they gave us some endgame content with high mob density areas to farm it would be different. That basically flips the teleport to meph with mf gear meta that d2 always was about.

just grind and enjoy it, drop rates should never be changed. unless its allowing you to do up to like /players 5 in a solo game that way its a lot harder to farm the better drops.


no one said improve drop rates your whole point is?