For the people that don't get it

But the request is the ability to make public games that don’t have to compete with scripts. I can’t make a private game a public game.

my question still is, why do you feel you need to get loot in every single boss kill? just because you poked it with your stick?

Unfortunately there are too many holes in most peoples ploot suggestions…how do you know blizz wont just make it all worse? Thats what they usually do.

Ploot would be cool, it would be easier to not have to fight for items…but most of us dont want it because Diablo 2 is already a finished game and fighting for loot part of it…its fun competition and to change that would change a part of the foundation. Respect the creators.

except it doesn’t because a online game shouldn’t reward the single player players more than the online ones. obvious logic if you missed it

Where did I say I feel I deserve it? I’m rebuking your claim that said the following statement is not true: You are not guaranteed loot in FFA.

Defend you stance. You’re just moving every which a way and confusing the matter making no sense at all in the process.

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Well if you can give one good reason why the option should not be instituted, everybody is all ears. But you can’t. So your opinion is discarded. It’s objectively baseless because you can offer no base that holds up to the slightest amount of scrutiny.

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Hey OP. I’m a heavy advocate wanting changes to the game. I do not agree with Ploot though.

May I offer a compromise? FFA loot for regular monsters, and Ploot for each of the 5 Act bosses?

The best way to disagree with it would be to offer an example of why it’s a bad idea. Otherwise it would be pointless to listen to you. For all we know, you think that we are talking about instanced loot – Which has nothing to do with the current model being suggested.

would defeat most of the purpose of the option if its only boss’s as others have pointed out. People want all the loot that is within range of them at time it is tagged or opened to be evenly split between those who qualified

the only change I would accept is a PoE like permanent allocation system.
optional of course. but tbf i don’t really care about the loot in baal runs. i’m happy i can leech the exp… so yeah.

that would change the game. A optional loot setting, would not

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no matter how you slice it, if game fundamentals are changed, people will leave. making the game dead.

Great! Then nobody would leave over this since it doesn’t change the game for you if you don’t like the option. It affects you as much as the color blind option does.

i also said optional. just like now with the item label one. you can toggle it on or off as a game master. whoever joins your baalrun can see it’s classic or permanent allocation. i don’t really see how it would change the game. the loot would be the same, the loot amount would be the same, you CAN see someone else’s loot just can’t pick it up. i think it’s a good idea.

Link all legitimate sources. Thanks in advance.

it does though. because i can no longer just drop into a game and play. i have to check what options are turned on. making picking a game to go into even longer.

permanent allocation means like “soulbound” you would no longer be able to trade with the community. in this “active loot system” you would still see the drops as they would regualrly only said person could pick it up, once they did they could trade it if they wanted to. It would be like single player online in that sense

no no and no. it doesn’t mean soulbound. it means, you’re the only one to be able to pickup that loot. as soon as u picked it up, you can do whatever u wanna do with it. just like in PoE.

then you are arguing for basically same thing.


Back in my day you grouped up for exp, and found your own stuff.

Not once did I ever join a party thinking, “maybe I’ll get that Shako or Vex rune in here.”

Kids are different these days :smiley: