Fix the lagging on Eu servers, the game is unplayable

It was a total mess in the last week, due to lagging, on EU servers.
Every 3-4 seconds you were teleported back in time 1 second.


Can confirm this, tried to play 1 game and the lag was massive.

Completely unplayable, so I just quit the game on the spot.


I’m also having issues with about 30 ping with brutal rubberbanding. Been like this for the last hour or so. EU region.

edit: added location and more info


Me too for the last hour or so. ( EU region )


Nasty lag too - Europe ladder


Same here Rubber banding like hell with 22 ping…

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For me it seems fixed after the TZ got changed from Forgotten tower?
How about you guys?

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I’m still having loads of lags and rubberbanding

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Not fixed for me :cry:


yep its back here aswell, like 10 minutes and its even worse… guess i jinxed it rofl :stuck_out_tongue:

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Still huge lag for me. Can’t play at all…
When is it fixed?

I have lag spikes also, basically the character moves back 1 second into place all the time.

The thing is…I found out by trial and error that if you disable the option “Terror Zone” the lag is fixed, for me at least.

Hope it helps someone else maybe.

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Same here, its like 12h already, and suppors silence is…

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It’s definitely related to pod balancing or pod quantity decrease. Ping to the balancer on is stable, no packet-loss but 9 out of 10 games created are laggy as hell. Throttling at its best IMO

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Same problem for me, rubber banding like crazy. Completely unplayable. I wish Blizzard would at least adress the issue.

I switched to a US server (more latency, more fps) but I no longer have any lag :slight_smile:

fix the lagg, its not playable!

I can confirm that it’s horrible, in a game like this having that massive delay is a big nono, guess I’m going to revert to playing offline.

I created a thread on the EU forums and got this blue post Connectivity issues / rubberbanding / desync - #15 by Tyrskorn - Technical Support - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums

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same here. it’s been like 2nd or 3rd day. not playable at all