Equivalent of enigma for melee my new runeword and my new enigma

post me your picture version :+1: i want too see this

i . imgur . com / desKXoD . png

i cant post pictures yet :frowning:

I am certain those items were introduced in a save file loophole. I think bnet used to store a back up of the online save file onto your pc in case of corruption then well, they got uploaded.

idk. couldn’t say. I just know they existed because I’ve seen them, but only on USWest. Thankfully nothing that crazy was on USEast. Iths were pretty crazy, but not White item crazy. Nor is it like putting all the stats of an oculus onto a ring and duping them so much they’re worth an um. At least Iths were pricey…like they weren’t hella duped, so not many people actually had them.

unless you let characters move through walls and over rivers/gaps, teleport will always be better than FRW.

Slap +teleport on fortitude, coh, treachery, shaft, tyraels, duriels and you have plenty of options.

Maybe even on every class armor, because nobody uses them except for treachery.

Change enigma to roll either +1 or +0 to tp!

That’s just a useless suggestion that hurts casual players but not any powergamer.

Not everyone uses nigma for teleport! The frw, +skills and str bonus are reason enough. A non teleport nigma would be very cheap compared to a +1.

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it would still cost a Jah+Ber and +1 tp enigma would just be 2x (Jah+Ber).