Equivalent of enigma for melee my new runeword and my new enigma

some equivalent of enigma for melee



1 armor teleport with 25% fcr other armor run with ias

teleport vs run
fcr vs ias

why you want to run when you can tele? no one will do the first one.

the first don’t even have + skills, -25 life after each kill it’s just absurd.

-25% enemy def > 99% AR

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got nothing absurd is just you are a young gamer with not much knowlege

and dont know what is a blood rager or blood reaver are , you trade bonus for penality , -25 life is not that much

because i`m not a sheep , the core of this game is design on running ,i play a barbarian not a sorc , and like too use the bashing animation with frenzy i like more to have faster running with frenzy + my armor with the 300ed . vs spamming to avoid playing the game , what is the point using frenzy and teleporting .

np both way this help the issue with melee

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it’s that a joke?
this is diablo 2 not dragon age or POE. oh god… i just block you forever i can’t talk with people like you.

class are class any game they are , you trade bonus for penality . i bet d4 will have some of this mecanic . also the paladin have sacrifise noob
np bye troll and grow up you will dont be miss

So you want 25% FCR instead of 45% FRW? Enigma already breaks the game as it is. It certainly doesn’t need FCR to be good.

Blood Reaver has pretty insane stats, but it just looks like a better fort with a forced downside.

I can get around the ias and frw, like, ok, whatever, but the AR bonus is absurd. There aren’t many options for a stat like that. I can’t think of any chest piece that has AR on it. shrug. idk. maybe it’s not that big of a deal. Still not as good as enigma, even in its current state. I have an idea, lets give the Sorceress’s strongest spell in the game to every class! What are ya saying, blizz? All the other classes suck? Kick them in the balls why don’t ya.

-25 life after kill is just weird. Like, ok, I’ll use lifeleech and then what? It doesn’t make a difference?

We don’t need more runewords that are just as strong as enigma. Enigma is too much as it is.

i got you . but cry baby enigma will crying removing 45fws ,with nothing too compensate , at least they dont have teleport with 45 frw is a nice trade for them ,

25 ias will help barb with the new ww change and every melee class vs enigma have 25 fcr
the -25 life is amost nothing with good life leech and you have 300ed too have more dps mean more leech and this have 0 efffect on pvp after you kill1 player wow -25 life ona barbarian with 5k life

+8 dr from the armor make possible to reach 50% dr cap with helmet and belt and allow you too drop the shield with 50% dr holding 2 weapon or a big 2 handed

99% attack rating help all the melee class ,

The point of the FRW is that Enigma is still good on classes that don’t build for any FCR, such as a javazon. Don’t diss FRW.

Giving it FCR instead would just make it even more OP than it is. Like, why would anyone see enigma and be like, “hey, that’s cool and all, but what if we made it better”.

Like I said earlier, it would just make Fortitude redundant. We don’t need another armor with 300% ed on it. Fortitude doesn’t need to be better than it already is. Fortitude is amazing.

they will dont be that much better with 25% they already clean the map with 1 or 2 java lol. in my opinion these change help so much more other underwhelming melee class , fortitude is garbage and is so slow with useless bonus or stats for melee and is not the equivalent too enigma for melee same also in term of mobility. also all news runeword for this season are about mobility boost for melee with fws

ofc Fortitude isn’t equivalent to Enigma. Nothing is equivalent to Enigma. Nothing SHOULD be equivalent to Enigma. It breaks the game. Teleport is the single strongest skill in the game. If anything, Enigma needs to be nerfed.

It costs twice as much to build a Last Wish, and it’s only half as good as Enigma. They weren’t thinking when they made it. They were just appeasing the people whining about how much better sorc was. It was a mouse slip. It’s funny, because 1.1 was in development for like, 2 years before it released.

agree yes and no

yes is broken op and is really bad for the game , 110% on spot with this
. where i`m not agree with you . you need the counter part for melee because you let caster class rule the game and send the mesage melee you are garbage and not competitive . i think is pretty bad , also item corrency dont justified the massive imbalance ,np make the same for melee , i have np to pay a hight price corrency item for melee the same caster have right now , all i ask make melee competitive and balance vs caster give us mobility ias ect…

I wouldn’t say melee is garbage. It’s just a different niche. You can come up with very strong physical damage builds. Just because a skill is objectively better than the rest, doesn’t mean every other skill is useless. Melee builds can be very fun. In 1.09, there were more barbarians in hardcore than any other class. Sorceresses were actually quite scarce in comparison.

Also a good bowazon can clear everything 2 screens away within a couple seconds.

What about Dual Dream?

IDK. I think melee classes are still good. They have a lot of powerful options. BotD, Grief, Might merc with Pride.

As I said, just because Enigma breaks the game for certain classes, doesn’t mean melee classes aren’t good or aren’t fun.

not agree

melee have very bad attack rating bad leech after 1.09 in pvp

teleport delete all bashing animation

1.10 melee have 0 buff and synergies

melee lack of ias mobility prove this patch the dev make new rune word with mobility same patch 2.0 adding more speed too movement skill lead attack ect… , sadly melee are far behind , and sadly this season runeword of mobility are only mid level mean useless in 95% of the game , sry dude not agree ww barbarian have too ww in 5 frame with 2handed weapon (vs 4 before )with a 125% ias(vs 70ias before with a base+10 2 handed weapon ) is horrible and he can not cap 50%dr gear without shield or you lost so much damage

1.09 had the bugged eth rune and nobody needed AR at all.
What do you mean 0 buff?
The majority of runewords that came out for 1.1 were for melee. In 1.09 the only weapon people used was Fury. Literally every barb in the game used the exact same items, head to toe.
The only real difference is that there are more classes teleporting for added redundancy. I agree that pvp in 1.1 is bad, but only because of Enigma.
If it was just a sorc that could teleport, barbs wouldn’t be having as much of a problem.

yep 110% agree and everything feel more balance do caster need AR too cast spell and they miss ???

what are the melee synergies buff for the barb in 1.10 ??? i guess you understand now vs the broken sorc have all cold skill synergies buff ,

1.09 have fury and silence yes silence is not use( only for smiter ) because the eth bug , but fury feel very good and very versatile for a lot of weapon is a only 3 socket runeword with no weapon restriction vs 1,10 melee take a huge drop and most use 6 socket botd weapon limited choice option ,botd are there only too delete ith hack 1.10 is the start where the game become broken and so unbalance for melee and enigma really hurt the game

oh. you just mean skill synergies.

idk I can’t explain away the fact that WW has no synergies. They have the masteries, shout, bo, etc…IDK. They’ve always suffered in 8 player games…barbs were never really known for their dps. They are tanks. They are “Safe”.
TBH I think the biggest nerf barbs got was the change to Iceblink lol.

yep barb have 0 damage synergies vs caster in 1.10

i remember how Iceblink use to be very fun for old classic my barb use a lance or my amazon use multi arrow with ice blink :cold_face: :cold_face: :firecracker:

not agree here lance barbarian make pretty good damage in classic

well, Nova didn’t have any synergies for the longest time. and the Frozen Orb synergy is pretty negligible. Multishot didn’t have any synergies.
idk, maybe they felt it was redundant b/c it starts with a negative multiplier. shrug.
and yeah, lances had good damage for how cheap and efficient they were with the requirements… but sorc was still better. If you remember lances, you’d remember that you could spam Frozen Orb. It had no cooldown.

personaly the game feel way more balance in classic and 1.09 without synergies , i really enjoy the chess match every class have vs today gameplay is so dump , is sad to see the glory of this game gone ,because the lack of knowlege from the dev team , this game have so much potential sadly everything is sleeping and dont look to wake up ,