Equivalent of enigma for melee my new runeword and my new enigma

Another one who gets it! The D2 wokeness is real! Enigma is not required!

ask player to make pvp without enigma they are so lost and dont know the chest battle and the item value and strategies , this game is a gem but today player are just too dump , all they know is spam teleport sry but is true


IDK if i’d say classic was “balanced” in its original form, but it was, for sure, very fun to play. I totally agree about 1.09 though, I think the game was at its best during that patch, even with the bugs, the iths, the white items, the oculus rings, all the poofing. I still preferred 1.09. At least on USEeast… I always though USWest got out of hand with their “white items” and Oculus Rings. Oculus rings were cheap AF. I only played USWest for a short while, but I was able to get 2 Occy Rings within the week I started my first character.

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i never really encounter a lot of hack player , very rare these player most of the time you get double slow and all player turn again them and die back them , most of them use to be bad player , i remmeber my friend to loot one of them lol

i reallu enjoy killing korean amazon and chineese player back them , my game after i will them get full very quick :slight_smile: i have a very fast running barbarian

Even a wet noodle is deadly on a classic ww barb.

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Everyone with the bugged/duped items weren’t necessarily the hackers that made/duped them.

A “white item”:
100% Faster Run/Walk
100% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 63-127 Damage
20% Life stolen per hit
Fire Absorb 95%
Lightning Absorb 95%
Cold Absorb 95%

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these player get detect very fast and call out , never be a real issue for me back them , also back them you have so many pvp game

is sad d2re have no tcp ip because i will work hard to balance everything and make a classic patch 1.06 or lod 1.09

IDK if 1.06 is the right patch you’d want. It might be, but I remember a patch or two coming out a week before the launch of LoD. That’s when they made all the major changes. Like adding cooldowns, level requirements on all new uniques, etc. It was about a week before launch. As you’d expect.

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yea this is call the pre lod patch 1.06 is clean not corrup

Then why did everyone call them 1.04 uniques :laughing:

I’ve looked at the version history on the wiki. It doesn’t talk about the cooldowns, the lvl requirement on uniques, the nerf to gambling, and many other things on any patch that I could see.

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sure classic have change and update , but i dont think lod corrup 1.06

maybe your right is so a longtime and is late at night will look tomorow to be sure

I’m not saying 1.06 is corrupted. I just think it might be a little too far. I’d be afraid that a lot of things i’d want reverted, that were on classic for the year it ran, wouldn’t be on 1.06.
The main reason I say this is because everyone called the uniques with no level requirements “1.04 uniques”, so I assume that 1.04 was the last patch where you could find uniques with no level requirements.

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oh boy this is very far also the low level leech ring or duels leech level 4 i think

they nerfed leech rings in 1.1

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man the game use to be so fun back them

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I was 14 when D2 came out. It’s been my favorite game since.

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I was around 25 i`m a old man now but still old my ground , a few year ago i stand alone again onslaught in wow the pvp brackets they try to block me , but i make them play 72 hour in a row lmao i burn them out so they give me a deal and i get crown hight warlord i will be honest they give me a very hard time also

that first one become a new merc arm thats all and BvB.

95% people will go tele just because its useful in to many ways.

Same reason they don’t use CoH or Fort or Bramble nearly as much as Nigma now.

Enigma is a busted runeword like spirit sword and Grief.


nice idea. just my 2 cents
reduce the 200%enhanced def to 100% to 150% and add repair mod (separates it from other base)
change 300%enhanced damage to flat damage 45 to minimum and 75 to max (different from fortitude so ppl still have a choice)
or a unique mod like adds 45-75 damage for single handed, and 90-150 for two handed. which will make it very interesting.

viso mod is kinda op in an armor, but pales infront of enigma.

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