Stop telling me to grow up. This isn’t shortly after and you know it. Best case scenario it was misleading. More likely a blatant lie. They knew they weren’t close but couldn’t take the loss if they were honest.
So when asked what they meant about shortly after I think there is an official post somewhere that they talked about when they figured out the server issues and coding problems they were running into.
Then they made an official post a month or so later saying they are having to re-code a bunch of things based on old broken code from the legacy server that started becoming a problem when so many people started playing.
Then after that they let us know they were still working on it and a month later which leads us to December. They gave as a date range of Q1 2022. They also did apologize that they were running into coding problems.
So what else are they supposed to do?
What is your expectation exactly?
You think that for some reason you deserve a refund after playing the game for hundreds of hours?
Then they shouldn’t have said shorty after. They should have said we have a lot of issues and don’t know how long it will take and won’t be doing so until it’s ready which will probably be in 2022. That’s not what they did so don’t act like it was.
What is this hypothetical? Are you stating that you were promised a refund and didn’t get it? If that was the case then you should pursue that.
If you’re just trying to continue about what shortly means, I think Cheetah absolutely nailed. If you NEEDED a date you should’ve asked for one, if and one could not be given, you should’ve been smart enough to wait and get a refund. You chose not to.
Again this is frustration is entirely your doing. Please show some emotional maturity and accept that and move on.
When they announced it would be much longer is when I wanted to return the game. They denied. They should have refunded games for those wanted (and taken ability to play away)
lets keep going testing beta of diablo, go go
I am not sure if you are trying to introduce some sort of false equivalency or what…
Nobody said you get money back and nobody personally addressed you regarding game features and release dates.
You waited to ask for a refund until after playing past the refund policy duration. You were told you did not qualify for a refund and why. You knew this is why you were denied a refund at the time.
You absolutely COULD have gotten your refund if you asked for it in the 5 weeks between the Ladder delay news and game release.
I have no idea why you would think you can play for a month then get a refund. Life does not work that way.
Because I was mislead. How do you not get that?
I never said that. I was referring to someone owing 5 bucks. I would ask them where is my money. It’s an analogy. Where is my ladder
So you literally played the game for a month+ then wanted a refund?
The problem here is they planned on launching ladder but the legacy code kept breaking which they couldn’t have foreseen because the code worked fine until X million people tried making games repeatedly.
This is you a problem now. If you didn’t want to play this game without Ladder you should have refunded it until ladder was announced. Which would have been allowed.
Saying they lied means they intentionally mislead you and gave you false information. What you’re describing doesn’t fit the definition of a lie at all.
You were not misled. You made a bad choice and are now trying to blame others for your bad choice.
As for stating that you are immature, that is not me trying to dig on you because I have no argument to make. You are in fact being incredibly immature and acting like a 4 year old.
I think I’ve stated the reasons why you are in the wrong pretty plainly as has Cheetah. You REFUSE to accept that. Fine.
Continue to vent all you want about it – it won’t change anything. Continue to feel you are in the right and Bliz is in the wrong here. That’s a choice. Not the smart choice, but it is a choice.
They said shortly after. I played less than a month and killed Ubers once and quit. Confirmed I could so I was ready for ladder and killing time. Again I did this all under the belief ladder was coming “shortly”. If they said just so you know I’m not refunding you and shortly means next year that would be different. This was all by design
You think this is Shortly after? Yes or no
Stop. You played the game for a month, well past the stated refund policy, which you should’ve been acutely aware of. If you need $40 dollars so badly, send me your paypal. I’ll send it so you’ll stop clogging up the forums.
I bet you’re the type of person that eats 90% of a sandwich then takes the rest up to the counter and tells the clerk that you didn’t like the taste and demand a refund.
You know it’s passed shortly after which means I was mislead. The fact you won’t answer is clear as day. I don’t need $40. I said earlier this is about principle not money.
Do you not know the definition of “lying” and “unforeseen”?
They have kept the community up to date with how and why this is happening.
They have to re-code the legacy code that’s broken. Then on top of that they are trying to balance stuff people don’t play.
I’d be pissed if they intentionally delayed ladder. They gained absolutely nothing by delaying ladder for no reason. That’s not them being sneaky it’s literally them running into problems they didn’t know about.
You have already been given several answers to this. You’re trying desperately to hold onto this as a reason you should get a refund. You want a refund? Talk to Bliz customer service. Whining in the general forum won’t get you what you want, or win you any brownie points from anyone.
I think they knew and didn’t own it. That’s my biggest issue. If they said look we are in a mess and it’s going to be a while. Cool I guess. But they didn’t.
I know I’m not getting a refund. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with it and it doesn’t mean I think I will get one. I gave up on that a long time ago. Doesn’t mean I think this delay is any better
Great, you don’t like the situation. We get it. All you can do is wait for Bliz to finish their current development track. Nothing else you say or do here will make them work any faster or change their plans for getting Ladder released. You don’t have to like it, or the timeline. But since you’re not in charge there and have ZERO say in what they do, you’ll have to live with it.