Enough is enough

Came out in september promising a ladder with no set date. end of the year still not even a set date, but vague promise that it the ladder might start sometime in january or february. january passes…no laddder. february is now here…still no set date.

waiting. waiting waiting.


Me who plays offline singleplayer and will continue to play offline singleplayer after ladder starts am sure enjoying this posts : D

So much hassle goes into ladder i have no idea why anyone other then streamers enjoys them : )


They never promise Jan or Feb ladder, they just said Q1 2022


Ladder will start once they have finalized 2.4.


welcome? i am? are you sure?

that still doesnt give me a start date.


Only Bliz knows when they will be able to start ladder. Asking the community for a date won’t magically give you what you want. Perhaps show a little more patience – they have their database changes and 2.4 in testing now. Ladder will follow after that (according the dev vlog they did a month ago).

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If they give a date that risks rushing it to come out in the date that they said if it’s not ready.

Patience is a virtue and it hasn’t had patches for 20+years. Let them take their time.

The patch needs to be play tested hard too.

Most people in game and on the forums don’t actually thoroughly test the PTR and strictly theorycraft and follow the opinions of their fav streamer.


Any one suggesting this is crying or you should be patient is absolutely insane. This game has not delivered what was promised. Period. Being upset you don’t get what you paid for is not a flaw of the buyer and anyone suggesting it is has some serious issues. Blizzard intentionally lied knowing they weren’t close to a ladder at launch but knew they’d lose millions if they admitted it and instead have been dangling the carrot for months. Denied any refunds early on as well. Nothing short of theft and fraud.


They have to use the current gaming market to figure out a proper release.

I for one hope it’s the beginning of March. Anything earlier really jeopardizes the new Ladders economy and player numbers.

There a few titles being launched this month fairly spread out. All of them will reduce the player numbers. That’s not usually a problem but the reason why it is this time is because as consumers we want this product to thrive and keep getting updates. Only way that happens is if the player numbers and player retention stay strong.

Strongly disagree. Any delays beyond it won’t run right are inexcusable. This is something that is owed. Someone owes me $5 then pay it. Don’t wait until after holidays because it’s not convenient right now. If someone wants to play other games then they will play something else


You are owed nothing. You got exactly what you paid for.

They literally had ladder listed when I pre purchased and then delayed it. This was part of what was sold. It’s amazing how many people are ok with being lied to

Edit: I ONLY bought the game for ladder. Just because you bought it for another reason has nothing to do with it. Not sure when I chose t pay for a beta game


The delay on ladder was known before launch. Refunds were happily processed then. There is even a self help option that automatically grants it for you if you qualify so you don’t have to wait on a GM.

Your issue was that you were playing the game - they don’t refund used goods. So yes, your refund was denied because you were actively able to use the game and were doing so for an extended time. They explained that to you at the time, I assume. You posted about being denied your refund because you were playing the game (too much time played).

People for whom the ladder was the key point, refunded before release with no issues.

Here is the Refund Policy.


It wasn’t promised at release. It is coming, you’ll just have to wait for it. We get it. You don’t like waiting. You want everything now.

Yes I played it to kill time for ladder. That doesn’t make lying ok. They made that announcement long after they took millions of dollars and then said “shortly after” launch. I don’t think any one thought shortly after meant it would be Feb and not even have a date yet but keep defending the deception. Give me a break


I like getting what I paid for and not lying. It was planned to be part of release until under a month before release AFTER pre sale. This isn’t “shortly after”


You were not lied to. At Cheetah stated ladder delay was announce before the game was released. You could’ve refunded and purchased again when ladder is finally available. You didn’t. That is on you.

So this is “shortly after” launch to you? You really think not having a date in Feb is still honestly “shortly after”. If they said it would have been Feb at the earliest for ladder I would have refunded before launch.


The comparison is extremely flawed.

But honestly I get why people want it now even if it’s bad for the game.

That’s the world we live in. “Give it to me now” “you’re my friend but you owe me 5 bucks I don’t care if you starve to death”

Basically for the betterment of the game I’d like to see a delay. Not because just because.