End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

I’m kinda on the fence here.
Pros: It would make Diablo 2 a nice, friendly, safe and sane, experience.
Cons: Players can join an advanced game with a level one character, with little or no consequences. Power Leveling is a thing in this game.
I’ve learned, the hard way, not to fast track anyone, nor allow anyone fast track me. This way, if a PK’r shows up, I can fight back, with a reasonable chance of success. If I just can’t kill him/her, I’ll generally send him/her on a 'Wild Goose Chase."
Good times, :wink:

Takes too much effort for the D3 community.

They want “soft hardcore” as they’ve grown accustomed to.

Couple that with participation trophies and a thought process that throwing collective temper tantrums in the street is how you get your way and… lo and behold… you find yourself here :wink:

You don’t seem to understand my point has nothing to do with, what’s the difference between grief , pvp, and concentual pvp…
i never said it doesn’t exist, im telling you, in Diablo 2 it’s NOT griefing, and it’s part of a POST APOCALYPTIC UNIVERSE, it’s part of the game to get attacked/killed by an other player. Protect yourself.



The whole point that you made is contradictory, plain and simple. Do you want me to explain the difference? Here, I’ll help you out.

Griefing - Killing a player (sometimes repeatedly) without the others want to participate in a Player vs. Player environment. Wikipedia - A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities.

PvP - Player vs. Player - Two combatants going at it in a virtual world. This would be an environment both are flagged for combat and want to participate in an open world environment. Either party can be at a disadvantage or not, or in a similar ready state.

Consensual PvP (dueling) - Similar to open world PvP except there is an official agreement between the two to begin combat and both parties start at a fair prepared state.

It is, and it can be griefing in D2. You want to talk about the “Post Apocalyptic” World, but there are multiple shows/games/media in which the people in that universe band together instead.

Xander - You have caps on for the last sentence. If I was arguing alone, then if you responded…maybe I misunderstood what the claim you had was?

Anyways, what most people have a problem with is griefers, not PvP’ers, as said before I have PvP’ed back in the day. It can be fun once in awhile to duel others in a game setup where you equally want to participate and kill each other.

However, when you are wanting to hop into others games and forcefully PvP and grief others for just your amusement, I cannot fathom. It makes no sense to want to do so. Maybe you like one-sided battles? When you watch the Super Bowl, or another sporting event, you would it rather be a game with a significant win, like 49-0?

I’m sorry, but I cannot and do not enjoy such an event.

I have said this elsewhere, but if ploot is added:

  1. I will toggle the optional ploot setting;
  2. Join the games;
  3. Hostile PK the people to get them to drop their gold (nobody puts 100% of their gold in the shared stash at all times); and
  4. Will not be alone in this endeavor.

You will be doing that even without personal loot setting.

I have seen this response multiple times. You are not in a position to decide what other people will do. Is that not yet clear?

I am the person who decides what I do. Not you. A shame I have to clarify such a basic fact of life yet here we are…

Yes - all those people dying once in WoW to PVP in the open world before warmode existed were getting griefed. All those people playing dark souls who get randomly invaded once by a player get griefed. No, you might want to get a grip.

Griefing is a form of harassment - that one off isn’t griefing. Griefing is me body camping you for two hours. One single instance isn’t enough and its disingenious to suggest it is.

Mental issues much? Maybe seek some help.

Yours? If you’re deciding what other people will or won’t do - yes, “delusions of grandeur” for a start.

It must sting to be put in your place like this - but consider it a public service.

Who was deciding what? LOL.
Judging by your behavior here, its very likely you will be running around joining games just to kill people. That is like 99.9% certain.

Your assumption (here too) states X about my behavior which I haven’t stated anywhere.

You aren’t in a position to decide how I will be playing the game. I decide - I stated what I will do if ploot is added.

Logic isn’t your forte, huh?

Hhahaa. Oh LOL. Go back to your cave.

It is disingenuous* for in-game behavior, e.g., getting ganked and corpse camped on a WoW pvp server, to be defined as ‘griefing’.

Judging by the posts in this thread, the anti /spit brigade seems to feel like LARPing its way over to the D2 community to try to “improve” the game, and the community.

Ain’t going to happen.

BORING!!! sounds like a con to me.

Nah. Looking forward to making people rage quit.

This. This is the definition of a griefer, toxic gameplay pure and simple.

I just don’t get that mindset.


The emotional instability in your posts here (and elsewhere) puts you in the very category of person you deride.

Hope this helps.

Can you go back to your cave already? I bet you can’t wait for the game to release to run around and kill random and unaware people but you need to wait for that a bit more.