End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

The only problem is the lack of the traditional hostile sound, and the icon should be bigger. Outside of that, DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING. D2 wasn’t some kind of carebear game, and this would ruin it more than Ploot or other changes EVER could. It’s not like getting PKED is even the end of the world, you literally just lose a bit of gold and your pride.

Also more people than usual are pking right now because there’s no content beyond act 2. Everyone gets bored after tomb running to 25+ and then there’s nothing to do but go out and hunt people.

I disagree with that.

However, there isn’t a big notification and loud sound when someone hosts you like there was. They should have had that already.

That and when you hostile someone, you can’t jump in a TP or WP right away. Also and original mechanic.

PKing is such an uncommon occurance in d2, give me a break.

Of course it happens lots in a beta with only 2 acts, people are bored.

It should stay open world PvP, obviously.

I think someone has tried to PK me once every 5k games likely, this isn’t even an issue.

Exactly, once people have actual endgame stuff to play and start farming for items you’ll see the pking drop to like 1% of this level. Most people have better stuff to do than pk lowbies in tombs.

You are asking for an entirely different game.

That is like asking them to remove open PVP from Dark Souls.

No. Never. Not a Chance.

The change requests are getting out of hand. Give them a finger (some QOL) and they will ask for the entire hand. Pretty sure that soon some whiners are going to ask for HRs to be sold as microtransaction.

Im so sick and tired of people like you complaining about the stupidest things, If your can’t handle the pressure, get your ars out of there. Quit whining like a 8 year old.

No, of course.

This is intended mechanic so it should remain. Plus, it is fun.

I dont think this would be a huge deal if they changed it, however the only reason this is happening is because the beta is so short and well people are bored. Normally you dont get people hostiling and killing normal games usually that only happens in Hell game modes or Hardcore. The only games this would effect are the pub duel games. Most pvp communities are GM/Private games anyways. This is one change I wouldn’t be too upset at if it happened however, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

Edit: And for the love of God fix WSG!!!

Keep it as it is. Love it, or leave the game.

There was a time when i had anti PK setup in stash just because somebody i disliked followed me in public games to pk me. I Also carried thaw potions for potential blizz pk. It was fun defending myself and winning in the end. This would all be canceled by a stupid button now. (I played classic)

Agreed always been an issue, Griefers are :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Trolls End of Story!

For the Griefer Trolls perhaps!

Hyperbole much


How fun it is to rejoin that game with your higher level char and loot some gold?

There are already two solutions:

  1. Play in a password protected game.
  2. When hostiled, go to Gheed and hide in his waggon.

Flagged for trolling.

This is one of those issue that if it were a new game, it would be debatable. But this does change the fundamentals of the game, so it’s elimination is inappropriate for a remaster. One positive of this is that it can be inspiring to get better gear so you can take care of griefers.

Killing people is not about agreeing to it or not. Handshake pvp is stupid. If someone hostiles you, consider them a big boss, or leave. Don’t whine about PVP, the most loved mechanic of the game that has kept it alive for decades.

Go play Diablo 3 and leave this game alone.

The Great BoBaFeTT