End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

Leave and make another game, Mr. Shamwreck.

Arguments like

are really goonish. this is computer game, not a real life… this comparison is utterly unbelieveable.

If you start a ladder char and you see someone ahead of you on ladder, you can kill them. In HC that removes them from progressing on the ladder. In SC you just cost them a position or two on the ladder.

That’s how D2 works…

Diablo 2 was a mean, unforgiving game at times. Guess what, still considered a masterpiece. That’s how I prefer the game to stay. Players these days are too soft; too used to the hand-holding and the care-bearing of modern comforts. You can play Diablo 3 and 4 when it comes out. Those are for you. Diablo 2 is for me.

Or maybe you and the other six players in the game you’re in should try taking off the wet nappies and just smoke the turkey that hostiled you.

Some of the funniest and most memorable games I’ve had in D2 came about because one or two randoms would hostile a PvE party in an A1 Hell game, cue trash talk, and then someone from the party leaves and brings in their PvP toon, then someone else does the same and it just cascades into a clown festival brawl.

I don’t know where this ridiculous notion that PvP must always be honorable, fair and always be on the basis of mutual consent came from, but get lost with that nonsense. Here’s how you avoid non-consensual PvP, tuck your tail in between your legs and hit save and quit. I guarantee it’s not that difficult to be half competent in PvP and you’ll be a better player overall because of it. Try it instead of whining.

Random is random, doesnt matter if its a game or any other activity, if you take it on with random people there is always going to be this “random” factor.

This is subjective, for me for example D3 Vanilla was the only version I enjoyed playing. As for franchise D3 imo did nothing good, I personally think it nearly butchered it. If you meant genre then I cant think of any QoL change introduced in D3 that is good for it.

Weren’t you in the wsg/ebug posts saying “we’ll it’s a bug so it should be removed”… maybe I’m remembering wrong… but if it was you, saying “it’s in the game so it should stay” is very much a valid reason.

The only issue with the current is there’s no way to know unless you constantly are checking the current players in game screen “p”. I don’t know how many times I have outwitted a PKer, at one point i just get tired and just log immediately and restart.

PS This time no one will any longer have the option to play offline or play mods, And Blizzard/Buzzard won’t waste resources keeping a game thats not making them what they consider sufficient money running for more than a year or so as their already shutting others and everything including this one when it goes it goes

OK - confused.

In Diablo 2, there is no delay to exit a game as in the only game in the series you actually know (Diablo 3). If someone hostiles you - immediately exit if you’re intimidated by PVP?

Or, if you already have a group, make private runs so no one else can join?

I don’t understand the complaints against this. PVP is always mutual and LEGITIMATE PKing attempts without bannable modifications are easy to avoid

You’ve clearly have never been to a bar in philly.

Pretty sure Mods have kept D2 LOD alive and your clearly a purist you know the playerbase less then 5,000? The people who are going to ruin this game! How many times does it need to be said


Legit the 100,000s of people who want this game to not be dead dont care about this dead game unless it gets some modern updates! This game is dead! Its been dead

Once the pretty shiny graphics wear off and you realize you gotta spend 12ish hours a day to maybe find a crap item??? GHOST TOWN just like then just like now!

Congrats you get to kill D2 LOD all over again! With your dated dead opinions about a dead game that has only been kept relevant due to PD2 and other mods!

Honestly the saddest thing in gaming history is watching D2 LOD and Everquest PVP! Like i am so thankful for MOBAS and Modern DAY PVP in MMORPGS because watching D2 LOD PVP is kinda sad i will grant that the meta to make builds and items is fun but the actual pvp… Yikes its honestly pathetic compared to a moba or any modern day pvp! I have not played the new pvp in POE but that was ROFL as well! I hope it has improved

Nope. You have me confused with someone else.


Link or didn’t happen.

The statement is beyond stupid on so many levels. It would pollute the economy with items times 8. Yet alone that face would significantly “effect” the game.

It would also take away the tension and characteristic of the loot. It’s one of many reason, why itemization in diabl2/lod to this date is probably the best ever made.

They only argument to take this away would be because of cheats (pick it) and/or bots. But if you think like this, you couldn’t code any multiplayer game anymore.

By that logic Blizzard should still allow to host and kill other players, but ban them afterwards if the opponent didn’t agree to it.

I am ok with that. I will however not tolerate griefing and or unruly behavior.

We both agree on that.

Bullies and abusers never like to give up their power over others. (I am not accusing you of being a bully or abuser).

That is your opinion. In my opinion, we have less time to play due to our personal priorities. If a business wants out money, they need to deliver a product that works for our current needs.

I do play D3 and no, I don’t want to play D4.

You said it yourself, D2 is there for you as is, I look forward to playing D2R but modernized for 2021 players.

We could, but that would take away from our time and efficiency to get XP and loot.

Not everyone has had this experience. But believe it or not, I actually agree with you on this. Those are some good stories to tell. But I will tell you this. If you egged me on and I had an ego bigger than yours, guess what? You bet I will accept your challenge!

What is wrong with this?

If that is what you want to do, no shame in it, I won’t judge you for it. I personally would accept you challenge and take your ear and gold:)

OK and?

Ok, I can accept your thoughts on it. I would be interested to read about what specifics made your experience less enjoyable, but that is up to you to share.

“I am ok with that. I will however not tolerate griefing and or unruly behavior.”

  • Last I checked,l you didn’t develop the game so therefore, your tolerations are meaningless. Pking is part of the game. Been pked myself. Still not advocating it’s removal. The game takes place in a hostile, ravished world – not a Build-A-Bear store.

“Bullies and abusers never like to give up their power over others. (I am not accusing you of being a bully or abuser).”

  • Its a video game – there are no bullies or abusers. It’s pixels playing with / killing other pixels and the sun still shines tomorrow. Not everyone gets a trophy in D2 – culture shock? Maybe, but there was a time like this and you’ll experience it with this game.

"That is your opinion. In my opinion, we have less time to play due to our personal priorities. If a business wants out money, they need to deliver a product that works for our current needs.

  • I have far less time to play than I did years ago. Im not still not asking for training wheels.

“I do play D3 and no, I don’t want to play D4.”

  • You should – not being facetious either. You’ll have better luck shoving in Diablo-3-esque mechanics into that game than any form of D2.

“If that is what you want to do, no shame in it, I won’t judge you for it. I personally would accept you challenge and take your ear and gold:)”

  • No one complaining about the hostility system is good at PVP. I don’t believe you.

Bottom line – the game wasn’t made specifically for you or anyone else that feels so entitled to act as if they deserve certain core gameplay changes to a game 3/4 of you all were in diapers when released. Let it go.

You sound as if everyone is in agreement with you and you argue from a point of authority yet have none. If you don’t like what is the game is in 1.14D then you’re wasting your time trying to change D2R. The developers have already came out and publicly said they are going to keep the game as close as they can to the original.

If you can’t cope with getting owned by a much better player then make a private game, play only with friends or stick with Diablo 3 where people cannot hostile you and randomly own your noob chars and camp your body when you become a sore looser.

Neither did you for that matter. My tolerance is meaningless to those that don’t respect my boundaries. Please quote me where you heard me say I wanted to remove PK? I was discussing mutual consent.

Before we can argue this matter, we must first find common ground. A bully in my understanding is somone who intends to do you harm because they perceive you to be vulneable. An abuser is a person who treats another person in a negative way. Can we not agree that there are such people in the current D2 community? This is 2021, there is no room for such bad behaviours.

Thats cool, but at least you have the option of playing the way you want while others can enjoy the modern qol changes. Everyone wins.

Thank you for the recommendation, but it’s not the right game for me. I rather invest my time with the games I love that are out now.

I am simply saying that if I wanted to hostile a player in my game, I would need to put more work via convincing that player to engage in a duel with me instead of it being a one-way challenge.

Bottom line is that just like you I paid for D2R preorder and just like you I have every right to voice my opinions to both the community and hopefully the devs.

I can see how I came across that way. To clarify, I like to play with likeminded people. If certain players do not respect the boundaries I set forth to them, I won’t waste my time with them. Most people do not like it when I talk like that, but to be clear is to be kind.

There is a lot of assumptions being made in that one paragraph.

So much truth in such a small space.

4 posts, does more need said?