End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

Appreciate your fighting the good fight. Unfortunately, I think you’re wasting your time here. There’s no way to change the minds of people who think it’s just fine to bully and violate others, even in a virtual world.

As Lincoln said, “Never wrestle with a pig. It only gets you dirty, and the pig likes it…”

totally agree with u pvp is fine but getting sick of idiots joining trist and tombs and just hostile the whole game same with close bnet old d2

d2r is for the clean players u old bmers that have been playing this old game for 20 years can stay at the old game for another 20 years while we move on with the generations d2r dimmortal d4 d5 and u d2 vets can stay on d2lod for life


pvp is toxic so is shared looot

Along with instant level xx tokens, name changes, skins,…

Now we are neutering pvp? FFS, what next? EXP loss? Durability? Potions? Scrolls?

If you dont want to Play a Remastered Diablo 2, then dont play it. Pvp is part of the game, always has been.

Dear lord, can you guys please stop trying to make everything worse?

There is a significant difference between PvP and griefing.

One is fun and the other not fun.

True. It was a bad design then, and it’s a bad design now.

Lol. how? PvP in Diablo 2 is some of the best PvP in an AARPG to date.

I wonder how many things in real-life that are bad could be “justified” with saying that is how it has always been, why change it.

PVP is truly one of the best features in D2 for - players who want to participate.

My comment is the design of it. Making it non-consensual was my point. No-one has yet to explain how making it so is a bad thing.

They keeping telling me it was always this way, so live with it. These are the same people who’ll hypocritically use the expanded/shared stash tabs, as well as non-ladder rune words…

PKer joins your game. Enters your portal. Makes a portal of his own. Goes to town an goes hostile. It already removes his portal. If you can’t figure out what to do in all the time it takes for the PKer to get to you after it removes the portal then you have personal problems not the game.

Its not bad design, its a hostility system not a dueling system. Games still use them. There isnt anything wrong with it. Dont want to engage it pvp, either play in a full lobby or play private and go for broke and go singeplayer.

The Souls games, thrives off there PvP scene. There are ways to avoid it, not being embered in 3 and going to offline mode.

Pvp is as much part of Pvp in the Souls series as it is in D2.

Plenty of games have Pvp hostility system dude. They arent bad design. They are different. And if you dont like it, there are ways to not engage in it.

No need to change an already working system, because people dont want to take the steps to not be engaged in it.

I can figure out quite well what to do. I quit the game or go back to town. Why should I interrupt my fun to accommodate the desire of some griefer who gets pervers enjoyment from making others suffer?

Usually, there are mutual consent. I like PvP. I do not like griefers.

This! Why should 1 anti-social no-lifer be allowed to ruin a great run for 7 other players.

It’s called the “heckler’s veto” and it’s a true sign of mental disease.

because its part of the game? There are systems built around it? Its not an exploit, that the game uses a hostility system.

Its part of the game, just like the souls games. You dont like it cool. Doesnt mean the systems bad or broken. Just means you dont like it.

That is not a valid reason. You can design system better. PvP is fun. Consenting to PvP good. Having a griefer ruin other’s games is bad design. It does not matter if it has been that way for 20 minutes or 20 years. Bad design is still bad design irrespective of how long it has occurred.


The fact is griefers tend to game hop. It leaves a wide path of annoyance in their wake.

Because you purchased a Action “role playing game” an that’s the role that person decided to play because you allowed him to join your game.

Just Because You Dont LIKE Something Doesnt Mean its BAD. Repeat that a few times.

You dont like a part of the game. Doesnt mean that part of the game is Wrong or Bad. You just dont enjoy it. And thats your problem. Not the games.

There are steps to reduce chance of griefers, with level restrictions, full game lobbies, private games and single player.

Either use the steps to reduce what you dislike, or stop complaining.