End-game is EZ trash

how about a enire new mode, # 4 like- “inferno”??? im sure i could improve on that name… you get the idea. New Ai??? monsters that do unpredictable shiii. that would be awesome.

I think the biggest thing for me is I want to keep that “d2 feel.” No random maps, crazy goofy enemies, added random mods ect. Just Hell with some challenge behind it ya know? Particularly targeted as solo play to 99 with some difficulty. Endless Chaos/Baal runs from 96-99 isn’t fun. Honestly why most of my builds tend to stop at 94/95.

why does no one want an AI improment? i know what every monster is going to do before they do it. I guess the only way for me is PVP, i just dont know where to start.

Because any “AI” improvement you added would really just hurt melee and not effect ranged at all. If you want to keep an even change to difficulty you just need things like more immunes, and harder hitting ranged mobs with more HP. I mean just making current elemental immunes completely immune and adding more magic immunes would change the game a lot.

Making smarter mobs really just means making faster mobs, and mobs that kite better. Both of those gonna suck for melee.

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its 20 year old Ai… just saying. I feel i could wreck in HC with any class. not showing off its just experience man. id love surprises very much.

I mean it is… but it’s still probably better than many newer titles like Borderlands. Ever play that new one that came out with? Tiny Tina’s Wonderland? The AI is TERRIBLE and the game takes like 12-15 hours to beat. Never died and all I did pretty much was walk forward and hold in the melee button.

We should make the most of ladder seasons. Why not have a 1 month ladder which is really difficult? All difficulties hit twice as hard, twice the immunes, twice the hit points and so on?

The next ladder could feature nothing but rares.

The next could drop everything ethereal without indestructable mod, so there was a constant cycle of gear.

Creative idea 4, 5, 6.

There will always be non-ladder if you dont like it.

In fact, that might just be the best idea ive ever had.

TBH I’d be 100% behind “theme ladders.” I currently just don’t care about ladder as I just see it was an “Enigma loading bar.” Ladder pretty much boils down to farm a torch for the class you want to play. Farm an enigma, mess around on that character for a bit, quit.

Why I stick NL these days.


Reaper of Souls got rid of RMAH, and the Rift system is quite challengeing a bove GR 100. D3 is reverese D2 you gear up faster, start to grind endgame which solwly becomes harder. When you can clear a GR 150 whitin the 15 min mark you’re done. But that’s not as easy, as some here think. I’m playing both games and like them, you realy have to have a different mind set for each. Or if you realy don’t want to go play D3, play offline SSF and crank up that player count.

Oh and don’t play paladin or sorc, those classes are easy mode by them selfs. :smiley:

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Come pvp, this is where the real challenge begins

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There is several pvp community that can answer your questions, help you with build, help you find opponent, organise tournaments etc

You will find the link of one of the bigest here :

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If you got infinity, enigma, and griffons by yourself then you bought it. There’s no way you found all that or traded up to it in 2 months.

If you did spend all that time over the summer to get all that then you got your 40 bucks worth.


??? get a shako and a high rune first ladder day, sell it on jsp and you can buy all this items no problem right now, and still have a lot of pocket change. You could call that being lucky but well, you could also farm key / torch and sell them early ladder and make quite a lot of profit out of it, pretty reliably.And even with out that its not impossible to do it at all so…

give your gear to the one who need ; start from zero again and play only 1 hour per day max

maybe he can, he probably play like bot, play 16 hour perday, sleep 8 hour. for 2 months

Without pvp “ALL” games are this easy once you have good items!

How easy D3 was is ridicules!

Not sure if it’s sarcasm or stupidity. OP clearly said that in those game he mentioned, even with all slot being BiS gear, game still feel challenging at max difficulty. Meanwhile, fully decked out hammerdin or lightning sorc find no difference between p8 baal and p1 trash mob.

D2 should implement that NG+ system from torchlight 2 for infinite difficulty scaling.


end game suppose to be pvp in diablo 2
sadly everything change in 1,10

D2 pvp is a joke compared to modern mmo games with real pvp, or even moba. When people want to play pvp, moba and mmorpg are the first thing they think about, not the like of d2. D2 pvp is just gimmick at best.

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you need to understand 20 year ago only a few game have pvp and this use to be very popular for diablo , sure for today standar is a bit outdate but you know , you play a 20 year old game , sure pvp dont age well in diablo 2 after the 1.10 update this really hurt the game balance

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