End-game is EZ trash

I’m not interested in hardcore. I’ve done the ‘die once and lose hundreds of hours of progress’ thing too many times before.

I want to get better and better and take on harder and harder challenges, not purposely gimp myself because of lazy game design.

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I know PVP isn’t great, but I feel it’s a little underated.

I like how he outplays the lvl 97 Paladin with a leap before taking his head off.

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As I get stronger, I want the demons to get stronger (or atleast the option).

I want to slay monsters, not other players, thats not what I picked up Diablo for. I do appreciate the advice though! Simply not my cup of tea!

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best re roll something weaker or try you’re skills against hardcore mode. but it’s probably best to move on to something else if this is how you feel. you could check out classic mode if you missed it.

Im going to be honest.

I am absolutely astounded that a game focused around gearing up and slaying monsters does not have a way to make the monsters tougher.

The thought that such an option didn’t exist is so foreign it never even entered my mind. I am profoundly disappointed.

you can beat a ton of modern games in a few hours. not every game is meant to be played for ever.

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You want to get better but play a version of the game where you can die infinite times.

My HC hero is level 93 and hasn’t died once and can clear all content.
It took a lot of deaths to be able to now get characters this far.

As much as you’ll hate to hear it but any successful HC player is much better at D2 than SC

It just is what it is.

But it’s fine if you want to get better at SC


I make it a point not to wear the same BiS gear for the builds otherwise it would be boring. I just made Voice of Reason in a Scourge for a Frenzy Barb and will use Banana Star for the other hand with Duress and partial IK. If I had gone with sword mastery I would default to Grief and that would be pointless.

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I played a game called ‘eve online’ for about 15 years. In that game, when you die, you lose dozens or hundreds of hours of play. In my particular instance, I setup structures in a part of space that allowed other players to destroy my stuctures.

I spent 10 years or so literally 1 hour away from losing everything (thousands of playtime hours) I worked for. I’ve done that, its behind me, I don’t want to do that again.

Thats a playstyle choice, not a difficulty choice, I think you are confusing the two.

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you should try diablo 3. it’s probably more like how you want.

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I played diablo 3, left during the RMAH with JAy wilson disaster but came back after they fixed it.

Diablo 3 is very good in that respect, probably have 700 or so hours in it, I would love for them to take the difficulty scaling in D3 and apply it to D2. D3 also doesn’t have overpowered runewords like D2, but thats for another topic, I hate how strong the runewords are.

I mean D3 has infinite scaling, maybe it’s more your speed. D2 come out in 2000, a lot of the systems we take for granted today simply just didn’t exist. If you really want scaling dungeons, I think D3 sounds like a better fit for you. Most people are back for D2 nostalgia, it’s a classic not a modern next gen gaming experience.

As for modding D2 into D3, that’s not gonna happen unless they have an expansion coming. With D4 looming, a D2 expansion will most likely not happen.

I hardly disagree with making mobs harder without giving any additional content. In my opinion this will just discourage new and “less nostalgic players” from playing it. The answer lies in adding new end-game content (would be best if done with other players together) that is challenging like the way you describe for example.

“Getting gear quicker” argument for p8 command is actually ridiculous, but there are some major concerns regarding multiplayer interactions, and actually they are far from being perfect even now - 8 geared nerds coming to every MF zone alone biting verbally anyone who invades their area because they are scared that someone yoinks their elusive Ber rune from Bishibosh, eventually someone asks if anybody wants to buy their +20%MF Gheeds they found recently. Now add to it this p8 command feature and you just get tons of 1 player private games, baal runs, leveling and entire population of 6 pvp enjoyers in your region.

But I don’t want to be annoying, I agree with others mentioning about hardcore character playthorugh(s). I think you could change drastically opinion about how this game plays knowing that one weird boss pack can yoink your char for good, I think you should try it. And also I am in favor for adding new end-game content for future patches as you suggested.

New ai, some more endgame in general would be amazing. im HC ssf and i dont even pick up HRs anymore, no point… this would cost money however, and this is the cheapest community possibly ever. so its not going to happen. just like d2, tiny changes will be made at snails pace.

yeah. some more end game would be cool. but doesn’t look like it will ever happen. also new early game improvements too. lots of people are getting tired of the same old leveling experience. but this game was mostly gonna be a fresh paint job and some qol. we got some new runewords, bug fixes and some balance fixes. anything else will be a bonus.

Devs are costly if you want more on a constant basis its gotta be funded. Id gladly pay a few bucks a month man!! you kidding me, if they fixed all the problems, made more end game! that would be so sick/ take my 4.99 a month! I made a post about it here I got heckled Mike Richards @ the laugh factory… most of us are adults with jobs… just ultra ffffin cheap! so we gotta accept the same old slop? as has always been +20 years now.

Id bet that most of us here will hate D4… this is simply our masterpiece. i don’t know why the community is against watering this wonderful plant.


you already met the challenge by decking out you’re characters. I too get bored of end game farming but I’d stop short of calling it trash. Try dueling some veteran duelers and get back to us with that EZ trash remark.

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End-game PvM is easy and it is trash. Being able to duel other people has nothing to do with the end game of the PVE content.

I’m saying I want the monsters to be stronger tougher and more challenging.

PVP has absolutely nothing to do with that

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pvp in hc is just too risky anyhow. losing months of work is insane.

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I lost 10 years of work in 36 hours last summer. It is a horrible feeling.

Been there, done that, dont want to do it again.

Getting a distinct feeling that there is a group of people on these forums who feel that they are better than other people on these forums simply because they play hardcore mode.

Nothing more disgusting than a ‘holier-than-thou’ attitude