End-game is EZ trash

The real question is are you playing online? Solo find everything? I’m highly doubtful given the items you listed off. Play offline and see how long it takes to make infinity. You’d still be playing but getting bored of the grind that is “drops suck”. D2 was never hard but once you make the godly gear there is no point in grinding unless you really want to see level 99. (95 was the highest I ever got circa 2007, but as far as I know nothing special happen)

Make off the wall builds that’s about all the fun there is in D2 after that I’d recommend Grim Dawn for gameplay, Titans Quest for story and slower gameplay as grimdawn.

regardless of what the selling point of the game is/was, pvp is what added so much longevity to the game for a vast majority of the players.

if your goal is to clear the games content, like you said, it doesnt take long. hardcore wont change that despite what the fanboys tell you, its the same game, move at a slower pace until you find a stormshield, then back to ‘easy trash’ as you put it.

sounds like the game isnt for you. maybe play dark souls.

D2/R is like an AK-47, everyone has their own opinions and many would like to tweak it here and there, but ultimately… Rifle is fine.

Not sure if you ever played the OG D2 but that is how it has been. However, go look at D3 where if you think this is easy, join a Greater Rift run and watch people just 1shot everything in its path.

This game is meant to do that. It is a treasure hunting game where once you get all the gear you want you go to find more to trade/sell for another character of yours or just for fun.

Keep in mind also, this is a 20 year old game and is just a remaster not a remake. If you only planned on leveling 1 character and now have everything you want and don’t have any plans to level another character then yeah, the game is pretty much done for you. Or you can try ladder or hard core.

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I wana Rock … Rock !!!

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Yes contrary to many people ideas of D2 there is only one end game and that is PvP where perfection absolutely matters.

In PvM its w/e ezfest.

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23 DAYS LATER did you really just try to 28 days later your own thread and fail?

just play classic, its not to much harder but atleast there is a challenge to leveling and finding good gear

Thats a playstyle choice, not a difficulty choice, I think you are confusing the two.

Playstyle choice of HC? How about the playstyle choice of following other players tried and tested builds and using bis runewords?

Why not just play the game on your own and progress and learn the game as it was meant to be? You created this trash ez result for yourself

These are all things that seem obvious to an HC player, but the softserve brain is different. You want easy to access adrenaline, infinite powercreep, no penaltys for mistakes

Sounds like the new SC POE league will be good for you, they nerfed drops to be more in line with d2 so it’s basically d2 with infinite powercreep now


So you don’t even play hardcore? All you’ve done is get all the accessories for your Barbie and all the furniture for her house. You’ve wasted an entire month on literally nothing and you think it’s a big deal. Good job, I guess.

Enjoy your softcore terror zones or whatever. >.>

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Do you know any RPGs that don’t end up having the player become incredibly resilient and high damage when you have the absolute best at your disposal?

It is the natural order of things, unfortunately. If you want to slap the reset button after that, then that is something in your control.

End game is and has always been PvP.

End game of an RPG game is play Street Fighter ? :thinking: