"Emergency maintenance"... Deployment fail round 2? ☹

Blockquote 4. The only known issue that will be in the 2.4 patch is that character names are coming up as all CAPS. So enjoy screaming your name to the world for a few weeks as 2.4 hits on the 14th of April.


the devs can’t fix this???


bro i dropped out of software engineering after the 2nd year and even i could fix that problem… how is that unfixable?

… i guess that explains why they can’t fix the load times

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So the server issues are back in EU. “Your connection has been interrupted” again and again. I thought it was a minor hiccup that was resolved within an hour?


I don’t understand, all char names are currently coming up as all caps right now: post-maintenance and before patch 2.4. Are you saying that will be fixed when 2.4 releases or that 2.4 will make all characters names all caps again?

There was a dev stream the last few days?

No there wasn’t, but I imagine we will see more for Season 2 ladder.

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Who the damn want to “Enjoy” screaming character in all caps?

They are so poor now just affordable to hire intern staff to work for the company?

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We would have have a small amount of downtime and a rollback. No big deal. Beats waiting for months just to be able to play at all…

They still possess working computers that use punch cards and fortran [the government]

going on 4 months … have laid out a 12 x 12 … wanna buy a square or 2? $100 each …

Then you missed MY point. I said they likely ALREADY KNOW. but you can’t just ship a build like is nothing, it could take a week to ship it and it would slow down the 2.4 by ba week.

Your clarification was useful for me and hopefully some others.

It was nice to hear that it was a minor hiccup directly from Blizzard and not a doom and gloom event.

I mean lets be real here… at best we are getting interns working on D2R. They aren’t going to make any more money off this game, and frankly they don’t much care what we think. They got their $40 so they’re good on it. The only reason they care about Ladder at all is they want to slap it up on the Blizzard launcher and see if they can milk a few more sales.

They have a ghost crew working on this, and one guy “Pez” running PR interference while obviously just hating that he has to type something to us once a week.

Personally I just wish they’d leave it the hell alone before they break it more. Far as I’m concerned we don’t need new content, and ladder seasons can just loop it’s current state til the end of time. Just stop messing with it.

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I dont know if you guys remember, but the original Destiny was fully unplayable for about 60% of its playerbase right from launch, some for several months. I was one of the people who bought it and was completely unable to play it at all, not even log in to the character select screen. “Error Eagle: unable to connect”

Its frustrating to pay $80+ for a game and not even be able to make a character, never mind start playing, for months. They did eventually figure it all out, but it soured me to that game and its sequel permanently. That was Bungie, who isn’t exactly a small game company.

These things happen. They are working on it. This isn’t exactly their flagship game either, so that could be contributing.

It’s very strange that the only bug that was found were the all caps thing. A bunch of people were coming to the forums reporting the shared stash missing. Maybe that was just a temporary glitch? I hope so. Blizzard couldn’t have THAT big a blind spot, could they?

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There was also something wrong with the stash/items and progression. It’s what is mentioned in the sticky post.

It wasn’t intended as a doom and gloom post… It was more of an “Oh no…” post showing how I’m starting to feel about the situation, the Picard facepalm says it all… This thread has been for the most part civil. You and I both know it could have been a lot worse.

A suggestion for any future “successful failures” and avoiding subsequent doom and gloom posts would be to have a sticky post ready to throw up on the forums along with updating the Battle.net app notice at the same time. One would think you have a way to synchronize the posting of both. Probably not going to stop all of the doom and gloom, but I think it will help some.

I know you guys are drilling through the problems, and it’s probably just as much of a headache for the team as it is for the players. Keep it up! Can’t wait to jump into the action! :+1:

Hello, can you guys actualy implement fix se we can see games? I dont understand why we have to wait for this so long when it was alreqady fixed on PTR. I am playing HC in EU and dont see one single Hell HC game.


I’m kinda worried they haven’t taken the game down again…do they realize there’s still issue with all character names in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY? Do they realize skill binds are reset, and not saving when they’re changed? It’s almost literally making the game unplayable, Blizz (especially the keybind issue). Please just take the game down and fix it or revert it to how it was on Sunday/Monday/earlier, please. With Dark Souls servers down, and now D2R being essentially down (despite not being down), I can’t play two of my main games and it sucks.

Alright. Thanks for the clarification.

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