Dynamic scaling for difficulty

so i have played d2 on and off since lod launch in 2001. in that time i have never once got a character to lvl 99. the addition of terror zones was added to help in that push for lvl 99 and i think that is cool but it is highly dependent on several factors which all include having 8 players in the game for max exp or it would take forever to hit lvl 99. joining pub games and trying to snake the tz runs almost always makes people hostile me becuase they want the tz to themselves. other way is to have a group of friends make private games to help you in your push for lvl 99 but i do not have that group of friends unfortunately. the next way is to have 7 filler accounts to make your own private games to run your own personal tz’z but i don’t have a computer powerful enough to run 8 clients on unfortunately. i feel like the quest for 99 should be obtainable for everybody not just the people who have a huge group of friends to help them or an account full of loaders. i feel left out and i feel like i will never hit lvl 99 and it is discouraging me to the point i think i am going to quit d2 once and for all unless they make a way for everybody to be able to hit lvl 99. Add a feature where you can select the difficulty of the game like players 1-8 so we can get the players 8 exp if we want by playing the game solo online. lvl 99 shouldn’t be only obtainable by the privileged lucky enough to have loaders or a huge group of friends to aid them. make it fair for the rest of us who play solo online.


It’s already been asked for by the community and was answered by Blizzard… /Players X is not coming to Battle.net.

“We don’t want to add reasons to Battle.net to not play with people.” -Matt Cederquist


guess what, not very many people play this game anymore. i searched baal and chaos today looking for runs and not 1 game popped up. you are forcing my progression to be dependent on other people! this decision is forcing people to buy more accounts, its a money motivated decision and downright greedy! no i will not buy 7 more accounts just to hit lvl 99 because the game has hardly any people playing anymore. i play on PS5 too and there is rarely more than half a page of games at any time. looks like i’ll be finding a new game to play.


I’m not really sure why you’re worried about ladder rankings anyway… They’re largely a joke, as they’re just a measurement of how hard someone can nolife a game. Wow…

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i’m not even talking about ladder my guy. the game in general.


If /players X not being online is a game enjoyment dealbreaker for you… Move along to some other game, my friend. /players X is available offline single player, you know.

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i just think lvl 99 should be obtainable for everybody, not just bots, people with a big group of friends willing to aid them in the push for 99, and people who have 7 filler accounts because without these things lets be honest, 99 is not realistic for a solo casual players, and honestly i don’t think bnet even cares because they make their money every ban wave from all the bots they ban who buy more cd keys so why would they care about people like me right?


Level 99 is reachable by everyone that has the time to invest to reach that level. You don’t need filler accounts or players X, you just need the time to do it.

Just because having /players X or filler accounts is the fastest way doesn’t mean it’s the only way.


without those things its not realistic.

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Well then there’s the fine line that separates you from those that want to no-life this game… Congratulations, you have a life.

but just because i work full time and go to school does that mean i should be excluded from being able to obtain the same things as the privileged online players? just because i am a casual with no friends i should not have the same opportunity? i think this decision is somewhat biased, greedy, and unbalanced.


You could always do what Elon Musk does… Hire professional gamers to play for him.


we are getting off topic here but i appreciate your opinion. hopefully things will change.


Keep on hoping, but don’t be surprised when nothing happens.

Come on, it’s not like no significant change has been made for over a year and a half… :smirk:


Oh yeah, I forgot:

Patch 2.7.3 notes:

  • Access to Diablo II: Resurrected in Korea has been updated to allow access at 19 years of age.

(end of line)

Ok there has been a bit more than that, but that’s the funny one anyway.



Um, I have 3 - lvl 99 characters, 2 of them are Zealot based melee Paladins (slow), the 3rd is a Summon Druid… likely in contention for the weakest character in the game (agonizingly more slow than the Zealots).
I also have a Javazon (clvl 98) a Wind Druid (clvl 97) a Fury Druid (clvl 95) and have recently turned my attention to a Summon Necro that is bordering on clvl 89…

I have 2 friends (in game), and, both are on the opposite coast, so we very, very rarely play together… I have no idea how to do BOT nor do I have more than a single account much less the know how to multi-load.
I work construction, travel on average near an hour each way to jobsites, and work a min. of 8.5 hours a day (on-site) then work from home another 2-4 hrs, and often work weekends.
I have a home/yard/trees/shrubs/flowers/pool/spa to tend to - and a wife that I actually enjoy spending time/traveling with as well as a few close friends… and a Jeep that often occupies a weekend - to go on 4 wheeling trips/adventures.

Privileged players? oh my… drop the (what seems like) victim mentality.
Not sure your age/life experience, but for me, growing up in an entirely blue collar/seasonal work family (and extended family), and still working as a blue collar, I can tell you right now, nothing in life is obtainable without ambition, persistence, dedication… and time.
Welcome to the big boy pants reality wold of an average/everyday working Joe.

It is, I assure you.

If none of the above drives you to inspiration/ambition and creates an attitude of overcoming - despite the “excuses” you have “made up”, then… ya, it’s probably time to move on.
Otherwise, buckle-up and achieve.


It took me about 150 hours of solo play to hit 99 on P1 the last time I did it. This wasn’t with optimal play. Did it in around 2 1/2 weeks with a FoH pally. That’s basically just a BG3 playthrough of time investment.

It used to be VERY hard to hit 99… now anyone can do it basically.

That said, it’s not really something I plan to repeat in the future. MUCH easier to stop at 96/97.


The hardest thing now is fighting through the boredom of it. The hourly switch of Terror Zones made it more bearable, but it’s still boring IMO. More than a couple of hours of farming/leveling and I’ll start nodding off.


Honestly I wish TZ’s swapped every 2 hours, and merged the zones a bit. I kinda felt way too rushed to squeeze in XP during good zones.

Or honestly… TZ’s were just all the zones, and do with it as you want lol. These days I just play SP and mess with my system clock to run the TZ I want to. I enjoy that a LOT more.