Dual-wielding in Wereform Bugged - Cannot use "Normal" Attack [VIDEO]


This is a topic that has been floating around here for a while, with video evidence sparsely sprinkled in here and there, but the crux of the issue is that dual-wielding Barbs and Assassins cannot attack while in wereform.

I wanted to make my own video showcasing my own experiences as I am building a “Wolf-Man-Bear”. He’s a Barb using Wolfhowl and dual-wielding Grief + Beast. The idea is I slap monsters with Feral Rage - if physical immune I morph back to Man and slap with Berserk (1 point) - at will, I want to, if bored, swap over to a Bear and start slapping with both paws (more HP, higher defense).

  1. When dual-wielding, “Normal” attacks either animate or they don’t, but regardless, they don’t hit anything anyways;
  2. Slapping with Feral Rage is fine for a Wolfbarb…until your mana reaches zero, at which point you will start attempting to attack with your “Normal” attack;

Here are some of the bug reports on these forums already:

Beast runeword bugged

Werebear and dual-weilding claws bug

Bugg in werebear form with beast axe and botd

Bug lists which already include: “Dual-wield in were-forms is bugged”
Bug/problem list for Devs: what to fix for D2R - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (blizzard.com)
[d2] massive diablo ii bug list - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (blizzard.com)


Can confirm, this happens on my Barbarian with Wolfhowl.