Drop rates need to be increased on console or online /players x

Not being able to do multiplayer online also affects economy and racing to 99. Aside from that, we’ve done that for a long time. Create a legacy ladder and a new ladder with new changes that make the game more fun.

that wont effect it as much as added /players 8 to the game. better way to keep balance fair is to add this in the game but lock the game at /players 8. now every player online with be on the same playing field. having this as an option makes ladder play unbalanced.

i can not believe the amount of changes that ppl ask for and do not take into account balance or the over all gameplay that was intended. keep in mind its a remaster in which you dont want to make a ton of changes. if this was a remake it would be fine make all the changes you want. thing is its not.

You are advocating against changes that would make the game interesting and fun for hundreds of thousands of players because it might affect the economy in an adverse way or make the incredibly small percentage of people, like less than 1% would be my guess, who intend on racing to level 99. That’s just bad priorities.

People have a difficulty slider in offline. All I’m asking for is to let me enjoy fighting harder, more challenging enemies with my friend so the game is interesting. I don’t buy your arguments against it.

Create two different versions: the nasty, old, tired unbalanced ladder where everyone is a try-hard sorc, and the “resurrected” ladder where there are balance changes, quality of life updates, and a difficulty slider so on the occasion where I can’t join a multiplayer game, like now, I can still fight harder enemies for better rewards. At the end of the day, I want fun, not momentary prestige for being the 11,352 player getting level 99 in a ladder of a 20-year old game.

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This dude socks lmao, I have gotten rares before lv 15 on 3 charas

I’m having the same experience. Can’t get anything to drop on console.

Add me on ps4 if u wanna game immamurdersum1 I’m on lots

I am not sure what to say. My experience has been far different and have found plenty of uniques with ~350-400 mf. Enough to have multiple mules. If we change the drop rate, it will be less fun and worthwhile.

I have about 250 mf. I ran shenk & pindle for about the last 1.5 hours and got a unique scythe.

A scythe.

In act 5.

On hell difficulty.

For over an hour of effort.

Well I’d have more mf to find better stuff (in theory)…if I could find good mf items.

But instead i get a scythe. In act 5. On Hell.

Yeah this ain’t working.

Not sure either I only have 200 mf and I’m getting uniques every other run and keepers once out of every 10 sometimes more
Plus I’m working the holy grail quest working on my 3rd mule toon cause I already filled up 2 with the uniques I’ve been finding
I’ve been doing andariel runs and miphesto runs

I just want the rune drops rates boosted and magic find does not increase the drop rates

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I mean to be fair, shenk is garbage and pindle is okay…sure he can drop good stuff but takes a lot of attempts…run AT and Pit, run andy, run meph, run NM baal/andy and you will get better gear so you can farm hell baal or chaos etc…the drop rates are random but it really isn’t that bad

He is asking for players8 for bnet chars. With current state of MM it is virtually impossible to level up at high levels and get some decent gear. So basically if you choose bnet you are screwed in the long run.

That needs to be fixed somehow.

HR rune drops was already increased in 1.13c, no need to increase again.

You’re right. Afterall I just got a unique voulge. In act 5. On Hell.

Now I know yall are all jealous that my merc will be doing 9 to 34 dmg and yours won’t. But I think y’all just gotta get good on your own.

Seriously tho…these drops are pathetic. Ok a voulge in act 5 normal with 0 mf? Sure! Hell? Come on.

And those andy/meph runs take longer, so you do fewer, and when you get yellow junk from it, you’ve wasted a lot time.

You just have bad luck, this game is heay rng based. But you will find good gear if you just play the game.

I agree. This voulge is gonna rock Hell Baal. He’s in big big trouble now.

Just because you got a bad drop you can’t get a good one? I’m not following what you are trying to say.

Maybe the spot you farmed was a trash farm spot.

we can play together if you play on ps 5

play PC instead. Tada.