Drop rates need to be increased on console or online /players x

matchmaking sucks, no games to join. no one joins my games. online games without player and no /players X means you cant find items in the game.

I have been farming hell (250MF) for about 100 hours and have found nothing worth keeping, i just farmed

100 Hell Pindleskin with 0 unique drops
50 Bugged andy runs NM 0 unique rings
50 bugged Andy Hell 2 junk normal set amulets 0 unique
50 hell Ancients act 2 0 unique drops, 3 5% FHR SC’s
50 Meph runs hell… 0 unique drops

i dont know how much more time i can play this knowing nothing is goin to drop


The players command has been confirmed it’s comming to single player on console.


They said that they will add it or ” we are looking to it ” ? There is huge difference between those two.


They are adding it. :slight_smile:


Since there is not a lot of ‘blue’ activity here. Here is some updates about this from Twitter. Note that this command is for single player only, like it always has been iirc.

October 1st

October 1st

October 4th

[edit: added note + dates]


Maybe you miss uniq items (their color similar to white)?
I get 1+ uniq every Baal/Diablo run (with killing mobs in CS and WSK).
And every second run Baal/Diablo drop some uniq/green staff.
It’s very rare situation, when baal/diablo have no uniq/green drop.
One day i farm Pindleskin for 1 hour and get uniq near every 5-7 runs
85+ lvl Hell MF 230%


I play online, so I’m not really concerned about /players but its a feature many want, and there are other questions (so many I won’t even attempt to list more here and I’m not trying to derail OPs post) and issues with the game beyond QOL changes like this.

Why does blizzard think I want to follow some dudes personal Twitter account to get information about this game? I don’t use Twitter for video game updates. Most people don’t use twitter at all

Where’s the love blizz? We’ve been buying your games for like 25+ years.


So what this means is for console players the only way to play effectively will be offline with players8… Super lame still. They need the searchable lobbies and to ditch the failed console attempt at matchmaking.


been playing for about 8 hours
Hell cows and hell Act 2 ancients

have found nothing to save once again

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Good point, the radio silence is getting pretty awkward imo. I actually only use Twitter to get even the tiniest bit of info on D2R console updates.

Yup. I’m just the messenger because there seems to be none. I agree that lobbies and a proper chat is the way to go. I dont care about singleplayer. I am just trying to bring some good news, hell even some news that I can find to people that do care about /players.

Hopefully we’ll get an update soon.

Single player is meaningless, you can already port over legacy D2 single player characters over to D2R, so you dont even to farm for the items, just use an editor.

Again the devs behind D2R have no idea that D2 was only successful because its an online game, the social aspect is probably 70% of the game, this thing is garbage without proper online MM.


Wow you can really port characters? I was wondering how people had all the best stuff already! Mystery solved I guess.

Yes single player offline characters can be ported over.

But that definitely was not an intended feature. Cheaters always will find a way I guess

The players 8 command was usable in online private games on ogd2lod. Can anyone confirm if D2R can still use it online?

there has been no such thing confirmed if so where is your source for this. upon googleing this i have come up empty. if i remember correct rob said they where looking into it. this does not mean it was confirmed same with what rob said about new content and Ploot well Ploot he striaght said we are not doing it.

no you cannot use /players X on closed bnet. you could how ever in D2c play online in open bnet. and you could do this there

can you show me how to port a PC character over to xbox / console? i would like to know this…

Yes you could, I did it all the time with ladder toons on bnet. In a password protect game you sure could. Btw I NEVER PLAYED OPEN!

So far I’ve been having really good luck in farming Diablo finding lots of uniques I’m at 162 mf been finding items to boost up my mf and some low level end gear