Drop & difficulty scaling

thats not a bad idea, thank you for the advice!

For the longest time I’d hop on, pick a class, level it up to 80, then pick a new class, level it up to 80, etc., til I had 1 char of each class.

It was really fun and relaxing just popping on for a few hours and going act-by-act leveling up and questing/progressing.

I started the ‘Grinding’ about 3 weeks ago and haven’t stopped since then. Its just been trading and farming nonstop. Maybe I’ve hit a point where I really just need to chill for a bit.

Yeah i got really into it and stopped playing for similar reasons

One day I fired it back up and I was having so much fun with a new build, druid.
Not meta.

I had so much fun for so long that I got the stuff I needed

Starts a snowball of playing.
Then get bored and/or frustrated
Repeat x10 years

Yeah thats probably what I’ll do. I made a wind-druid that is really fun to play, never played that way before with a protective shield, spells, and a grizzly bear! I tried initially to make a werewolf build work as I thought that would be a lot of fun but there’s no real AoE, Fury just doesn’t do a good enough job so I respec’d. Maybe I will try bear.


Maybe dont do chaos then? :slight_smile:

So you did what 450 runs? You are still only 1/5 of the way there at best. I’d be surprised if you’d found one.

i get jah after 1 month ++ playing everyday

Well, your first problem was trying to farm Keys of Hate from Countess instead of Summoner.

But, assuming you meant Keys of Terror, does it take you 25 minutes to do a Countess run?

It takes 18 sets of ubers on average to get a complete set of torches for all 7 classes. E[# uber runs to all 7 class torches] = 7/7 + 7/6 + 7/5 + 7/4 + 7/3 + 7/2 + 7/1 = 18.15 (this is basically the coupon collector problem).

So you’d need 54 Keys of Terror on average. Maxroll drop calculator has Key of Terror at 1:13.6 on p1 (1:10.6 on p3). So you’d need 734 p1 Hell Countess runs on average. At 1 min per run, that means it should only take you about 12 hours. If it took you 300 hours, that would work out to something like 25 minutes per run.

You might say “well, I got really unlucky, it took me a bunch more runs than expected”. Yeah, but when you need this much of something, there’s a good chance your luck averages out. Law of large numbers. There’s a 99.9% chance it will take you between 460 and 1094 p1 Countess runs to get 54 keys, and a 99.99% chance it will take you between 420 and 1172 runs to get 54 keys. (this is a negative binomial distribution problem, expected number of runs to get x successes with probability p)

At 1 min a run, it’s extraordinarily unlikely it took you more than 20 hours to get 54 Keys of Terror.

I just finished farming a full set of all 7 class torches in single player and it took me a lot less than 300 hours. Like an order of magnitude less.

Honestly… I kinda hate games that scale the monsters based on your character’s level/gear/etc. I prefer having a set hurdle to jump over and building my character with that hurdle in mind rather than have that hurdle automatically adjust so that it’s just barely jumpable, or so that your character always has a slight advantage.

I don’t know how such a thing would even work on anything but single player, anyway. What happens when someone else joins the game? Will the monsters take the same amount of damage from a level 1 character as they would a level 99?

WoW now has a scaling mechanic in it and frankly I don’t much care for it.