Drop & difficulty scaling

Ive been farming trying to get a jah for my first enigma. Cant do it anymore. There needs to be a way to make the game harder and to increase drop rates.

3 days, about 10 hours a day, in a row, spent doing Chaos runs with a strafe Amazon. The highest rune I found was hel.

Since it’s the summer I’ve been playing this game about 12 hours a day but even I can’t handle these trash drops anymore.

If I’m not going to be finding anything at least make the game fun and challenging right now it’s neither of the two. I can either play for a challenge and play for fun or I can Farm but doing neither really sucks.

It boggles my mind that difficulty and drop scaling are not in the game.


I could see the addition of a monster power setting. Perhaps 5 levels, each level increasing the monster density, health and damage by lets say, 20%. No increase in XP gained or drops per monster. The number of players still affects monster health like normal.

This way, playing as a group is still beneficial.

Playing as groups is still beneficial? This isn’t a massive multiplayer online game like World of Warcraft this is a Dungeon Crawler an action role-playing game.

The social element is not very important is that why you’re so against increased drop rates for solo players because you have a hard-on for being in some Elite group?

Honestly I’m fed up at this point with the bullcrap excuses as to why solo players need to deal with trash drop rates forever.


I suggest an option to increase drops by up to two times, yet you still complain. :man_facepalming:

It would also give an option for those that want a harder difficulty beyond what 8 players offers.

Sorry you aren’t being given what you want.

Here’s a novel idea … do a lot of countess runs. Cube up all those runes. 3 days and 10 hours huh? Using a bot, eh?

In that time could’ve cubed a lot of runes and maybe could be close to what you them to give you. Imagine that!

Oh, to be honest, I didn’t click the link because every time I’ve seen you post it’s been about how increased drop rates will destroy the entire game.


Increasing the reward without increasing the danger will destroy the game. Which is what the majority of people ask for. Moar drops, less danger.

I’ve done over 300 hours of Countess runs so that I could get keys of hate to get a torch on all of my characters.

Thank you for the snarky attitude however I really appreciate the condescension.

By all means, you are so welcome!!!
So, 300 hours, eh? And in all that time, if you had your bot picking up all runes, even low ones, you could’ve cubed your way up.
300 hours and no decent drops you could trade for runes and use them as well to cube up?
Something just doesn’t add up.

You do know the monsters get stronger as the player count Rises, right?

So a player’s 8 game is much more difficult than players 1.


Why yes sir, I do know that.

And it could be double that with what I originally suggested, with double the monsters, each doing double damage.

So when people suggest a players 8 command they aren’t suggesting to drastically increase drops while keeping difficulty the same.

They are saying make the game more challenging and rewarding, not give me free stuff. Solo’ing players 8 is not easy. Especially if not fully geared


Blizzard sorc? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure bots running LK chests wouldn’t mind /players X coming to Battle.net.

No need to suggest /players8, it already exists. Just go play offline. Problem solved.

I guess that won’t work for you though … lol … you can’t sell those items in your store, can you?

I don’t know about chest farming I have never done that, but I would be willing to accept that I mean at the end of the day who really cares?

If another guy has 300 enigma’s in his inventory it doesn’t affect me at all. This is a player versus monster game the only interaction you have with other players is to group up to kill monsters.

This is soft core non ladder this is not a competition to see who is the biggest nolifer it literally doesn’t matter what gear other people have.

If one person wants to be a jerk and abused that to open chest over and over okay that’s a small price to pay to drastically improve the solo player experience


What is your goal? To have a single character be fully twinked out with the best gears? How long do you think that should take from a fresh start on average during lets say a 4 month period?

Keep in mind that a ladder season is 4 months, roughly 2880 hours total. Divide by 3 for sleep and work is 960 hours @ 8 hours played per day. Divide by 4 for family time/chores/other things is 240 hours @ 2 hours played per day. (I sit between 1 and 2 hours) Divide by 2 is 120 hours @ 1 hour played per day. Divide by 2 is 60 hours at .5 hours played per day.

Playing 1-2 hours per night, I’ve found on average 2 high runes (ohm+) per ladder season, with a low of 0, a high of 4. (original game with 1.13c+ rune drop rates)

I’d normally get bored of playing after about 2 months.

So where do you want to take the game? There are games you can conquer during the cumulative #2 bathroom breaks during that 4 month period. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t give me that tripe purist bullcrap. I’ve played Eve online since 2007, a game where literally one mistake can cost you 5 - 6 months+ of farming/grinding.

I know how to play the long game. This, the current state of Diablo 2, is not ‘playing the long game’. Its just poor design.


Which is precisely why legitimate players stand no chance at much of anything much less hitting 99.

It’s all based on botting.

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Hitting level 99 isn’t needed for anything, 92 for crafting and 92 is very reachable.

Try again.

99 is why ladder exists. It’s why it’s a ladder. Otherwise just play non-ladder