Drop & difficulty scaling

I do play non-ladder, like most sane people.

There’s literally no point to ladder.


I get it, you want faster progression… You’re dwelling so hard on that Jah rune that you’re reaching as hard as you can. Well, I like Diablo 2 the way it is. A game that spans out over the course of a few months. If you want more drops, find a group to splitfarm. As I said, I would be OK with a monster power modifier that increases density, health and damage, but not drops or XP gain and is separate from what the number of players does to them. Bowing out of this conversation.

It should not take hundreds of hours to get one rune.


30 hours in 3 days I could have gotten
On average
Enough runes/ loot to trade up to a jah if not much more with a little luck

I play 3 hrs a day

And get plenty of gear/runes

Takes me a bit to get end game items but it just takes a little patience and realistic expectations

Never farm for a specific item… expect to trade up to a specific item.

Like say I need shako next.

I’ll farm areas that can drop it but I expect to trade up to it before I actually find it

Right, let me guess, by finding magic items that are worth like 3 bers, right?

Easy there drama queen
Read my post again

I read it. A shako is 1/30-45th a jah. There’s no info there, just bragging.

You don’t think we all have 450% MF sorcs we’ve run for hundreds of hours on end?

It was an example dummy

no, it wasn’t.

You simply said ‘with that amount of time I’d have a Jah’.

You trade up for it

Ahh yes trade up for it.

Kk, A++ Advice!


You’re the one complaining that jah itself didn’t drop

Unrealistic expectations

When and where did I complain Jah itself didn’t drop?

Your post specifically talks about hel being the highest rune

Nothing about all the other gear you attained.
Not to mention 1 hel rune in 30 hours is bad farming

Yup, my post specifically says Hel is the highest rune dropped.

Not that I was looking for a jah. Maybe, just maybe, and I want you to be open minded about this:

Is it possible I was farming chaos for ANYTHING of value to trade for a Jah?

Yeah sometimes you will have bad luck

Keep an open mind

Ahh just bad luck, nothing to do with trash drop rates.

Got it :+1:


Go play Diablo immortal and buy your items then

I have the same drop rates as you and I don’t have any issues

And I play 1 4th the amount you do


Press X to doubt


Spoon fed generation can’t handle drop rates
