Don't buy this game yet. It's not out of beta

read topic plz before u post.

some players have isue now with lost heroes. and blue trying to fix it. he can create new character while they are fixing it and stop crying on forum.

Jeeze, stop whining. Give them some time!


Not sure why we all trusted them once again.

That won’t be able to get determined for at least another couple months.

Silly me this is the one person posts everyone agrees forum, right. Here I was asking a simple question then I get called out for crying on the forums. What does this mean I am playing this game all wrong? I need to create 20 characters and play them all taking forever to get to where I want to be in D2R. Or maybe you know the prescribed way that everyone must play D2R. Come on enlighten us all with that knowledge.

Or maybe you are saying that I need to do what the post says regardless of my personal experience with the game. Then say to myself I will never buy another game until a developer/publisher can have a perfect launch, one without any issues at all. No bugs, lag, server issues, or even the dreaded DDoSA issues.

Trying pretty hard for that green text the past few days. Only a few thousand more posts shilling for Blizzard, and they will consider your application.

What reputation?, if you think they cared about their reputation they wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.

um you have to have bought the game to be on the forums according to the header bar that pops up occasionally.


no that is what the bar says i don’t know if it’s true or not but that’s the header i have seen on here when i first open the site

yes. i know. stay and listen :

if they said to you that they are working on you problem. all you can do is w8.

they know about ur problem. if u dont want to w8. make refund.

u have only two options. even if u dont like it. and no matter how many post u will write.
and yes if you dont undertand how 99% of games launching. NEVER BUY any game until you’re 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% percent sure of your choice.

I’ve already asked for a refund and ill ask my credit card company for it tomorrow if they don’t reply in 24 hours. Game doesn’t even load just straight up crashes

I feel that man. I was at diablo and they did that patch that rolled everyone back. lost an entire days worth of loot. i had a great gear set going too. i’m jaded af right now about it but what can u do… the lack of ladder is really lame. what if the good runewords are ladder locked? that would really suck.

Please wait at least 2 weeks before you buy this game. Constant server issues impacting game play. Come back in 2 weeks and see if the server issues are still persistent before buying.


Yep already refunded the game and cancelled my leave for next week. May buy it again when the product is actually finished.

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Actually upset that as a loyal fan of blizzard of almost 20 years through all the ups and down they still treat us so badly and take the piss out of us and our time.

What a ridiculous comment. Why would you want to create another knowing that one can just be whipped too? Just happened to me. I am loving this game but the thought of just repeatedly loosing progress kills any motivation I have to play or recommend it to others.

I am VV’s reputation as well. Also if Blizz didn’t care at all then they wouldn’t even think of doing what they are alleged to having done. Now don’t get me wrong I cannot say whether they are guilty or not guilty. That is a job not only for the courts but also any higher powers that people that are religious look to. Both of which are beyond the scope of these forums to discuss further.

The laws of the land are only good to keep the ones that want to obey them in check. The ones that don’t care about the laws will disobey the ones that they don’t want to obey.

Now you mentioned something that is already known outside of like you said making another character. But you better be sure not to name them the same as the one with the problem. The character lock situation, from what I have heard is because players actually named two characters the same. I never did that in D2 before D2R, nor will I do that today.

Btw I haven’t had any problems with character lock. Also haven’t had a lot of trouble overall, except a few crashes here and there. Nothing game breaking.

Since I have played enough online only games I know what to expect when it comes to the launch of a game. I know that they will have their own day one issues. From problems with the server such as lag, crashing, etc… Then bugs in the program that will cause problems as well.

I started playing my first online game in 2012 with City of Heroes, about one month after it launched. The only thing that I had a problem with were the bugs in the program. I think they already had ironed out their problems with the servers.

The others like Star Trek Online and Champions Online on their launch day. The same with Secret World Legends (previously The Secret World), Along with a few others that I played that I wasn’t there for the launch day but still no doubt they had their problems.

Trying to find one that is perfect, zero errors on launch is something that you probably won’t find or it will come once in a lifetime.

No more ladder only items or recipes.

oh you sweet summer child. is this your first time playing a game on launch day? cause you sound like it is.

it hasn’t failed. they didn’t have ladders at launch because there was always the possibility that the game would have issues at the start and they want everything stable before they do. they will be coming.

How about today? It’s saturday… when did the game launch again? It ain’t first day chief. I still can’t get into a character… ANY of them…