Does enhanced damage from claw mastery work for blade fury? Claws and daggers attr bonus change?

Hi all. I did a test to see if enhanced damage from claw mastery works. But I found something disturbing: scaling factor of daggers/claws from str/dex is now 0.5/0.5, instead of 0.75/0.75 as was before. (This has been proven wrong. See the end of the post) I tested on the following two mobs:
Crusher in A2 canyon, Avg HP=9748, Phys Res=50;
Urdar in A4 river of flames, Avg HP=12363, Phys Res=55.
All other off-weapon enhanced damage sources are removed (such as laying of hands, fortitude and phoenix) so off-weapon enhanced damage only comes from attributes scaling and potentially claw mastery.
Char str=198, dex=309. Claw mastery lvl=26, ED=135, Critical strike (CS)=22.
I tested with 3 setups:
Setup1: Upped heart carver, no boots, 2 trap GC. Base dmg = Weapon dmg0.75+skill dmg = 957. Chance to double dmg is 1-(1-DS)(1-CS) = 35%. Crushing blow (CB)= 0%.
Setup2: Random fool’s claw, no boots, 4 trap GC. Base dmg = Weapon dmg0.75+skill dmg = 948. Chance to double dmg is 1-(1-DS)(1-CS) = 22%. Crushing blow (CB) = 0%.
Setup3: Random fool’s claw, Gore rider, 4 trap GC. Base dmg = Weapon dmg0.75+skill dmg = 948. Chance to double dmg is 1-(1-DS)(1-CS) = 34%. Crushing blow (CB) = 15%.

I tallied the number of hits needed to kill these mobs over 20 kills, with following results:

Hits to kill Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 3.88 3.35 2.90
Urdar 5.90 4.67 3.71
Average dmg can be estimated as (not a good estimation but works for the purpose):
Average dmg Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 2509 2907 3361
Urdar 2094 2649 3329
First of all, heart carver (a dagger) and claw are both weapons with attribute bonus of 0.75/0.75 (supposedly), so the enhanced damage% from attributes are the same for these two. The fact that damage with heart carver is significantly lower than that of the fool’s claw (even with higher base damages and higher chance to double the damage) means that the enhanced damage% from claw mastery is definitely working here.
The following is wrong:

Now we assume attr bonus is 0.75/0.75 for both weapons, with claw mastery’s 135% ED counted. The average dmg is:

Calculated dmg Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 3103 3559 4083
Urdar 2792 3203 3742
Way higher than actual damage.
But if we assume attr bonus is 0.5/0.5 for both weapons, with claw mastery’s 135% ED counted. The average dmg is:
Calculated dmg Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 2284 2826 3279
Urdar 2055 2543 3019
We see that this is much closer to the actual damage.

So… the conclusion is that ED from claw mastery should be working. However, weapon attr bonus is now 0.5/0.5??? IS this a nerf?

Okay after finding out that I shouldn’t calculate average damage like this because HP/hits underestimates the actual damage. (see Attribute bonus remains to be 75/75. I was wrong) I recalculated the expected hits to kill:
Scaling factor = 0.75:

Hits to kill Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 3.62 3.17 2.89
Urdar 5.44 4.69 4.10
Scaling factor = 0.5:
Hits to kill Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 3.62 3.90 3.46
Urdar 5.44 5.86 5.01
As we can see that scaling factor = 0.75 agrees better with the actual measurements:
Hits to kill Setup1 Setup2 Setup3
Crusher 3.88 3.35 2.90
Urdar 5.90 4.67 3.71

The skill reduces your weapon damage on screen by 25%. I am certain that only claws work with claw mastery and with Plague, why choose anything else?

The scaling factor I’m discussing here is not about weapon damage, but about the ED% from strength or dexterity like this: (can’t put link here, just search “amazon basin strength attributes”).

It is true that claws work better than other weapons. Other weapons work well too though, if chosen wisely. Also early game, we use what we can get.

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Thanks. Link attached.