Attribute bonus remains to be 75/75. I was wrong

Someone pointed out that I shouldn’t equate HP/avg dmg to avg hits to kill. The avg hits to kill is something like Sigma(Ceiling(HP/dmg)_i*p_i)/Sigma(p_i). So the previous analysis was wrong. I have updated the new results below.

I originally found out that there might be an issue in this post. After I re-did the tests, things seem to be alright on attribute bonus. However, there is another display issue found for blade fury skill (see “a side story” below). Does enhanced damage from claw mastery work for blade fury? Claws and daggers attr bonus change?

I have done a reasonably comprehensive test to confirm how attribute bonus works for claws, knives and throw axes (Don’t quite care about other weapons at the moment. Also it takes a looong time to test one weapon.). Long story short, the scaling factors for str and dex are actually 0.75 now, at least in action, for melee, throw, or blade fury.

Now I will post the original data:
Test target: zombies of A1 blood moor, 0 phys res, 669 average HP
Weapon: Custom suwayyah with 52-53 damage; custom mithril point with 53-54 damage; custom winged axe with 56-57 melee damage and 60-60 throw damage.
Three settings of str/dex: 20/20; 70/20; 70/70.
Deadly strike is set to 100. So doubling damage is guaranteed.
Average hits to kill is calculated by having 20-25 kills. So about 3000 hits in total were made to bring you this test.

str/dex 20/20 Regular attack
Hits to kill Suwayyah Mithril point Winged axe melee Winged axe throw
0.75, theoretical 5.44 5.36 5.07 4.72
0.5, theoretical 5.80 5.68 5.46 5.18
Actual 5.32 5.55 5.25 4.86
str/dex 70/20 Regular attack
Hits to kill Suwayyah Mithril point Winged axe melee Winged axe throw
0.75, theoretical 4.35 4.30 4.06 3.78
0.5, theoretical 4.86 4.75 4.56 4.39
Actual 4.50 4.29 4.10 3.75
str/dex 70/70 Regular attack
Hits to kill Suwayyah Mithril point Winged axe melee Winged axe throw
0.75, theoretical 3.60 3.55 3.39 3.21
0.5, theoretical 4.31 4.25 3.97 3.74
Actual 3.64 3.67 3.38 3.15
str/dex 20/20 Blade fury
Hits to kill Suwayyah Mithril point Winged axe throw
0.75, theoretical 5.75 5.66 5.27
0.5, theoretical 6.20 6.12 5.57
Actual 5.92 6.00 5.32
str/dex 70/20 Blade fury
Hits to kill Suwayyah Mithril point Winged axe throw Suwayyah+5 skills Suwayyah+10 skills
0.75, theoretical 4.56 4.52 4.24 3.55 2.83
0.5, theoretical 5.26 5.18 4.66 4.05 3.08
Actual 4.43 4.55 4.33 3.85 2.80
str/dex 70/70 Blade fury
Hits to kill Suwayyah Mithril point Winged axe throw Suwayyah+5 skills Suwayyah+10 skills
0.75, theoretical 3.79 3.75 3.49 3.00 2.26
0.5, theoretical 4.52 4.48 4.17 3.51 2.79
Actual 3.80 3.80 3.70 3.00 2.35

A side story:
If we are using a throw weapon, the UI shows that damage is calculated with melee damage. Is this true? The answer is no. The actual damage is calculated with throw damage. Results:

Hits to kill Winged axe higher throw, same melee Winged axe lower throw, same melee
0.75, theoretical 5.27 7.95
0.5, theoretical 5.57 8.55
Actual 5.32 7.72
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