Do you want pay for Currency Tab and if yes how much each

How much currency tab 3?

  • First one for Gems
  • Second for Runes
  • Third for Key, Organs, essences, Tokens, Scroll?, Last quality of each potions?

With a place in the middle to put item for crafting and we can stack 100 of each.

So if they don’t have budget/time to do it for free, how much you wanna pay for each? 4$us?
Sorry for my bad english.

How about none? Just give it to us in a patch? Because i allready payed for the game? And that can be considered selling advantage, which=P2W? And that is bad? Hmmmmm?


I agree with Indian, this shouldn’t be monetized and just given to us in a patch because a lot of us already paid $40.

2,5 million gold would be fine.

I don’t want to pay for currency tab because that would be paying for the game to be stuck with the inferior quality of stacking QoL

Ingredient stacking everywhere>>>>>>>>> curency tab

currency tab is inferior because

  • it doesn’t allow stacking in other tabs, which can be convenient
  • nor it allows stacking in inventory which would be a massive buff to make trading less clunky
  • nor it allows stacking in cube, which is a major qol to crafting


Also, if stacking comes, potions should never be a part of it, it’s a combat item, qol should never affect combat

That being said, if stacking everywhere is added, then I’d be willing to pay to have a currency tab just for the sake or organisation

Like 5$ if it’s a shared one and an account feature

No payment for additional tabs as this isn’t a free to play game. Ideally I would want 4 shared and 4 personal stash tabs… the personal ones could be unlocked with in game gold per character for those who need it. This avoids constant game creation due to managing multiple mules.
Stacking gems, runes etc would be great.

I don’t pack rat items so I don’t have a need for more tabs. I keep what absolutely need and trade or give away the rest.


We are flooded with crap lootbox, pay 2 win, microtransaction filled scam games out of control and there are still people like OP who give ideas like this to make us pay more and bring this virus to last few games that are free of it. Ridiculous.

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microtransactions in 40-60€ games is just absurd and should be looked down at

I don’t see it as mtx in a b2p game but rather put a carrot on a stick to bait blizzard into keep adding more and more content to this dead game