Okay, But in reality it’s just gamepads and scripts taking all the loot. Players should have the ability to exclude those things from their games. If you can think of a better passive fix, I’m all ears. But this one doesn’t affect anybody at all that wants nothing to do with it. So it is very elegant as a solution.
Trolls? You could read more than enough reason against “participation medal” ploot system. But if somebody is not singing together with you then the person is a troll. Hahhh sit down.
Isnt ploot exactly what D3 has? Why does it work for d3? Every player gets a Pile of items. I am clearly misunderstanding you and how youre saying this works? From what i understand if each player gets 6 drops from a boss in D2 how can you not understand where i am coming from? If i have it wrong I apologize. Thats just how i envision it.
Auto-gold pickup wasn’t part of the original design.
Ladder runewords in single player wasn’t part of the original design.
The extended screen space in 16:9 wasn’t part of the original design.
Killing cow king not locking you out wasn’t part of the original design.
But ploot is special because it’s part of the original design?
Well, D3 has instanced loot, where everyone gets their own loot tables. The overwhelming majority of people supporting ploot are more talking about a system where it’s the same loot that drops, but each item is randomly assigned to a person in the group. This assignment can be timed and when the timer expires, the item becomes free for all again.
So there is no effect on the economy.
Yea, so does POE and POE is better than D2 ever was… argue it all you want, but it’s been a success.
You and your bets. You can tell yourself all day whatever you want. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
How does ploot make it “participation medal” loot? It would be hard to make any assumptions about how you assume the loot actually gets distributed right now. Are you the one who grabs all the items in 8 player games? I can see how you’d object to ploot, then.
My reason for not wanting ploot:
I don’t want to be the one killing everything with a few ball’n’chain ploot leachers following behind me who are just grabbing items and not doing any work to kill things.
Someone else grabbing something in a group run doesn’t hurt you in any way. Cheaters will eventually be caught and no one is stopping you from using a controller. People who do it are leeches and bad players though. If you have enough inventory space to snag all the Baal drops… we’ll… you just suck as a player and aren’t really contributing anything.
Except that your refusal to provide an argument is basically the definition of a troll. You want to sit here and waste everyone’s time by calling them “snowflakes” (lol) without contributing anything of value to the discussion.
There’s nothing wrong with loot allocation. I feel like an absolute degenerate when I’m in a “friendly” setting and I’m trying to take all the loot for myself. Does mass clicking Baal’s loot area before he dies take any skill? I think the “contested loot” suggestion from Quabbe is the best loot allocation method suggested so far. It’s basically 90% FFA loot with the good iLvl item’s being contested for grabs.
FFA Loot is good under certain conditions like sweaty Cow games with level 90s, there it feels more like a competition, but there are times where allocated loot is necessary.
I highly suggest you Google the definition of “facts”, as you have yet to provide any.
I’m still not seeing a reason why the option should not be implemented in the game. It has no effect on you so why would you care? All you’re explaining is why you wouldn’t use it. I don’t care.
Yeah poe. https : // steamcharts. com/app/238960
PoE can only dream about the playerbase of d2r.
Sounds sort of weird. If a boss like say Mephisto can only drop 6 items max, then how are a party of 8 going to divide the loot?
Fair, but they’re already making it harder for you to kill things without contributing. What if they had to be within a certain screen distance?
You have suggested so much things here i cant even count. Sry no participation medal for you.
Well anybody that implements the option or joins a ploot game would know ahead of time there’s a chance they won’t get any drops. Of course that’s also a risk in any other game you would join with other people in public. It’s up to the player how they would like their RNG dealt with.
Except this happens in FFA as well. Back when I played LoD (before synergies were even implemented), my javazon always had to deal with leeches just following me around as I corralled cows, only to vacuum up all the loot as they started dying.