Discussion about player killing

I have seen few topics about player killing, mainly in hardcore and i think its interesting topic to talk about. I think its part of the game and it should stay. My only concern are people using tppk hacks.

What do you think about player killing guys?

I would like to quote some texts from one of the mains devs of diablo 2 and his opinions about player killing as its interesting reading. Its Max Shaefer who defend player killing in diablo 2. Text below was his reaction to discussion aboit player killing back in the old days of diablo 2

I am Max Schaefer, and I am a senior designer of both Diablo II and the Lord of Destruction Expansion pack. I have never posted here before, but I have from time to time in our own forums.

I am the guy you all love to hate. I, along with the rest of the Blizzard North management, deliberately and with clear intent allowed limited PKing in the Diablo universe. However, this current argument has run a bit astray.

Roger Eberhart is a fine member of our QA staff, and does his job with professionalism and talent, but he is not an official spokesperson for what we do and do not encourage. I donā€™t recall ever discussing the issue of PKing with him. Sure, the Assassin character has a novel method of killing both players and monsters (traps), but the intent of the character was never to be a PK. Traps simply struck us as a fun new way of doing combat, as opposed to traditional melee and ranged attacks. Though itā€™s irrelevant, I have never heard of an Assassin killing another player with traps. I would guess that it would, in reality, be a fairly akward and inefficient way to PK.

To answer the original question: Do we ā€œencourageā€ people to PK? Not really. We encourage people to party up, both for strategic and server-efficiency reasons. Other than that, itā€™s pretty much up to you all to decide what to do. Obviously, weā€™ve set up and elaborate world of monsters, quests, items, and plot(ā€¦) but there is almost no effort given to ā€œencourageā€ PKing, other than not preventing it.

Although I do not want to enter a prolonged debate about PKing (Iā€™ve done so already for over five years), I will address just a few things.

1) The entire game is set up to kill your player. Every monster, boss, and trap has as itā€™s only goal the death of your player. The addition of the occaisional anti-social player only adds to the feeling of tension and fear that makes the rewards of success that much better. Remember this: the world of Diablo II is not a safe, warm place. It is a place of great evil, and even greater good.

2) In Diablo 1, the cheating and hacking rendered PKing a disproportionately annoying addition to the game, for example the Town-Kill or the Auto-Kill. This is not the case in D2, where the avoidance of PKs is a relatively trivial matter. Other posters have listed all of the ways in which we have made PKing all the more difficult.

3) Even with a PK switch, there are abundant ways that anti-social people can ruin your game. Believe me, there are far worse things to do than declare hostile and try to attack another player. Without this option, the ā€œjerksā€ will not go away.

4) A story about heroes and conquests needs villians. Hordes of identical monsters do not fulfill this requirement in my opinion. Part of what makes the Diablo II community great is the great variety of personalities and styles. The last thing we want is to force people into some idealized regimen of ā€œproperā€ role-playing. Rather, we sought to make a game where people create their own fantasies and adventures.

and finally,

5) Diablo II and the expansion are the games that we at Blizzard want to play. That is our formula for success. Companies that design games based on focus groups, marketing opinions, and even fan input do not succeed. Although hearing the opinions of others are valuable to us, every design decision must pass the test of whether or not WE would want it in the game. In many cases, weā€™ve changed our minds after hearing compelling arguments. But weā€™ve decided that PKing is part of the Diablo universe. We are well aware that this does not please everyone. However, you are right: we are not apologetic about it. Not at all. Sure, we could implement a PK switch. Itā€™s a trivial coding task. But we wouldnā€™t be being true to ourselves, and our goals as gamemakers.

We are proud of what weā€™ve made in the Diablo universe, and the overwhelming success and support of our customers vindicates our core decisions from a business standpoint as well. Sure weā€™ve made mistakes, after all, weā€™re just gamers who are fortunate enough to have built a successful game company. We spend each day doing what we love to do: make and play fun computer games. The sales and success are nice, but they are secondary to our goal of making the games that we want to play.

Max Schaefer

Vice President and co-founder, Blizzard North

Random PKers and griefers are one of the reasons along with bots and pickits that I only played private games with friends and single player. That said I donā€™t care if it stays as Iā€™ll just continue playing it the way I have forever now. D2 in my opinion has never actually given any incentive to play with randoms anyway and the community sure as hell has never given any incentive to play with them either. Thereā€™s way more trash online than good, fun people to play with. But thatā€™s pretty standard. When you give people anonymity, most of them role a$$holes.


PKā€™ng is part of Diablo II.

Letā€™s forget about hacks in D2R. There are none as the game is not out yet.

If someone does not want to be pkā€™d then play solo games with password set.

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Problem is that hack is very easy to make and i am 100% sure it will be issue again.

just report the player using hacks and he will be banned.

End of problem!

Yeah i hope this feature will help. Its just nasty thing that hack and it suck to lose character because of it. It can be avoided most of the time if you know that cheat, but for new players it can be very unpleasant as they will not know it.

Everything in d2 was an accident. But they happened to be good accidents.
Open Pvp for life.

Funny he never heard of an Assassin PKā€™ing with traps. I do admit they were the lowest on the list but traps are perfectly suited for tppkā€¦

On topic, on one hand I do feel that any ā€˜attacksā€™: guided arrow, bone spirit, hydra, traps etc, should not hostile when cast before the player hositles. There is no hack happening, this is part of the game. You cast guided arrow, head to town and hostile. GA will find the first player it can while you sit in town safe. I canā€™t respect any PK that happened while the killing player was in town.

On the other hand, these are the only real successful PKā€™s I ever saw and they are the prime way you get that feeling of unease in games. If they do remove it we may see a lot more player be willing to play in pubbyā€™s but if you are any decent at just popping a TP and heading back to town, you have nothing to fear from a PKā€™er.

most of my time in d2 was spent pkā€™ing and dueling. Also tried to pop people back when killing a person a 2nd time caused their first corpse to explode and all their gear to fall on the ground. I specifically targeted people high on the ladder at the time, especially back when pvp deaths actually caused the person to lose exp.

under no circumstances should PK be removed from hardcore or softcore. If you want no consequences due to death go play softcore. It adds to the hardcore environment greatly. If they remove the script kiddies and their hacks it will be much better. Right now you need to do a LOT to get yourself pkā€™d. You can literally leave the game in like .5 seconds - its insanely avoidable. You can return to town. You can juveā€¦ if you DIE there is so much on you as it is.

Only consideration that could EVER be made with respect to hostility in hardcore is to enable ā€˜mutual hostility that is a duel to 1 lifeā€™ type of mode so that people in hardcore can duel and not face those consequences - it of course would need to be mutual.

If weā€™re to be completely fair, I donā€™t think he understands the changes that were made in 1.10 that caused traps to be extremely deadly. That being said, being killed by players, even ones who use hacks, is trivially avoided.

Just play with friends in passworded games. The reality is that even if they fix tp pking, players will always still be able to find creative ways to get your character killed, such as by waiting for you to head to town and then dragging all of the bad guys to your portal. If anything, fixing it will only cause more deaths due to false sense of security.

If youā€™re fine with the risk of playing with random players, you get what you pay for.

Its probably very old statement. I dont know from which year is that.

They need to kill the hacks, not the gameplay. Trashing/removing gameplay to prevent hacking will only break and remove the game over time.

Well, you think that projectiles damaging/killing you while player killer is in town is ok? I dont think so.

Most of the really broken abilities have been patched out. Also, you canā€™t portal to town anymore and keep your damage spells outside. They get canceled out. In terms of town camping I donā€™t mind it, itā€™s funny and easy to avoid. The game is basically perfect. They should detect and ban hacks and not change any gameplay.

well if thats the case, graeat, there is no issue then :smiley:

As for hardcore mode, letā€™s just put 1 thing straight.

Hardcore mode is not the same as agreement for beeing PKā€™ed in half a second by random player that is using hacks.

What can be treated as a joke or pure fun on softcore, on hardcorec is ruining all the fun and experience for most of the players.
What You are saying is that You want to encourage people to socialize, but what You really do is the exact opposite for hc mode.

Argument ā€œDonā€™t want to be PKā€™ed? Go softcoreā€ is uber-stupid itself and it would be a great waste of time to even discuss with that.

You would have the right to say that, if You prevented all the hacks people are using, that let them surpass the game limitations. Because chances are not equal and they never were.
But here we are, 2021, new edition that we all paid for, but still the same problems as 20 years ago. As if the stability of the game and queues wouldnā€™t be enough dissapoitment for all the players who bought it.

What You are truly allowing is not a fair competition between two players, who want to take a challenge and where the best character wins.
You are making space for thousand hacks, that You donā€™t intend to fix in any way.

The real problem with PKā€™ing was never loosing in a fair fight.
I played hc for many years and it always was the same - hack + instant death. It was never a fair competition, according to the game rules and it wonā€™t be anytime soon.
Saying that it is PART OF THE GAME is pure hypocrisy and nothing more.

Those hc PKā€™s ruin the experience of many other people, who just want to play fair and square according to the game rules.

This was the biggest pain 20 years ago, and it hasnā€™t changed a bit by now.

Itā€™s pretty convenient to say ā€œhey, we know how to do games, thatā€™s why we hear You, but we will do it the way we want toā€.

What it really does, is let You do nothing with it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Give people the switch for created games and let them decide, if they want to participate in this ā€œfunā€ or not.
You will find out immediately, that most of D2 community doesnā€™t want PK on hardcore mode.
And if they do - go ahead, turn on the ā€œallow PK in gameā€ switch and have fun with other people who also want this.

Itā€™s a shame and dissapoitment, that You will never do it.
Fair players will be always sentenced to play solo in hardcore mode (or with friends in private games, if itā€™s possible atm).

I can take full responsibility for playing my char and dying to a monsters or in a fair duel with other player.
But it was never fair to begin with, and You know it perfectly.

Game was always great. Now, with the new graphics itā€™s even better.

But i wouldnā€™t buy it second time and I really regret buying it, because nothingā€™s really changed.

I was always a hc player since the beginning. Never played softcore. Because hc is fun. Or at least it was.

Seeing that nothing really changed in 20 years, makes me just sad and discourages from further playing with anyone in group.
If thatā€™s what You intended to do - You did great, and did it on a budget.

Well done, Blizzard.

This thread was made before most of us in the thread knew TPPK/trigger hack was patched out. You can no longer fire off skills, go to town and kill people from in town. There is even a timer after you hit hostile before you can use your TP. IMO these changes have made it so if you get PKā€™ed in game its entirely your fault.

Most HC players that played back in the day had a millisecond reaction time to either leave the game or TP to town. When I get hostiled if I ever see the guy on my map itā€™s because I was tempting fate or considering dueling him. Believe me Iā€™m watching that map.

The last time I was hostiled was a Baal run, the guy hit hostile and the only thing the rest of us did was pop a TP. That was because we felt safe enough in his need to come find us and make it to our area before he can harm us. We are also HC players and our builds would give him a run for his money.

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Agree that it can add to the tension. I kind of hate the ā€œBSā€ PK of TP Guiding Arrow and TP Hydra but the more ā€œlegitā€ PK methods I always thought added something. Iā€™ve been killed by PKs and PKKā€™d some as well (all in HC) and the tension is somewhat fun

It is, again, minus the annoying TP methods Iā€™ve always felt like I had a decision to stay for the attack or to leave before the attack happened.

Based on this forum I feel like clearing games is worse, heh.

This was MUCH bigger ā€œback in the dayā€ I feel when it felt like a lot higher % of the population had guild/clan tags and the community felt more together. Todayā€¦ ehhhā€¦ everyone just feels nameless. Might be my age, how long Iā€™ve been playing, or just the truth of how gaming has changed.

Remember thisā€¦ remember, remember the WWBD =*(

Only people who kept dying to PKs were people who could not adapt and who were oblivious to what is going on in game honestly. Even those hacking kids with tppk, it could be avoided in most cases. Currently there is no hack and tppk was fixed.

No, this will completely eliminate PK from game. PK is part of game and if you cant deal with people doing PK, Hardcore is really not for you as its part of it and always been.