Did they seriously just nerf summon druid

I don’t remember any feedback saying a summoner was even a viable way to play. And then they nerf the ravens that no one asked for. I am dumbfounded.


I just checked, ravens have not been nurfed. They do STUPID 5k+ damage AND they have 63 chances to hit before recast…

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ravens were just buffed

Level scaling was reduced. Do you have raw numbers from previous PTR version to compare to?

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they were buffed and i was soling uber areas before the buff on the PTR 2.4

Have you guys actually tried Summon druid playthrough ? I did and ended at lvl19, did not want to continue. It was sooo strong early game. Just annoying to resummon ravens, but I just walked around and monsters died. Bosses killed fast by ravens.
Endgame is still bad. But early game super strong, supersafe, no gear.

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lv 49 raven before the update
damage: 5034-5444, attack 5 times

after this update
damage: 4862-5272, attack 60 times

So there was a 3.3% damage reduction cost to prevent spamming the skill like a caster :thinking:

The ravens still don’t benefit from auras and their attack speed is nothing special. It’s like the developers attempts to buff spirit wolves only to make it so they get no benefits from might/fant/hotw etc… If only 1 point in Sprit Wolves would make for as good a meat shield as 1 point Bear for wind druids :rofl:


but now they attack 60 times

Before it was 5034-544455 = 125850-136100

now it’s 4862-5252560 = 1458600-1575600

It isn’t a 3.3% damage reduction, it’s 10x more powerful

1 summon of 5 ravens + bear + merc can clear throne + taking out half of Baal’s HP

sound like a buff to me tho. Repetitive casting ravens was annoying. And seems they really targeted only the earlygame dmg. Now you can do stuff while ravens kill like… enjoy a coffee

That’s disingenuous. You can still only have 5 active ravens at a time. The DPS has indeed been nerfed by 3.3%. The skill just becomes less spammy.


I can only have 5 at a time, but their attacking count is 12x

Again what does that change in terms of Damage per Second? Whether you summon 15 ravens to attack 60 times or 5 ravens to attack 60 times, the total damage done within the same time is now reduced by 3.3%


Agree on that, I think we just interpret it from different angle.

Ravens were nerfed at low levels. Nothing else changed.

At the end of the day, total DPS output is all that really matters. This was a clear nerf to a build that is already subpar endgame.

The BIS helm has +3 elemental skills if :rofl:


I still don’t think summon druid will be super viable if they still refuse to allow wolf+bear to codxist


Ravens with no auras are still ravens with no auras. They are a joke. The bears and wolves have to have enigma or you need a dog whistle to make them attack the mobs. Coexistance would be welcome, but they need better ai regardless.

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Their “fix” to Summon Druids was to become a Summons caster. Now they pulled it back to being a 80 point “summoning” skill that cant even compete with a 43 points Necro summoner Build.

It’s not like Poison Nova only takes 60 points to max and CE isn’t the most OP skill in the game…


who cares about early game? still not viable end game in-fact good luck getting past lvl 30 as a summoner. Personally don’t care about ravens its a crap spell and they need to allow at least 1 type of wolves and the bear together at the least. Also fix poison creeper it crashes my game every time I try to use it.