Diablo III first 24 hours sales are almost as much as D2R's 6+ month sales

Really, one of the guys you’ve responded to the most, and in the harshest tone isn’t included in your generic statement of criticism? Please, hold my disbelief while I contort in laughter.

Have no clue what you mean at all, sorry.
Also, you are not one of the guys I have responded to the most. By far.

I see what you’re trying to do but I am not interested. Feel free to discuss the game or the topic.

Sure, sure. Whatever you say.

Its true that Brevik stated instanced loot, but thats probably because he was playing a lot of PoE at that time.
At the same time, you should also do your research to what he talks about in this video

Min 29:26 he states he does not what as a core to the game for everyone to equip and get the same items, which is in fact a philosophy of instanced loot, everyone getting geared up having the same items like in D3.
He understands as a creator of the game what the core of a game should be and has a way better Insight than the people of Blizzard South always thought of Diablo, just a game about killing monsters.

And to be fair, i have more faith on Schaeffers bros than Brevik since they continued doing ARPGs like Torchlight.
Hence Schaeffers bros were mentioned first in my early post and Brevik second.

As for your further reference regarding Breviks stance on personal loot on D3 forums:


Interesting how they think there are still people here who are not pro change. A ton of people left, because they didn’t liked 2.4 changes, or any comeing in, all who stayed are pro change in my book. But when bad decisions and ideas come up, that changes the uniqeness of this game, sensible people will say: “Hol’up there buddy.” “We like the changes you made to the old place, but :poop:ing all over the place is bad.”


Not sure that that video has to do with what I said, I am not going to watch the whole thing for sure.

Also, a random post means nothing. David Brevik is all into Instanced Loot and he is one of the creators of original D2. Take it as you will.

I own Torchlight I and II, but not III. Fun games, the combat is fluid and engaging.

He’ll just be another player sitting around waiting for ploot, charm stashes, mutual dueling, loot filters, online /playersx and other nonsense that’ll never make it’s way here. Even if they wanted to ruin the game, they can’t even get the lobby system working properly. That’s probably the biggest monkey wrench in their hopes for all of these supposed cutting edge “improvements”.

We will see if they will make it or not, we keep asking and we get it. Majority wants it. :wink:

I’m sure you will.

When D4 releases.

Right. Feel free to live in denial but it means thin-air to majority who want the changes. Will keep asking for them while being logical.

Sure, no need to reply again to blind people who actually explain you that Brevik is in the end not for instanced loot for D2R and you deny sources which take no more than 2 minutes of your time and are which prove you are wrong.
Feel free to keep trolling everyone else in your topic.

Weird, more random users stating the same we are telling you.

You didn’t show anything, give reliable source. Throwing an hour and a half video where from what I seen he never mentioned it does not help your case.

Apparently your source is even from 2020. He said the thing about Instanced Loot when D2R was almost released. Stop with the misinformation please.

I know a couple of people who seem to breathe in thin-air quite regularly. Must be cold up there on the soap-box in the clouds.

Keep spamming my topic with your ad hominem while almost never discussing the game and topic at hand please. Sure helps with your case. We will get our changes anyways. :wink:

Your /playersx was soundly shot down.
Your ploot is never coming.

I don’t want you to stop playing D2R, but you’re way past stubborn. It’s not happening.

Stop with the denial and trolling please :slight_smile:

We can see who is in denial. More misinformation please.

David Brevik said he is all into Instanced Loot, deal with it and stop being in denial.

Still waiting for your credible source of him talking saying the things you said he said.

I like it how they think they are the majority. More like loud minorty. But i’m shure before new PTR changes come, there’s going to be another poll. By blizz and the loved/hated contentcreators. So, that will show what’s up.


Majority because we won every poll. Sorry, facts don’t care about your feelings.