Diablo III first 24 hours sales are almost as much as D2R's 6+ month sales

Stubborness is strong whitin this one. You must understand them, and agree whit everything they say, but they don’t need to understand anything we say.


Projection is super real, especially coming from someone who doesn’t even listen or read what other people are saying and just wants to argue.

This post is a prime example of you projecting.

Surely in the realm of hubris for the D2R forum, this hits the all time top 10.

This guy is prime example of toxic energy vampire.
go play d3 and remove yourself from sight, we don’t need your kind here


lol OP really really want to argue, enjoying your Saturday morning coffee OP? half the posts are OP replying to people LOL

He’s just trying to irrevocably alter something with 20 years of consistent gameplay. The gameplay either being neglected or approaching perfection I leave to the player. At this point, it’s like arguing to change the rules of chess, and that’s never going to go well.

Mods were created with individuals like him in mind. Which is why I wish they’d reconsider TCP/IP so these guys can go away.

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D4 is going to cater to D3 fans why do we need to ruin D2 catering to players that will quit when d4 hits

Besides d3 sales were huge because of d2. I played for two weeks can I have my money back?

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This was brought up months ago, and it’s still a valid point.

What’s worse is they call people “purist” for shooting down their ideas. The issue they don’t see, is that their ideas are all generally bad ideas. Most of the QoL and gameplay changes have been happily accepted by everyone.

They just can’t accept their ideas are terrible. If a good idea comes along, I’ll be the first to embrace it.


Exactly, I’m called a purist because I don’t like bad ideas.

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Was under the belief loot for personal worked in the way no other players could pick it up or see it, not until you picked it up and potentially dropped it on the ground again. At least that is how it felt like mechanic worked in D3, where the friend I played with wouldn’t see some loot I mentioned, then I picked it up and dropped or traded it. Which made it available for him to use, think it would be best way of encouraging group play online.

Having personal loot then potentially increase drop rate slightly overall individually for participating. Have rewards base on contributions with downing mobs and your/henchman MF depending on who contribute the most. Then maybe adding promixity to enemies increased strength based on how far players are apart.

Think those who advocate strongest against it are the ones exploiting the player mechanic as meta atm. Joining maps then farming different areas than the other players effectively exploiting the /player X mechanics mostly. Sure some that are also extremely quick to be everywhere good stuff drop and just quick looters, if they’re not using loot 3rd party programs as I heard been case around here.

But overall think personal loot would been better to encouraging playing together, instead of actively having players work against each other to pick up all good stuff the fastest, which generally seem to be the case doing group play with random people online.

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Disagree, one of the things I found most annoying when speed running rifts in D3, was having to retroactively open the map, go back and pick up all the “unique” icons on the off chance they were something good.

This created two problems for me from a gameplay perspective.

  1. The unique drop rate was so high in D3 RoS that I had to sacrifice speed for loot, or risk not being present for the rift Guardian.

  2. Not having to constantly pay attention to what’s dropping on the ground creates really really boring gameplay. Part of the excitement of party play is constantly being on the lookout to pick up a good drop. Personal loot means there’s no added tension in the loot dropping mechanic, which is absolutely cornerstone to the experience of Diablo.

Now I do MF alone, and I’ve found 85% of my amazing drops in solo sessions. However, in P8 farming groups the loot explodes everywhere, so your odds of getting something great are lessened. Still, that constant explosion of loot that everyone has access to, keeps you on your toes.

Those 2 reasons primarily left me annoyed, agitated and bored with D3 endgame and I greatly enjoy D2R’s approach to keeping me engaged and allowing me to keep up with the party.

I disagree because I’m against it but don’t join others games.

Having said that it would be nice to see something implemented to encourage people to play together WITHOUT increasing the drop rates.

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Well maybe I didn’t formulate it that well, I meant currently seems added chance grouping up with other players were supposed to be incitement for teaming up way I understood it. That drop chances were intentionally made less playing on your own solo, so meant if personal loot were implemented maybe drop rate chance would need to be balanced forward still being slightly better than making solo games online.

Maybe the case for you wont argue that, but to me just opening lobby in EU most the games I see is either trade games or split magic find games, so judging from that I don’t think many really feel like grouping together currently outside XP boosting together.

It’s probably for 2 reasons.

  1. The sweaty tryhards aren’t leveling because they’re waiting for ladder.

  2. The levelers already finished leveling because the game has been out for over 6 months.

All of my points still apply to ffa loot in ladder. So the level grinding is about to start back up again in earnest.

I personally think that culminating MF for playing in close proximity would be best.

So if I have 200 mf and you have 300 mf and we are close together the MF for any kill becomes

200+300/# of players
250 mf for any kill unless your mf is higher.
So player with 200mf has 250 mf on kill and player with 300 keeps 300

If three players
100 mf, 600mf, 0 mf
Any kill is hit with 233%mf
Player with 100 mf is now 233
Player with 0 mf is now 233
Player with 600 is still 600

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Now see, that’s a good idea, provided it’s still FFA.

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Its no secret that Blizzard keeps ruining features from their previous games because they have no idea how a simple feature of lobby games work.
No wonder people cant play this game as it used to be where you could join quest public games or tons of runs games for XP, with this broken Lobby and Chat Blizzard continues to amaze everyone of what they are capable of, in other words ruining their old games like WC3R and D2R which were well working legacy games.
Also bye bye to duel games from the lobby as well.

Well MF stuff is really broken so not sure would help much, seem to be some internal RNG that you can figure out and exploit. Seems map sometime generate loot favorable map and non loot favorable maps, if you can crack which are which you just quit bad maps relog and do new one until you hit into right ones.

I know with magic find under 200% I seen some those maps and if you stay in them grind unique, champions and bosses you will find several uniques and green set without actually having super high MF.