Or add “King of the Hell” mechanic so all build can struggle at their own pace
And everybody has fun
And the game becomes so much better
Or add “King of the Hell” mechanic so all build can struggle at their own pace
And everybody has fun
And the game becomes so much better
I think it’ll probably be Tuesday™ for patch notes, I suppose there’s still time to release them in the next hour or two but as KidSquidley said they tend to post D2R stuff between 9 and 10 AM PST.
What?! Oh but come on! That’s like a whole day away!
Haha, I’m excited too.
I mean I’m not hoping for anything big but even just the strafe bugs being fixed is a big win for me, I’ll finally resume my single player bowazon that I stopped a couple months ago.
Yessss. YESSSSS.
Watch, my long stretch of finding a Windforce every ladder will probably dry up too. Knowing how luck works anyway.
I’m pumped too. I know they didn’t give us much reason to think this one’s going to be good, but I just have a feeling it’ll be a good patch with some long awaited QoL love.
Where are Natch Potes!?
In your endo… I mean enuendo.
Patch notes or we goto Riot!
Got off work and hoping to see patch notes. I guess we’ll see them tomorrow as they love doing things on Tuesday™ as DarkMaster mentioned above.
Doesn’t Legacy care?
Wow, necroing a nearly two year old thread with an obnoxious troll response. The user you’re replying to hasn’t been here since January of 2023. Nice job.