Diablo II: Resurrected PTR 2.6—New Rune Words - Has Ended

Or add “King of the Hell” mechanic so all build can struggle at their own pace

And everybody has fun

And the game becomes so much better

I think it’ll probably be Tuesday™ for patch notes, I suppose there’s still time to release them in the next hour or two but as KidSquidley said they tend to post D2R stuff between 9 and 10 AM PST.


What?! Oh but come on! That’s like a whole day away!



Haha, I’m excited too. :smile:

I mean I’m not hoping for anything big but even just the strafe bugs being fixed is a big win for me, I’ll finally resume my single player bowazon that I stopped a couple months ago. :bow_and_arrow:


Yessss. YESSSSS.

Watch, my long stretch of finding a Windforce every ladder will probably dry up too. Knowing how luck works anyway.

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I’m pumped too. I know they didn’t give us much reason to think this one’s going to be good, but I just have a feeling it’ll be a good patch with some long awaited QoL love.


Where are Natch Potes!?


In your endo… I mean enuendo.

Patch notes or we goto Riot!

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Got off work and hoping to see patch notes. I guess we’ll see them tomorrow as they love doing things on Tuesday™ as DarkMaster mentioned above. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Doesn’t Legacy care?

Wow, necroing a nearly two year old thread with an obnoxious troll response. The user you’re replying to hasn’t been here since January of 2023. Nice job.
