Don’t you think this is over exaggerating things just a wee bit?
50% magic find is simply turning east towards the cliff that is 30 miles away… 500% boost to high rune drops and guaranteed uniques is taking a marathon+ run and then taking a flying leap off of that cliff.
I’d prefer the 50% MF thing just not happen, but pick your battles, people. Other people enjoy that kind of thing and it’s late ladder – for instance, I think this is targeted at the Asian market. I’ve learned that even if I don’t “like” something that I’m not the only person that plays the game. If the game isn’t altered negatively, then I get over it. I recommend the same.
you guys just dont realize whats coming down the pipe. they start with small BS and if it goes unpunished they will bring more of it next run and before you realize you are playing junk game undistinguishable from D III.
I am a huge critic of Activision these days, but when they start running wild with this stuff, that’s the time to fight. I don’t think this is a slippery slope, but I guess I understand how you do. I just see it as doing the same thing they already did at launch with Asia and give them an MF boost. I mean, that was more egregious than this, imo, because launch was the start of a defacto fresh ladder economy.
I’m just saying, this fight should be left for when they really do overstep. Otherwise it has less bite when they do.
People who say it’s just 50% don’t seem to understand the long-term ramifications of dumb game design decisions like this. What they’re doing is ‘testing the waters’ for future changes, which is unsettling given how garbage Blizzard is as a company. The Blizzard who made Diablo 1 & 2 are long gone, so to expect this current team to have any sweet clue about balance and what they’re doing is just so lol to me.
Modern Blizzard is just a greedy capitalist corporate cesspit. Making enjoyable games comes second to making $$$ for their shareholders.
The next big thing for player retention (lol as though this meaningless event is going to increase player count or help retain the existing player base) will be even higher rewards and idiotic stuff.
Cringe seasonal events no one asked for. Rainbow-colored mounts. I’m being hyperbolic of course, but I also don’t think I’m entirely off base. You can’t endlessly milk old games for money (which is why they are remastering old things, btw) like you can in modern games, so that must really upset the CEOs at Blizzard when they decided to even remaster D2.
Why remaster something if you can’t make endless money from it?
‘Free exp/loot events’ is entirely modern game design, and it’s god-awful trash that does not belong in a remaster of a game from 2000.
I don’t like the magic find buff. I believe it’s part of a bad game design philosophy. Giving players temporary bonuses to make them play at a certain time. And if you don’t want to or can’t play at that time, then you feel like you’re missing out on extra drops.
Every game that leans heavily into these sorts of designs ends up feeling like a job.
The amount of people crying over an event mid season is nuts. Blizzard EU recently officially sponsored a weekend discord/streamer event where givaways happened. Nobody lost their marbles over that. This is exactly what was speculated back when Pez mentioned other events planned, but they didn’t want to do anything too early to hurt the beginning of season.
many nice changes, thanks blizz. not sure how i feel about the mf boost…
and i’m confused & worried about how ww will be boosted by these changes… they screwed up ias with werebear/werewolf and i’m not gonna get stared on fhr so i’m betting they will have some challenges with ww…
Hopefully not. They did an MF event like this in asia when the game launched. Doesn’t seem like they’re pushing the envelope from that. I’d say it was more egregious when they did the first one because it was a fresh economy. This is just some novelty in late ladder when everything is worthless anyway. Probably directed at the asian market.
I’m the first one to call out activision for being shady. And I will again if they pull this on an entire ladder or something. But this is pretty meaningless. I don’t expect they’ll do extra MF ladders.
That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing novelty ladders like “zero light radius for everything” making light radius gear useful or something. Would be fun. It’d be something interesting. Just raining uniques is not interesting tho. That’s D3.
Yeah, that would be war for sure. This late ladder MF novelty boost is pretty irrelevant tho. I don’t see it as a slippy slope.
I like the changes. No on asked for these weird events though. I personally don’t want these terrible mmo event mechanics in d2. 50% is not the big deal. This is blizzard/activision, remember how they literally ruined most of their games with with kind of thing. Also nice toxic post @revenant309