Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.4.3. | Now Live

The fact they ever called it legendary tells me they have someone who is responsible for Diablo 3, working on d2r. Worrisome. I could be wrong.

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Typo, yes. The fear is of the game turning into Diablo 3… so that must be where it came from. Brain thought one thing, fingers typed another.

Oh, that post… Nevermind… I’ve typed “legendary” before and meant unique. That was a direct quote from the patch notes. I figured I did it again… lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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You spelt truth wrong, seems to happen alot these days. They both start with T so I can see where your confusion came from.

This stood out to me as well. A D2 Dev should know the difference, or it was written by the overall Diablo media guy, Pez.
Lack of attention to detail has really plagued D2R.


A rational and mature viewpoint. Are you sure you’re in the right place? :smiley:


I never used the word truth. Wrong guy, man :slight_smile: Also I think we can all agree, we are fine with the 50% mf boost, Most who are worried about it, just know the reputation blizzard has with letting the wrong people work on projects. I understand the concern.

No you used the other T word that gets used instead of truth alot these days… I got the right guy, dude.

Looks great. Lobby/game finder/search changes make me SO happy. Great job guys.


About time for a lot of these things. All were topics the community gave a lot of feedback on and really wanted fixed. Glad to see it.

On the MF buff, given how little that impacts things, I consider it a bit of a nice to have mid to late season thing for an Anniversary weekend over a Holiday.

Diablo 2 released June 29th, 2000. Happy Anniversary D2!

D2 is now old enough to have a beer in the US! A bit of an MF bonus for that is not unreasonable to me.


Yeah, a bit is fine… The fear is it becoming a bit more, and a bit more and a bit more, and oh you get the point.

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Oh I do. There have been threads complaining about the drop rates. I get it, D2 is a game where the loot hunt IS the game. It is not an instant reward game. That is not something some people like.

As long as Blizz leaves the base drop rates and things alone, I am fine with an anniversary buff. Esp one so small.

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Yeah, small indeed. What’d I say in a different thread? 250 to 300 equals a whopping 11% unique find buff? Big whoop.

So it basically has no effect, So why do it in the first place? I think the patch alone was great for a anniversary

It does have an effect, but it’s less effective the more magic find you have equipped.

If you want to make the most use of the “free” magic find, switch over to pure power gear and farm as fast as you can.

My 250% magic find going up to 300% with the buff equates to going from 125% unique find to 136% unique find.

There’s one small problem to the MF buff… what if I want to farm bases on my non-MF char? Now for a week she has 50% MF whether I want it or not (I wonder if we can ctrl+click it off)…

You can still farm bases with very little impact. Compared to running with 0% magic find, to reduce the drop rate of base item drops by 50%, you’d need 800% magic find.

Besides, it’s only for a few days. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe this little bump in magic find is what I’ll need to finally drop a HQ Shako, who knows? 1st D2R Ladder has been mean to me so far compared to the many in the original game. RNG gods are taking a big dump in my inventory. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know this graph, and I agree, that’s exactly what I was going to do. But, I don’t use more than 100-200 mf to begin with in the first place. I just think its unnecessary especially given the fact a big chunk of players do not like events like this. Its not a big deal, people are just worried about what it implies in the long run.

Eh, I’d recommend just trying to float your current magic find, swap out an item that you have that gives you a power bump. :slight_smile:

Me? I’ll probably drop my 3 topaz death mask for my 2 skill circlet. I’ll take a bit of a MF hit, but still. Killing things quicker will make up for it.

I get it man lol. I don’t focus mf at all. already do that, and have no issues gearing my characters.

Now for the real question. Is the MF event limited to online or can solo players also get to enjoy it if they download the patch in time?