Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.4 Balance PTR

absolutely right. They need to start slowly. There can be patches to come to change more step by step. Changing too much at once can cause chaos to the balance. And we dont want power creep because of this. To compensate too many changes made.

Like what i read very much and hype to play PTR

  • Character hit recovery will now have diminishing returns when being hit by another player.

oh for f#@kā€™s sake

and how are we even going to test pvp on ptr anyway if you wonā€™t give us the gear needed to hit breakpoints?

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Just to add another point about ravens:

I donā€™t think they currently benefit from any auras (unless itā€™s hidden?). Since theyā€™re part of a summoner build, it seems like changing them to benefit from auras to match the other summons would make sense, even if the auras arenā€™t visible on them (or just make it so auras applied to the druid affect raven damage).

Could also have enchant on the druid apply to raven damage as well.

There is no way a few level 1 summon Ravens plus a maximum of 5 wolves or one bear can compete with 20-30+ Necro summons backed up by curses and corpse explosion. Summoner druids are bound to be second or third class summoners compared to necros.


Good changes.
Iā€™m relieved that there is no ED+10000%. :grinning:


I always wondered why my Oak Sage survived so well in Nightmare but started exploding the second I got to Hell. Turns out it was a bug, my Sage was supposed to explode every 2 seconds in Nightmare too. Luckily they are fixing it so Sage will be equally useless in both higher difficulties. 25% damage resist is not going to keep a Sage alive in Hell.

Now, Sage is fine for some builds. It works fine for my wind druid. The problem is that the idiot thing follows melee types into battle and gets instagibbed. They need to fix its AI before they worry about its toughness and especially before they nerf if in Nightmare.

A bit concern about Blizzard and Frozen Orb can be used together since they no longer share cooldown but the another changes are good overall. They donā€™t need to be meta changing just offer more viable choices to player.

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I think itā€™s more like CC resistance increased for monster that get cc so player cannot get stun lock from mind blast or twister spam.

  • Character hit recovery will now have diminishing returns when being hit by another player.

SO now blizzard can let warcry pass through blockingā€¦ haha i can hope cant i ?

i dont read everything so tired today

very very happy and hype, for the next update big thank you too the d2re team :+1:

These Rwā€™s are insanely disappointing. A handful of mediocre RWā€™s? Really? All of the BiS items are still BiS.

The only substantial thing about this patch is character balancing, which is great, but it wonā€™t get a ton of people to play ladder, since all characters are simply using the same, old, tired RWā€™s.

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sooooo excited but,

have a 99 fire trapsin on SP with Perfect gear and charms +infinity & frankly this change is no where near enough lvl 55 Wake of Fire with max synergies is doing 1503-1688 damage and shoots 5 times, barely have any time to do anything else as your constantly recasting fire traps (they donā€™t shoot enough) fire is already handicapped by dealing with the ridiculous amount of immuneā€™s in the game.

currently; wake of fire

  • Fire Blast synergy increased from +8% to +10% needs to be +8% to +12%
  • Wake of Inferno synergy increased from +8% to +10% needs to be +8% to +12%

tested perfect gear in hell cows p8 as there is not many fire immuneā€™s and the kill-speed was insanely slow, even factoring in the new buffed synergies i donā€™t think its even close to enough damage (DPS) to be remotely viable in any areas in hell p8

other than that, GREAT PATCH AND CHANGES :slight_smile:

Pretty much what I was thinking. Looks like they just added some cool niche stuff to me I didnā€™t sit here for hours trying to figure any meta breaking combos out though. Maybe someone will figure something out we will see.

what the hellā€¦ so what im reading is you want an item that can play the game for you, holy S that would be broken.

what the hellā€¦ so what im reading is you want an item that can play the game for you, holy S that would be broken.

Where in the hell did you get that from?

This skill is now an uninterruptible attack
Attack Rating modification has been removed. Now this skill will always hit the target
This skill now slows the target by a percentage for a duration

Does this mean that Impale now will make Amazon viable for Uber Tristram? Isnā€™t it like Smite now?


Maybe iā€™m misunderstanding something but wonā€™t making Spirit Wolfs deal cold damage will make them even less viable in Hell difficulty because of the immunities?

Also wonā€™t Dragon Flight with the teleport mechanic + always hits will make pvp fights trivial?

And honestly i would love to see some AR bonus (either inherent or synergy) on Blade Fury, as most of the time the problem with the skill isnā€™t itā€™s damage but itā€™s hit chance.

You couldā€™ve remove the weapon degradation from Blade Shield to make this playstyle more viable with eth weapons.

feedback on the new runewords:

obsession = sweet use for a zod rune. in right base could be very strong and save points for ES char, for example. in self found play, finally get a solid use for a zod rune. ty. and correctly powered alternative to spirit/hoto. cool.

flickering flame = i really like this item. along with buff to fire skills this is great and can see this going in druid helm obviously with + to fissure for example. fissure has amazing mechanics as a clearing spell just weak dmg. this mid-rarity runeword hits the spot. fire aura helps cap fire res when using spirit. all around A+ design.

wisdom = another win. provides alternative to boring old razortail in every javazon. so that in self found play for example can get a javazon online faster. good in other builds too sure. also has a built in raven frost and mana. its really good. obviously will be replaced late late game with stronger options but for pul rune this is sweet.

unbending will = just ok. limited use imo, as a self found melee playthrough. determistically-farmable bridge weapon until you can make oath or grief. ok in this application its great. besides this, where is this used? on a5 merc, maybe?? thats a competitive slot though. the taunt is local not aoe so its not so great. anyway its low runes so i guess it serves purpose.

pattern = finally a reason to level with claws lolā€¦ vs. just a scimitar or flail, as a variety of different asn builds. nice fire dmg. sweet one, seriously. without pattern there was literally no reason to use claws until fkn bartucs even. finally something worth making to level up with.

Plague - ok not happy with this one at all. what is plague trying to do, what application is this for? a weaker cheaper grief? boring, and iā€™ll just wait for grief. the mods are trying to be phys but also trying to be poison. i realize poison build still needs phys for leech but meh. - is the minus enemy poison res that good? again, shouldnt we just make a grief? i get it that the lower res when struck is kind of the key to the item, but in what situation is this consistent? i know you canā€™t make it cast on proc but im scratching my head on this. iā€™m sure you got enough feedback on this item already but i will just say from design pov, plague is a missed opportunity to make a very POWERFUL but NICHE item. maybe dagger only? hint hintā€¦ (lots of ways to go with this, just tossing one out)

Mist - also not so keen on this one. maybe I donā€™t quite get its killer application. just seems like a lesser alternative to faith. and a use for a cham rune. ok you checked those boxes i guess. with the + skills is that just generically a good stat, or are you trying to push this for use in a fire or cold zon? with the pierce stat, im guessing yes the elemental zons, since a phys zon would have the pierce side of tree checked and can get easily 60%+ pierce for one point, more with gear. ok so if elemental zon, why not like holy freeze or holy fire aura for flat dmg. or like +10 to bow/xbow skills. sounds crazy but hey who knows. anyway the item just seems too vanilla and ā€œoverall goodā€ but just ends up being boring and a weaker faith. I would appreciate being clued more into the smart use for this but i dont see it. oh and, playing self found even, i dont see much benefit of being able to larzuk a bow base to 5 sockets for this. vs. finding 4 socket for a faith. i think the limiting find here is the runes in both cases - cham, or jah. if i can find cham, i could find a 4 socket gmb even +2 skill iā€™d do it.

overall great job! just could polish up a couple of them.

edit: are these all going to be ladder only or core runewords? I guess weā€™ll find outā€¦


Do these changes apply to Classic mode where applicable (e.g,. obviously there is no Druid or Assassin)?

  1. This is amazing
  2. I have some points of feedback based on what we know so far. (avoiding talking about numbers just concepts)

Paladin > Fist of Heaven
Does the holy bolts from this heal as well?
If no, it should to be consistent with holy bolt
If yes, it should be added to the tool tip.

Barb > Concentration
Should get a ā€œalways hitā€ modifier similar to Impale for zon and Smite for Pala. This could help create a niche ubers barb build.

sin > Blade fury/sentinel. > Add AR modifiers or have these skills act as spells with 100% hit.

Druid > Fire/Earth skills. > If you max out these skills youā€™d be level 94 with 5 skill points left to go into summon tree. Iā€™m thinking these changes could be actually be meta shifting compared to others, so may be worth the investment. Seems daunting atm though.

Nec > Bone armor > this reasoning doesnā€™t hold well imo. At best, this will just passively buff players with + to skills. For p/b the synergies for BA are also used for your bone spear/spirit. for summons/poison, bone wall/prison still have more utility and buff BA the same amount. BA would need to be a synergy to another useful skill or buffed beyond the same 15 you get from other synergies.

Merc > This is skirting the numbers topic, which requires testing, but I feel Act Might/Pride is still going to be the defacto Melee merc. Iā€™m hoping A3 > Fire enchant merc has fire mastery or something to boost itā€™s fire damage to give melee players an option to use boosted physical or fire+ar merc.

Runeword > Beast > Allow to be used on swords. this opens fant up to a5 and a3 mercs.

bug?? > +to weapon damage modifier. - I was looking up damage calculators and one I found (made around 1.1 kept mentioning in red text that the + to weapon damage modifier (found on Grief and the Redeemer) is bugged and doesnā€™t display properly in the character stat sheet. It appears to still be the case, with Griefā€™s Sheet DPS looking dramatically lower than other weapons, but pumping out the DPS.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have more opinions once we have actual numbers and a testing ground, but Iā€™m super excited to play with what you guys have been working on!