Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.3 Highlights | Coming Soon

People with your thinking are cancer

Glad to see that you guys are thinking of the future of the game. Need to get those fixes out asap and work on the lobby/spam bot issue. Would love to see more QoL changes like stackable gems/runes, a loot filter, and possibly more inventory space (where charms can’t be used). Balance changes are also a welcomed change!

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why not just use the new, neat, well designed game pad UI that’s already built into the game when you have quick cast enabled for mouse + keyboard instead of that dirty hacked looking UI in that preview thumbnail with the extra buttons seemingly just thrown on top of one side of the exp bar.?


BLIZZARD can we please get rid of all the spam bots, the game has only been out for what 3months now and its already over ran like the original D2 was!!!

Hey blizzard you broke a key legacy functionality with this patch

Mouse wheel up and down no longer work as a bind for individual skills (MWU/MWD).

Please please fix this, after 15+ years and 1000+ hours playing this game on legacy I can try my best to relearn but I will eventually slip up 1-3 weeks later and kill my hardcore characters. Only to become infuriated and remember that it was this companies decision to remove functional legacy hotkeys

This has made my remastered experience completely miserable after so much otherwise great enjoyment.

Can’t make everyone happy. Literally fixed large swaths of problems, tons of great fixes and a handful of people who I have personally seen talk about needing some of this stuff still find away to winge and moan about the patch.

Still some more things need to be fixed. But in general, great job Blizzard!

I dont think they did a great job they broke legacy hotkey functionality with this patch.

MWU and MWD (Scroll wheel) are broken binds now, game does not functionally work anymore for a lot of us.

I would have gladly taken no patch than having core functions removed for something I dont even want.

Not everyone has hearing. Indicators help those who can’t hear with audio queues.

Because you don’t care about SP, doesn’t mean others don’t care.

Quick Cast wasnt included at launch though. So they included it here… “should woulda coulda.”

eye roll

You said that up above you dont need to keep bringing it up. We get it you miss your legacy mode. Im sure it was unintended and they will fix it. We all have/had to put up with things that made the game less enjoyable.

My dude they pretty much made a patch so I cant play hardcore then made no statement about it dont white knight and act like they are going to fix it while no one at their company even says they will do so.

Want to fix an issue? Go to the source do not complain to the people trying to fix a problem someone else added.

Again MWU/MWD (Mousewheel scrolls) Were broken as active ability binds in this patch please hot fix or have a statement you will fix or revert patch.

Bruh nobody is white knighting. They will fix it… you crying about it in every post is annoying af.

Mate your not blizzard your some over inflated ego looking for conflict from a guy that doesn’t care about you answering for a company that doesn’t know your name or care lying to make a statement that it never even made. (small man stuff)

Again MWU/MWD (Mousewheel scrolls) Were broken as active ability binds in this patch please hot fix or have a statement you will fix or revert patch.

LUL, ok big guy… dont have an ego. Literally just stated how you have managed to cry about this in several threads. They will get around to fixing it, if its broken. You dont need to complain ad nauseam about it. We get it you are super angry about them breaking something. Give it a rest.

You are not blizzard you tool stop answering my question of when they will fix broken legacy hotkeys or if they will LOL stop inflating your ego and placing yourself into the situation to white knight for a company that doesn’t care about your incompetent defense of them in the slightest.

Your not a moderator, your not useful your a troll trying to slow progress looking for conflict

stop answering like you have any authority your a small dude on a power trip that does not realize everyone else knows he has no power.

Also is this you? “White knighting in forums thread”
"I literally dont care about the queue.

Only issue I have is with the lack of updates on the situation. Just want to know they’re still around and working on the issues. 1 post last week talking about the issues is not enough. They should at the very least update us on the weekly on their progress in fixing the server issues they have. Thats really the only annoying thing, for me."

Tell me all about how we should have regular updates when the game is broken from staff hypocrite.

Will leave prior statement above asking for a statement of when they will fix MWU/ MWD