How-To: block lobby spammers (short video tutorial)

Made this video to show players how to block spammers in the lobby.

The main thing to notice how you must click on the player icon below and not the chat name for it to block them.

recommend adding a captcha to the report button

// it appears like they are manually creating the account names. so if you report them. you cause more work for the one or two guys spamming the chat.


This doesn’t work. I right click and block and it says "unable to ignore "

The lobby is shattered right now, unusable.

Works for me, I no longer see any spam.
Just looking at your posting history… do you currently have any issues with the game running?

The fact that a video like this even exists is too pathetic for words. Blizzard.


I think you’re talkin’ about this one

Nah, that one is fine. The fact that right click>block on the spam message still doesn’t work is pathetic. The fact that these same spammers have been going since release is pathetic.

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yes, the fact that the two are sperate are confusing.

I can see folks trying to use the menu on the chat window instead of the one on the characters and being confused why it doesn’t work.

But from the patch notes 2.3 it looks as if they are doing stuff with the UI for the lobby. so I imagine it will be reworked at some point.

I wish I could post a screenshot here…

I get "Unable to ignore LuckyTiger#2220789 when I try to do this. Restarting bnet doesnt help either im afraid.

The worst is when they spam so hard it follows you into the game. Then the chat box wont go away while you’re playing so you cant click on the either bottom left of the screen.

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I assume it is because of same reason I can no longer block. The list is full and can`t remove any from that list I do have that is full.


to view your blocked list, click on the icon next to the chat input with the 3 heads on it.
select blocked > rightclick and unblock names that are not in your list. problem solved.

can do a part 2 video if you need… lol

my chat is still spam free from when i recorded this video.

Note that i discovered this on my own after looking at the interface for 10 minutes. Didn’t even need to google anything

It is nice that you are in a humorous mood laughter is good medicine :slight_smile: but I present you with a very fresh video that I also did not need googles assistance because I been online since 1995 and I am very savvy with computers and networking broad amount of PC subjects and repairs along a vast amount of experience and knowledge of this game and wow and tons of other games of similar. As you can see here that doesn`t work. lol Any other Brain Busters :slight_smile: ^5s thanks for the chuckle dropbox dot com/s/ubdf1oqjnkgl40f/Desktop%202021.11.25%20-%2006.26.08.01.mp4?dl=0

Imagine making a game and not knowing how to combat this issue,


Seems hard to imagine doesn’t it? Because it’s deliberate…

LoL, you will have to spend 20% of your life doing just that every 15 minutes in chat.

It is seemingly endless.

Also, you only have so many ppl you can block before it’s filled up.

Your post is not the answer.

The only way spam bots will be removed is by Blizzard using a spam filter like they did in D2 original to get rid of spam bots.

my chat is still clean days later.
works just fine. just have to put in slightly more effort then if there’s no bots.

the key is to report them. if all your doing is blocking…i can see why you’re havin’ issues

It’s a “Lobby Kotick”.

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days later still clean.

when the bots spam, then complain about spam-

Lobby chat is broken, this won’t fix it. New spambots using hard to type game names are being created constantly and you can’t keep up. And, even if you could everyone else in your lobby would have to do the same thing or they can’t see your chat. Having a lobby with no chat isn’t really a lobby is it?

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Either your are a troll, or you are new to the scene. This will only work until your ignore list is full. And it is NOT related to the Blocked list. They are different. You will reach the cap and then you wont be able to ignore anyone no matter how many you remove from your blocked list.

Get off your high horse dude, you think you are being so clever and making a crappy short video as if we didnt all try this method already? My chat was also clean for a time, but now I cannot block or ignore anyone else and you are going to run into the same issue.

Stop downplaying what is a serious issue they need to address. The quick answer is, make the Ingore List not have a limit? Auto Ban any user that spams more than 1 time per second? (this is pretty common nowadays in global chats )
the hard answer is stop the bots entirely. but I aint holding my breath for that one.


Do you know how to remove names off your list to create more room for additional spammers?

This is a common thing

would take less time to make a new video showing this then try to argue that it doesn’t work yah- know

Yes and that doesnt work either. I think you are just trying to plug your crappy youtube channel here. Hmm Comments are turned off? I wonder why… :thinking: