Yea I’m the slow one, where you cant figure out what this would do to the economy of the game.
In fact this would encourage more botting, something you can already tell by the lobby is already rampant.
Yea I’m the slow one, where you cant figure out what this would do to the economy of the game.
In fact this would encourage more botting, something you can already tell by the lobby is already rampant.
I hope you are uninvolved in any profession or endeavor that involves numbers.
i didn’t, hence why i mentioned looking at in in a macro sense (where we would use proportions)
stop trying for a “gotcha” moment. it’s not gonna happen
Server issues stabilized because people arent playing the game. Ngl this update gave me the impression of limited to no resources allocated and a really bad sign of any future content/ladder.
I was intrigued and just checked to see if you’re right and I don’t think there is anything more than a pindleskin bot available. In fact, it looks like its a pixel bot which is the most basic kind of bot you could make.
A pixel bot is a program that analyses what is on screen and matches the images in the folders with what is on screen. To make a bot sufficiently good for any type of content in the game, the dev would need to take screen shots on every single thing for every map layouts possible. So I think we’re good. No decent bot out there.
I am, funny enough.
If you cant see how this wouldn’t ruin the economy of the game, there really is no hope for ya.
A bot is still a bot, pindle won’t drop anything better, his minions however, thats another story. I’m sure it would be configured to go outside and farm his minions as well with that change.
ctrl click does not work over a certain ping threshold. Something like 150ms, I forget.
A simple exercise for the bot doom and gloomers:
If the average player acquires P amount of loot in a day, and the average bot acquires B, then the proportion is P/B.
If you universally increase drops by a factor of X, then the proportion becomes (XP)/(XB) = P/B.
There are indeed private bots with coordinate based teleport and targeting.
You won’t find them in the open, but videos surface from time to time.
Last one I saw was showcasing functions for GoToNPC(int id) and it would walk to all the NPCs in town. Then it showcased auto tele to andariel and mephisto, killing them both.
The bots get more sophisticated every day. There is a lot of money involved.
its what you deserve for playing hardcore
No one gives a **** . Bots exist regardless and going by your logic this would hurt bots far more then legit players since they’d have to bot a lot more to gain more profits. This just helps the entire playerbase in general unless you’re a scumbag that uses d2jsp or a botting piece of crap.
Just to echo what I said in the other thread in case feedback is being read, the quick cast and skill bar are excellent additions. The difficulty scaling on console is long overdue. Force move has been requested forever. All good stuff. These are the type of changes the game needs, the core experience in tact with modernized ui/controls with minor gameplay tweaks.
A loot filter and much larger shared stash or collection tab are at the top of my request list and hopefully will be considered next by Blizzard.
Nothing in this patch for me personally but good to see continued support.
Good changes, but incredibly underwhelming overall.
I see they are copying the CDPR approach of underwhelming patches that ignore huge problems while providing a few breadcrumbs for the shills to fawn over.
So still no way for my 2 siblings and I to play us 3 in a /player8 private environment?
Got it.
Preeeeety sure they still wont want the game and they only want to play toghetter with me. High time we get players8 for private games online. I don’t care if it’s a new mode and I can’t interact with other players on the regular Bnet.
God I miss TCP/IP
No they did not.
You’re talking out your prune chute again.
“Game content discussed in this blog is not final and subject to change.*”
Thanks CDPR.
Don’t care. SP is boring and I never play it.
This should have been included at launch.
“We originally avoided this approach because we feared it would stray too far from the original experience”
Cough Consoles cough
And a working lobby.
“An indicator has been added to exemplify what players are muted or ignored.”
No one wants this. What we DO want is for blocking to actually work.
“the character’s level and expansion type will now be revealed on the lobby screen.”
No one wanted this either. No one will use or care.
“we added the “miss” text indicator to Player vs. Player combat.”
But why? We can already tell when a miss happens by listening. No one cares about this.
“players will also be able to hear audio cues when auto-filling potions to their character’s belt.”
How about fixing your belt emptying into your inventory when you die? Nobody wants this and it is painfully annoying to put up with. It has caused people to lose gear as well.
“Nvidia DLSS”
Unneeded. No one cares.
To me the drop chance should be removed from the number of players and a normalized drop chance should occur. Lets say the equivalent of /players 4 or /players 5 regardless of the number of players in the game. This way the /players 8 option isn’t needed at all. The /players # command is just unnecessary RNG. In my opinion the only thing that the /party # command should give is added XP and possibly team buffs for players in the same area. If people aren’t in the same area buffs shouldn’t be given. The buff part would just be to incentivize teamwork with a removal of drop chance. Anything RNG should not be part of the /party # system.