Diablo clone killed by level 5



And people want to make game easier :smiley:


Next gameā€¦
Dclone: ā€œNo pots!ā€



Sigh. Bosses are a joke in this game.


A small potion cooldown to stop potion spam would fix that problem, at least during progression with a crappy build. :stuck_out_tongue: Even just a 1 second cooldown.

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Potions aside, there is no way a level 5 character should ever not be one shot every time by an end game boss, no matter the build or gear. Nor should a level 5 have that much DPS. I honestly canā€™t think of another RPG where this is possible and Iā€™ve played many.


His smite damage is 6-18. The vast majority of the damage is coming from crushing blow. It takes him like 7 minutes to kill him with a sliver of life.


Yes, and I donā€™t think a stat which allows that much damage against an end game boss should be on gear wearable by a level 5 character.

But my bigger concern is why he isnā€™t one shot. If DClone canā€™t do 400 damage in one shot, what will he do against my frenzy barb with 4K life, and who can life steal back 10% damage in 1 second, without life tap. Why bother? Iā€™d rather trade for the Anni charm since there is no challenge there.


Well if they really wanted to stop this from happening, they need to plug the ways people can get a level 5 character into Hell difficulty.


Well that wouldnā€™t be a problem if lvl 5 characters were simply unable to do anything in Hell, let alone kill an end game raid boss LOL. In fact, itā€™s good that he could get his character into Hell, because he has demonstrated how under-powered the Dclone is. Wasnā€™t his intent, Iā€™m sure. He probably just wants to show how clever he is. But his cleverness is not the most interesting take from the video.

This is like a level 5 character going into Onyxiaā€™s Lair in WoW classic and killing Onyxia. Or, to be fair, since that encounter is tuned for a 40 man raid, letā€™s say 40 level 5 characters. Such a group couldnā€™t even kill the first trash mob on their way in. Not even close.


This is why we love the gnasher!

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One of reasons why we love diablo 2. Its different and you can do stuff like this in it.


not a single person in the world would name this as a reason why they love d2ā€¦


Iā€™ll echo, well built and thought out things taking on the highest things in the gameā€¦Love It. getting a lvl 5 so it doesnā€™t die to Uber Dā€™s lit Streamā€¦Love it. Getting 400+ life on a level 5ā€¦thatā€™s planning.

Nice work.


Smite is so OP. Not saying it needs to be nerfed, just pointing out the obvious. It is the build I always use for Uber Diablo and Uber Tristram.

Make Smite use attack rating. Problem solved.


Thatā€™s fine. I donā€™t have an issue with people with very specific builds and gear being able to do unusual things. For instance, in POE, if you have a Headhunters Belt, which is Zod like scarcity, and another specific unique, and build the character a certain way, youā€™re in literal God mode with 20x more DPS than any end game character with perfect gear. You can insta-vaporize an otherwise very difficult raid boss. But that requires an item which last I checked cost $250 on the real money sites and practically no one has it. Itā€™s also likely been nerfed since last I played.

My issue here isnā€™t with the specifics of it being a level 5 and using an automatic hit ability plus some very particular gear. Itā€™s the following:

  1. All act bosses and raid bosses in D2 are a simple tank and spank, or really just a spank. Itā€™s blam, blam, blam, splat. Or if you donā€™t have so much DPS, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, splat. Or if your gear and build are horrid, then maybe itā€™s blam, blam, blam [you die.] Either way, the statistical prowess of your character is the only thing that matters. There is no skill involved. Give a character enough stats, and you can hand the controls over to someone whoā€™s never played the game and theyā€™ll down the boss. My mom could down Diablo or Baal on either my frenzy barb or bliz sorc and sheā€™s elderly and never played a video game beyond Tetris. OK, maybe just on the frenzy barb. She might actually have to move to avoid Dā€™s pink lightning and would probably fail at that. But you know what I mean.

  2. Considering 1, that statistical prowess is the only thing that matters, the end game raid bosses in D2 donā€™t really have all that much of it. As graphically demonstrated by the fact that Dclone canā€™t manage to one shot a level 5 character with 400 life. If they are going to have such simple non-technical boss fights, the least they can do is put the statistical barrier to entry a little higher than this.

i dunno, dies a few times, wouldnā€™t be doable in hardcore.

and thatā€™s how i measure everything.

if that could be done in hardcore, no deaths. maybe an issue, but this person did die, so the build isnā€™t fool proof. sure itā€™s a joke build to show off how silly this game is. but itā€™s not perfect.

it is hilarious tho. and iā€™m glad theyā€™ve done this.

another one on the list of ā€œthings you never thought possible in d2ā€ :stuck_out_tongue: yes we love it. EoTRampage. yes. this is what we love about diablo. like the other person says, this would 100% unnattainable in WoW. but diablo 2. anything is possible. just like Zombo com.

I just did so you are obviously wrong. And second person below me.

Years ago I was a part of D2 boxing community. Rules were simple - barbarians, level 9, no gear that was visible - charms obviously were allowed, or rings and other non-visible gear - from the outside you were supposed to be buck naked.
People got to level where a lv9 fellow could down an act boss.
So yes - this is the awesome part of this game. Plan for something, see it happen using some sort of weird mechanic others never thought of.

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why is this a problem, exactly? this is really extremely specialized. Itā€™s fun that we can have these challenge dclone kills.

The only problem i see here is the ability to dodge the red lightning hose