Diablo 4 No trading = Dead on arrival

Huh? Why? Trading is the only reason I was able to experience the awesome full TrangOul set by the end of Nightmare. The game has very rare loot, so we trade for it. Trading facilitates cooperation and communication - engagement between players. Why would you not want that? You want everything to be much less rare and just an individual experience?

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Yes. Diablo should imo always be a single player franchise.

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Paragon = dmg by trillons = PvM game and ZERO PvP
No trade in a game FULL PVM

Why Should I play? What is the reason to play it?


if there is no trading i will just wont buy it. Its one of the things that make d3 horrible.


You are missign the point, its ot about human interaction. Most of the anti-trade poeple, me included, just think that earning those items yourself brings much more satsifaction then trading for them.

Would an achievement system that tracks your drops not be a better way to facilitate that?

I can see the appeal but couldnā€™t you just not trade with people if thatā€™s important to you. Why do you need to eliminate trade for others for you to not trade.

I have made characters in d2 that I havenā€™t traded with anyone for just that reason, to see how well I can gear without outside interaction. But I was able to do that with trade existing in the game.

I think more likely itā€™s the fact that solo players want a better chance to find those items. Eliminating trade or including boes comes with an increased drop rate to offset.

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if they logged and automated a counter to take inventory of all items that exists in the game, sure.

easy to setup the overwatch system once thereā€™s game logs. ^.^

I mean blizzard tried to compete with rmt with their real money auction house lol. Maybe they should bring that back, people would have no reason to go to rmt if they could buy from the source. (Obviously Iā€™m kidding)

You guys either did not listened to, or read any info, or have verry short memory.

So, did everyone who played D1 and D2 offline do it wrong, then? Because they didnā€™t trade.

Also, D1 was chock full of hacked items.

Open trade isnā€™t middle ground, though. So which is it?

Trade isnā€™t core to the diablo experience. Killing demons and getting rewards is core to the diablo experience.

I mean, listen to yourself. ā€œThereā€™s a website thatā€™s based entirely on cheating, but it was good for D2.ā€

Do you want a do-over here?

There IS middle ground between items raining from the sky and open trade. In fact, Diablo 3 had that middle ground for a while. It was around mid 2015. Then Seasons and GRs came along, and they skyocketed drop rates.

Thatā€™s a thing, dude. Itā€™s called offline mode. Lots of people did it.


I recall folks arguing about the legitimacy of their good items a lot LoL
the legit players seemed more out-spoken back then.

Now they hide with the chat off ^.^

You mean a trade based on ā€œcheatingā€ but used 90% by people who didnā€™t spent a dime. People who just wanted a decent trading medium

I love made up statistics!

They likely could have done what PoE.trade did. But they didnā€™t - because they wanted to make $$. They were cheating and facilitating cheating, and it was NOT good. Period.

Well than we found the solution. Include trading in the game and people who donā€™t want it can just play offline by themselves.

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The problem with that is I like multiplayer. I just donā€™t like trading.

Yeah and Offline mode has /players 8 to compensate for the lack of trading. Oh, did you forget that? :thinking:

It just seems like more of a compromise. Versus doing away with trading entirely.

If itā€™s take months or longer even you never get the item you want then itā€™s the problem of the bad loot and magic find system. Even with trade system on, many ppl donā€™t want to put more than 60$ into the game just to get some content they paid for and can never get due to ā€œLUCKā€. Like in D2R rn, Blizzard not receive any more penny from each transaction between player in D2jsp so the phrase like: ā€œI put more money to the item i want to help the dev ā€¦etcā€ itā€™s throw out of window. All iā€™ve seen itā€™s only 2 type of people, One just want to enjoy their god darn 60$ game and one type just want to make profit on every darn things they touches everyday. If you want profit, go out there and join crypto bros, and buy those NFT, games are place to play not get profit.

Yep, just look at the gameplay demos. Close your eyes and all you hear is D3.