Diablo 4 No trading = Dead on arrival

I’m just like:
it depends on how they set up character interactions. if you are meant to group with other players to complete the game or if you can solo it all with the help of trade.

i know they tend to go with bonded items when using any kind of trade system to limit the items that can be traded. kind of protects against dupes and such…

i’m just like…
I haven’t even seen a loot system yet :stuck_out_tongue:

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Putting your need to kill JSP above everything else, even above the game itself, and your need to annoy others and see them frustrated clearly shows a kind of personality that would make anything to get what you want, even if that’s unethical/unfair.

A pain in a finger doesn’t justify cutting a whole arm. Unless your interest of cutting that dude’s arm began before the pain appeared.

Never understood crybabies obsessed with D2jsp constantly claiming it’s ruining Diablo2 while it netted more positive to the game than negative

Don’t blame Jsp when it’s Blizzard lacks of trading feature that makes it a fertile soil for alternatives to grow

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Yeah… Nah. No. Trading should be unrestricted to everyone all the time… This isnt Age of Conan


As long as the Itemization is fine and not like D3, it will be a great game. I don’t care if there’s trade or not :slight_smile:

Trading doesn’t feel rewarding at all, it’s more like a necessary evil for me.


While it’s obvious that JSP is his excuse to try to legitimate demanding the removal of a feature that’s been core to the franchise for decades, it can’t be denied that JSP has some features that are unhealthy for the game as…

  • Chance to buy items for real money.
  • FG carrying through seasons, beating the purpose of ladder resets.

In my opinion, none of them justify removing something as important as trading, as the medicine would be more harmful than the illness. Anyway, I wouldn’t say that specifically JSP has brought more good than bad, I’d just say that about trading in general, but not D2JSP in particular. And that not even taking into consideration its former symbolism of the golden age of D2 bots.


Age of Conan was phenomenal before they killed it to make crybabies happy. Unrestricted free for all pvp was the best part of the game. It made up for the initial lack of content. Too bad they caved because some people couldn’t handle it.

Trading was removed in d3 cause it hurt the competition. There will most likely be restricted in d4 cause of this. Especially since there will be pvp etc. The question is how restricted. They want to prevent p2w from happening.



Trading got removed in D3 because they fricked up so bad on launch that they scrapped everything, including things that worked

They put rmah and trading in the same basket

In other words d2 fricked up so badly since d2 got the same issues. Ppl buying gears for real cash.

Just like d2. Thats why they restrict trading. As long as there is trade there be ppl buying stuff for real money. It hurt d3 more than d2. D2 is old and lack ways to compete. D3 got LB for GR. D4 will have LB and pvp and clanwars or whatever. Obv they planning to have restricted trade, they alrdy stated earlier that its their plan.

They are aware of issues which d2jsp etc causing. Its not some d3 exclusive things. They want to prevent the same mistake which happened in both d2 and d3.

if there’s no trading, let’s just make d4 offline only too while we’re at it, like what’s even the point of playing with others if you can’t exchange gear ?

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Exactly. What’s the point if I can’t trade? Having the ability to trade for items you DO need helps you progress faster. So if you’re removing the ability to trade or restricting trading, then drops will have to increase to compensate therefore becoming similar to D3. You have to choose what you want…rare items with trades? Or BoP with constant unique items and runes falling from the sky?

Imagine having the drop rates of D2 with no or very little trade?

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You know, there is a small room between farming months for an item and uniques raining from the sky.


Off-line play???

We can kill jsp or any rmt website and still be able to trade anything in the game

with jsp around, apparently untouchable ; they have no choice.

jspers layed that bed down for us all - like it or not.

Yes, I agree… But sorry, I don’t get your point.

as opposed to d3 where the items basically arent worth trading because everyone has everything. not sure where you got the rumor that d4 will not allow trading though.

For me the whole point of Diablo is getting those items from gameplay, earning them. Why would i want to trade?


I actually play D2 without trading. I have today killed Baal on Hell.


Like thats the only thing u do in a multiplayer game. D4 will have raidlike stuff and pvp. There are plenty of things to do even without trading.

Or u can team up with friends to progress.

There is a middleground. And with the info we got so far it seem like thats what they planning to do. In earlier statements they said u will be able to trade some items but not all. The best items u will be forced to farm yourself. So unless they change the plans there will be restricted trade.

They dont want ppl to be able to buy the best gears