Diablo 2 Resurrected is better than D3 change my mind

Diablo 2 1.09->D2 1.14/D2R->D3

I agree, trading was huge for me in D2. Added a whole new aspect to interact with other players. D3 held me on with the auction house. I could at least slightly feel like I was trading. Once that left. There was little to keep me playing d3. Multiple unique aspects of games keep people coming back. One way to do everything, click click and stuff is not.

When did you discover time travel?

it’s 2 completely different type of arpgs, you can’t even compare them. change my mind.

I didn’t, it was available for purchase a long time ago.

D2R = Diablo 2 Resurrected

Remind me when it ‘released’?

Good sir, with your statement, your IQ is too high for me in order to change it. GG.

I can’t remember when exactly but it was I think February I bought it.

The premise of the OP is wrong. Some people prefer apples, some people prefer oranges. I can not change your mind if your personal taste is that you like apples more than oranges. It is an opinion and a matter of personal tastes.

What does this even mean: “original D2 beats six D3’s” in what regard? In sales, D3 has >5x the sales of D2. Critical reviews? Metacritic scores? This comment just makes no sense to me.

You’re talking about the pre-order. This does not mean D2R is “released”.

You’re comparing Diablo 3 to Diablo 2 that has only been shown in Alpha and a Beta; not even half the game in an unpolished state.

What is right is not always popular. What is popular is not always right.

There’s a reason Diablo 2 got its remaster.

The same reason they made a wow classic to milk some nostalgia for no investment. Not because diablo 2 is some super master piece of a game lol. Though nostalgia does that to some people.

Very true.

The original diablo even got redone to work on modern systems by Blizzard/GoG. D3 in 10 years will also get a remaster as a money grab.

D2 is far superior. Was hype for D3, left extremely let down.
D3 trash!

For a long time after D3 release I can remember people saying they would have preferred D2 with better graphics and QoL updates.

I think it is absolutely subjective unless there is something specific you want to measure between the games?

Measuring the game play, diablo 3 has mobs that wall you in, shoot arcane lines that circle around, and many more things they can do. A interesting bounty system that makes it so you don’t have to run the quests over and over and over, with rifts and more difficultly challenges. If you mess up around those randomized mobs then you die. The crafting system has way more variety, in what you can make and is useful besides just making runewords, especially in ladder when you make new characters. Has a better way to change items to look how you want. Has better animations for the skills, and looks of the characters. Has a actual use for gold. Has a easier way to actually level and change your build while you play, instead of just deleting your character and starting over once you find a new item you want to use. Has more variety in builds that actually work. The best thing is you don’t need some one to power level you, like you do in diablo 2, most builds in diablo 2 require you have some one else level you. You can’t just level up with abilities you want to use end game.

I use to be one of those people back when diablo 3 came out. I bought diablo 3 played it for about 3 hours and thought it was bad compared to diablo 2 and poe. Then I bought it again when they changed everything and added ros, but never even installed it because they removed trading. I actually burnt the box I was that upset with trading.

Then when diablo 2 r was announced for preorder with diablo 3 I bought it. At first I was just doing it for the story. I didn’t really understand any of the game play, but went to the forums, they got mad at me for saying things like I don’t understand why it’s so easy. They said well first your playing necromancer, and second your playing basically the tutorial which is the first entire part of the game. They also let me know that I could change the difficultly as I went, which I didn’t know at the time. They even got me banned from the forums at one point, because I worded the part of playing normal with necromancer as so easy I could slap my face on the keyboard and chew the mouse and win.

In the end now that I have played diablo 3 and d2r, I definitely like diablo 3 better. Diablo 2 r offers nothing better but trading, and I honestly don’t know ifthat’s better now. Do remember I burned my diablo 3 box because no trading. So trading is just another boring task I’m forced to do. I don’t want to sit in a game any more for 6 hours going HRs for trade
Unlike diablo 2 where u could grind mindlessly for 10000 hours and get legit nothing, diablo 3 balances the items better. It still feels great to get rare items, and it’s hard to get them , but it’s no where like diablo 2 where you could play endlessly and never get anything. I use to play diablo 2 for 1000s of hours, the only thing I remember finding was a levitation green armor, and it was random on nightmare in act 3. My friends like holy cow how you get that. I had to trade it for HRs to get equipment to even play. Which took me like 10 hours to figure out the price, and find some one to trade.

I just played 4 hours with my friend, and we ended up at Cain. I had 1 ability with a druid I could swing my hands around as a werewolf. Also zero useable weapons that were any good for either of us, that’s not getting into the fact we had to decide who gets what loot. 4 hours in diablo 3, I fought 2 bosses, with way more variety of combat that had me sweating bricks I might die. Had my choice of too many abilities to write here, and In fact I did die before that and had to start over, due to a miscalculated entry into a town house. They walled me in, I killed a mob that explodes on death and that ended that. I didn’t die at all in diablo 2 or even close to dieing, even with the lag spikes, and the game crashing. That was with a druid that has 1 ability lol. Yes I know if I grind a thousand hours I too can have more than one ability, and better gear. Well maybe on the better gear you never can tell. Even then though I don’t recall diablo 2 having many choices when it came to abilities, and there was zero room for experiment. You followed a cookie cutter or your character was garbage. In diablo 3 I never once worried if I was building my character wrong I had fun experimenting with all builds.

So yeah I understand the diablo 3 hate, I use to be there with it, it’s shallow and mindless, and chances are comes from ignorance or stubborness.

agreed. D3 s*** ballz

You sir, are completely right. No need to argue over such a solid and true statement.

no i won’t change your mind… why would i do that… you are right…

As a d2 veteran, d3 sucks so bad lol… d2 best rpg in history. No game like it !!!