Diablo 2 Resurrected is better than D3 change my mind

You act like this is a revolutionary position to take lol, it is common knowledge that D2R will wipe the floor with D3… Hell original D2 beats six D3’s.

d3 is superior game.
Players like me who can only play 30 minutes a day… we need this game changed to accommodate normal people with jobs and a life!

We also need an auction house so i can buy items. We shouldnt have to play all the way to hell difficulty to get good drops! And why are the drop rates so low its like they want us to suffer!!!

Im so tired of toxic gamers who want to be tortured by difficulty nowadays all i want is to enjoy the game not act like its a job!! I want all the items to have fast drop rates and i want the difficulty to be easier so i can beat hell difficulty and not have to level up too much!

WAAAHHHHH i want my mommy! i want my mommy right now! Im scared of this game!
Someone please tell blizzard to make these no-brainer changes so they can sell the game to the whiney non-gamer people like me.

True facts but disagree.

D3 sold 14 millions copy because of its name “Diablo” which getting reputation from D1 and D2. Try to sell D3 under difference and see how many copy sold (like PoE).

D3 wasn’t a bad game but its just not fit in diablo universe. One of example which is currently in developing. Diablo 4 until now it still look like D3.5

Well time will tell if D4 will be successful or not when out.

In D3 Cain was killed by a stupid butterfly…will never forgive them for this, if they wanted to make their mark on the Diablo timeline, they should have atleast given him a proper send of.
Tbh D3 isn’t a bad game all in all, but I wish they had given it another name and not had it in the Diablo universe, fits WoW more than Diablo, storywise its pretty lame and all the kamehame moments in bossfights are not impressive but only feel like wasting time and killing the immersion.
Basically as a Diablo game I think its a failure and as just an random arpg is it fine.

Try posting this in the Diablo 3 forum and see what happens.

I’d have to lie to you to even attempt to convince you.

Maybe wait until you actually play it first.

Not hard to be better than d3…

Die Blarney was a better video game… convince me otherwise.

D3 is basically a dumbed down D2. If you like dumbed down stuff then D3 is for you.

D3 is garbage built on the idea that everybody gets a trophy. D2 is built on the idea that you gotta work for it.

Why would i try to change your good working mind? :face_with_monocle:

Everytime ive played a D3 Season i was like “maaan i want to play D2 in new Graphics and the music was way better”, well… here we go.
Items of D3 were a huge let down, they werent rlly unique or special in terms of stats or attributes and in RoS (thats where i purchased after auctionhouse removal) it was just Torment 1 spam till set was full and suddenly it was max level torment.
It has never had a good progressionsystem, from super tough and boring, into super overpowered and finish.

Last Seasons ive roughly enjoyed for 8 Hours each, get set, enjoy 5 Minutes and be done with the Season because the main and biggest upgrade is already finished.
I just couldnt enjoy it, there are huge gaps in the progressionsystem of Diablo 3.

Sure, now over idk how many Seasons theyve finally added more things but damn man, this was not just super late that you can finaly put some gear on your merc rather than them just beeing a flat damage reducer, it also is just very far behind D2 systems still.

Everytime im playing with my friends D3 everyone is like “why cant we have mercs in multiplayer, even D2 has had that” and we basicly end up in a long conversation as of why D3 isnt as good as D2, thats how our Seasons usually end up with before we quit and go back into other Games lol.

This is not what a fact is. This is an opinion. Even if I agree with that opinion, let’s not confuse the two, or words lose all meaning.

Diablo II have always been better than Diablo III.
It’s a shame that Diablo III call itself Diablo.
It has completely lost focus of what Diablo is.
Does not even follow the roots of Diablo universe!
This is my opinion, but I know It’s people out there who agree with me.

D3 went down the wrong artistic path. even when it first came out, some of my friends and i were like… dang it. if only they would have made it more like D2 with better graphics?! I have never liked the overall look of D3. some of the maps are pretty cool and such but really after running through the levels, and game a couple times, it just was like meh.

That being said, i can jump right into a D2 game, even like today… it just has that draw to it. I sometimes fire up D3, and try and play it but it definitely lost its luster… kinda been like that since the first year of it. As for D2, just wish i had the characters i built up so many years ago, but bnet will drop you like hotcakes should you be gone and not playing for a couple few months :rofl:
So glad to hear that with the world servers, that that will no longer be a problem.

Gameplay wise, D2 is hard to beat. heck, ya, Bnet is still going… you can jump in there and still play… its had a longer runtime then i would have guessed seeing as most games are next to dead after about 7 years. unless they are games that are constantly upgraded like some of the console games.

Some would argue that D2 just doesn’t hold up graphically? but… thats about to change :grinning: :grinning:

Talking about graphics, and even gameplay… the one cool gem in D3 was the ability to have multiplayer on one console… giving it that Gauntlet feel. and it really kinda plays better that way too. but its still no D2.

diablo 2 was ALWAYS better than diablo 3. why do you feel the need to post about it

Yeah… my beta feedback of D3 was like this: Thanks for adding the Lichking into this Game, its not Leroic".
Never threwn a Beta off my Harddrive this fast, total of 20 minutes - still shocked about the Artstyle of D3.

I hate how limited Diablo 3’s skill system is.

I much rather have skill trees with branching and synergies like Diablo 2.

I think the biggest reason Diablo 3 fails is that its gameplay was built with console controllers in mind, and the game had to limit itself as such.

I’m curious how D2R will work with controllers on the consoles. Doesn’t seem like a good fit considering how D2 is designed.

I am really curious on the controllers too. even though i pre ordered for the pc version. ill probably get the playstation version too. as long as im able to hook it up with the bnet account and have that cross progression going on.

I don’t like cartooney artstyle in D3 which was why D2R is better.