I argue that remasters in videos games isn’t the same thing as remasters in other media, where they are often dealing with a physical reel or vinyl. There is much more room to improve a video game. Big changes don’t have to be only in remakes, remasters can also have changes case in point the current state of D2R.
I don’t know the scope blizzard will end up at, but I don’t think there would be any harm in having a new realm that comes with bigger changes then the base realms.
those 2 are good if they dont do that d2r will just suck like d2
Not always, i remeber having 2 distinct player types in the original…some like to build 57 characters, some build 2 or 3 and focus on perfecting them, grail chasers tend to be the players who build wealth trading excess goods where players like me never have unused wealth always chasing new builds and draining the bank.
The D2 experience I know and love was prior to 1.10. I’m not getting it.
So the e 40-60k playerbase that is split into mods and a battle net riddled with RMT bots can have a new day??? The game doesn’t need class balance either or an end game… game lasts two weeks at best in its cure r form! Refunds will happen the game lacks a ton