Delete my character accidentitly

Hello can you bringue back my sorcerceress i delet it accidently .

I think i don t have time to lelv up à Othe character …if its.dont possible i leave thé game thx

rip big dawg. hope you get your char back soon. lookin’ pretty rough rn though.

There is no way to restore characters you have deleted.

OK thx i delete diablo 2

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Did the same @kawa… uninstalled this… watching the game die… more then 5000+ people accidently delete their char… and they do nothing about it… just reading and deleting comments because they cant understand the frustration of days grinding vanish before their eyes by 1/2 simple clicks… “be kind… constructive criticism…” right… build a solution for a mayor problem… instead of crying about language… let people speak their mind and try to understand where u lack as a company… ofcourse u cant swear like crazy… but showing frustration in this case is very understandable… Ressurected? what is so different compared to the orginal… just the graphics + minor changes and an easy way to delete your char. and that for 40 bucks… enough money to build a database to store characters… Prove us wrong and reply accurate… instead of just saying… its not possible to restore… this is something that requires action/update IMMEDIATLY… this is my last comment… delete it again fast mister/miss admin/moderator… so people wont see and agree on it… while everything is 100% accurate… I might get banned again by this post full of truth… Gaming community… dont be scared to write what u truly believe/feel… P.S. show us the changes before ladder launches… and u might have a loyal+growing community back… Everyone stay safe and i wish you the best… Cya!

Ahah 40€ wasted because you can’t lvl up it again?.. Tell me this after years playing, but, after 10 days… Just ridiculous…