Delete button fix

As more people have had this problem blizzard should really do something about the delete button.
It happened to me being tired wanting to close the game but never closing instead deleting my character. Why is this not being fixed with a simple DELETE like in WoW.


Well, that button is like a IQ test :slight_smile:

But sure, very curios button.


I really dont get what the problem is, dont you go to the main menu where you see your
character in the middle, and then in the left column it says “Exit Diablo II”
on the bottom of the list?
Or are you not on the main menu when you want to quit the game?

I just hit the “esc” key on my keyboard then click the word exit.


You hover over the X, it says delete character. You press the X, it gives you a confirmation of deleting the character…

Possibly hiding the character controls with a big “Character Options” button? You have to press that to show create/delete buttons? That would be the next feasible thing that they could do.

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I almost did it once, when I was closing and opening the game a lot during the server issues. I have been just using escape since then.

Lol that happened to me…

This is currently on their, er… radar:

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they better not overdo it with a 24hour deletion timer like some other games lol, to protect the not-so-smart people.

I’m fairly confident they’ll most likely change the button to contain the actual word “delete” instead of just a big red X that looks like an exit button. That’d be the most logical change, along with having to actually type out the word “delete” like you have to in World of Warcraft.

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Not trying to sound like an a*s, but if you take your time and read you won’t make any mistakes - consciously make the effort to slow down what you’re doing on menu screens…

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Bad UI design has nothing to do with IQ tests.

Everything about it is interchangeable with an exit button, and noticing that it was in fact not an exit button after clicking it doesn’t make you a genius.

  1. It should spell out delete or display a bin rather than be an red button with an x which is what a lot of software use as exit symbol.
  2. It should make you spell out your characters name rather than having a popup which is similar as “do you want to exit the game”

It should also be mentioned that a red “x” is used to close windows in this game as well. So there is a lack of consistency with it being delete character in this instance.

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